What if Burr gets 1 less electoral vote

Clearly my fingers were on the wrong buttons. :)
Anyway, let's say that Burr gets 1 fewer EV in 1800 and is, as planned, the VP nominee; and further butterfly away the Hamilton-Burr duel. (Say it's a Southern Elector who dislikes Burr's anti-slavery stance.)

How does his career go? I've seen a few people speculate that in ann Adams win in 1800 TL, Hamilton might or might not win in 1804. But haven't seen much about Burr.

It seems like he'd be disatisfied as VP and leave after 1 term to focus on the Presidency, but Madison seems very likely to be Jefferson's successor anyway; would Burr go on to serve in the War of 1812? Washington said he was brave but seemed just as skilled as intrigue - but might he, if the war grew hot, have been chosen anyway as an officer? Would a different President give him such a comission should war break out in 1812 as in OTL?

In one of my TLs - maybe 2 - I have him just becoming territorial governor of Louisiana and then governor, in order to "get him out of the way" and then let him work his intrigue in an area away from the main political base - if he does this, would he be able to come back and win in 1816 agaisnt MOnroe? It seems like he'd be done and considered "just another VP" but it's something I don't think I've seen discussed; it's either him as President or bust.

This might keep Theodosia alive, too, if she's with her father in a different place, away fromt eh storm that took her life in the Caribbean or Atlantic in the early 1810s.
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