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  1. Would earlier public knowledge of the South Pass of the Oregon Trail have boosted settlement?

    In 1812, John Jacob Astor's party discovered the South Pass of the Oregon Trail - it hadn't been looked for earlier becasue Lewis and Clark were looking for waterways. TheWar of 1812 meant the knowledge was ignored, and the first family to travel the trail did so only in 1840; it had to be...
  2. If the US buys everything north of the 37th parallel in 1829 - 2 big questions and others

    I read on here somewhere that the United States considered buying everything north of the 37th parallel from Mexico in 1829 that is the parallel that divides Colorado and New Mexico and Utah and Arizona, among other things. Suppose the Mexican Revolution takes a little longer in the United...
  3. Early end to Napoleonic War - Early Panic of 1819?

    The Panic of 1819 is said by some to mark the US's entry into the financial system of the world in terms of the boom-bust cycles. Part of the problem was that the Napoleonic Wars messed thigns up a lot - and his return in 1815 meant that even that growing year was disrupted. On the other hand...
  4. What if Burr gets 1 less electoral vote

    Clearly my fingers were on the wrong buttons. :) Anyway, let's say that Burr gets 1 fewer EV in 1800 and is, as planned, the VP nominee; and further butterfly away the Hamilton-Burr duel. (Say it's a Southern Elector who dislikes Burr's anti-slavery stance.) How does his career go? I've seen a...
  5. Benedict Arnold in an early American Revolutionary War win scenario

    Read a couple threads which discussed how, if America wins at Brandywine within two weeks of winning at Saratoga, it could prevent the British from taking Philadelphia and demoralize them enough that, after being unable to find a good victory in 1778, the British would just grant American...
  6. United We Stand - A Martin Luther King Jr. Lives TLIAW (or more)

    Is this really just a TLIAW? Maybe, it can be continued, I mostly did it in the early days of recovery from hernia surgery, and am still recovering slowly so not walking a lot, etc. I invite others to add once I get it started (since just giving the idea didn't spark anything) Oh, thanks for...
  7. ANC: Nixon wins in '68 withouty interfering in Paris Peace Talks

    Could he have done so? With more pressure to abstain from involvement - even a different VP could do it - I wonder if it's possible. Nixon won somewhat comfortably, though not horribly so, over Humphrey as it was. Wallacer had split a lot of votes off from Humphrey, and I wonder how much Nixon...
  8. Double vacancy before President takes office when only cabinet is next

    This is most likely to happen in 1913 so let me use that as an example of what I am asking. Woodrow Wilson notably almost got seriously injured in an accident while campaigning. He avoided that, but his stubbornness means that he could easily have not let people know how bad off he was until...
  9. Faster, Higher, Stronger, Wilder - Wilder Wins Presidency in '92 - a TLIAP(post)

    This rose from some thoughts and discussions in a few other threads and I decided to post it for a belated Presidents' Day treat and Black History Month. I don't have time to do a full timeline, but I think it'd be fun for someone else to flesh out. I'll note at the start I was torn on the...
  10. MLK Liv es! Dr. King, Media Mogul - A Collaborative TL

    The 2nd post explains why I changed this to a collaborative TL, because the one mentioned a few small paragraphs down is over 4 years old. However, feel free to borrow from it. Anyway, I was just thinking late at night about the fact that Dr. King had the heart reportedly of a 65 year old man...
  11. Baseball what-if - OTL 1st Yankee owners buy Giants

    ...good enough to win a couple pennants by 1911-1913. On the other hand. the duo finds Hal Chase, and that could be a perfect storm that leads to a *huge* scandal. Who owns the Yankees OTl then? I've heard George M. Cohen tossed about as an owner, and that's possible early on. I like the idea...
  12. A few hundred votes change in Brooklyn - Do they grow closer or further apart? only a few hundred votes in Brooklyn. Let's say those votes change for whatever reason. Some story of corruption with Tammany Hall ("We're *never* going to let that corrupt machine dominate us - we can build our own" :-) ), just something dumb said by one campaigner or a memorable quote...
  13. Effects of the USA entering WW1 with only volunteers

    When the United States entered World War I, President Wilson quickly called for a draft. However, Champ Clark argued for a totally volunteer army to go over to Europe. Of course, it's possible that his response would have been different where he president. This isn't quite like William Jennings...
  14. No US entry into WW1, how does it impact US in WW2 analogue?

    Let's say there's an Allied victory in World War One in roughly the same manner as OTL, but with no US entry. It might be Austria falling apart in 1917, or maybe something else; but, even if Germany doesn't go fascist (which it still could if there's enough instability), there is still Japan's...
  15. With a surviving American Association (baseball), what does Ban Johnson do w/his Western League?

    ...Also, if Rusie doesn't go back tot he Giants, would Johnson try to take advantage and move a team to New York as well as Chicago? The Giants would *really* be struggling,after all, partly because without Rusie in a few years, they can't trade for Christy Mathewson. But, this could prod the...
  16. 1912 - a four-way election fight

    Apologies if there is already a thread on this but there are 14 pages of threads with 1912 in the title. One reason I stopped around 1912 with most of the major things as we did that collaborative timeline about Lichtensteinian Alaska, Growing Mouse, Yes I had the democrats doing much more...
  17. Best city for integrated baseball team in 1870s to keep game integrated

    I'm planning to re-do my "If Baseball Integrated Early" world with a different take - instead of a great player who forces it, an anti-Cap Anson, I plan to have an owner or tw. Where would be the best place where a rich enough guy would be accepted doing it? In IBIE I used Philadelphia for a...
  18. This Means War - major league wars resume in 1920, a TLIAW

    How nice, another baseball one while the lockout… wait, that title… Don't worry, while the American and National League have a war starting in late 1920, the World Series isn’t canceled. This was OTL So, the Red Sox, Yankees, and White Sox...
  19. ACW: Could the Union have tried moving north from Suffolk?

    I don't know the geography of the area, though it probably can't be as bad as Churchill referring to the Balkans as the soft underbelly of Europe :-), but for a little over a year the union had 25 thousand troops garrisoned in Suffolk. A Google search shows that it's a good distance from...
  20. What if Grant in command at second Manassas/Bull Run?

    The suggestion was made earlier that oh, had Grant won decisively at Shiloh with Lew Wallace's attack from the rear, he might have been placed in charge where Pope was in our timeline since Grant had received his promotion a month earlier. Supposing that happens, and instead of Banks alone...