Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

This is going to be controversial in certain circles, but I am wondering if anyone can think of a way to keep Ireland within the United Kingdom with a point of divergence occurring around 1918 ~ 1919?
This is going to be controversial in certain circles, but I am wondering if anyone can think of a way to keep Ireland within the United Kingdom with a point of divergence occurring around 1918 ~ 1919?

I can't see this being possible. Longer might be possible with bit earlier POD. But not much longer anyway. Keeping Ireland notably longer or even until 21st century you would need POD before Potato Famine.
I can't see this being possible. Longer might be possible with bit earlier POD. But not much longer anyway. Keeping Ireland notably longer or even until 21st century you would need POD before Potato Famine.
I have a plan regarding what I hope will be a peaceful path towards Irish Independence around the 1990s [fingers crossed without The Troubles] so it would involve Ireland hopefully remaining a UK Dominion until then.

I'm thinking that Labour comes to power after the Weltkrieg, joining their German Social Democratic counterparts. After a bunch of hamfisted attempts at passing reforms through Parliament and managing to royally piss literally everyone off in the process, they have the bright idea to try and cool relations with Germany through an economic deal and a diplomatic discourse. While Chancellor Ebert and his chief negociater Solf were open to the idea, the British people and government were not. After the vocal protesting of multiple veterans groups, former army officers, average British citizens, and the supposed personal displeasure of the King, a vote of No Confidence was initiated and succeded in ousting the Labour government.

I'm sorry if I wasn't good with names here. My knowledge of WW1 era British politics leaves much to be desired compared to my knowledge of German politics in that same period.
How's this as an idea:

During the First Weltkrieg, the French Commune and the Russian Bolsheviks [we'll assume, in this version, that the Reds still win the Russian Civil War] sign an alliance to spread their revolution to other countries. Germany and Great Britain do not fare much better, as a failed Revolution in Germany by mutinous sailors nearly results in the Kaiser being kicked off his throne before order is restored at the point of a bayonet, and the British are suffering from war fatigue; it isn't long before a vote of no confidence succeeds in ousting the Liberal Party from power, and a caretaker Government is formed which signs the Peace With Honour.

This being the case, the caretaker Government does not survive the first few years after the war; although Britain has clung onto its Empire, it has now entered a state of spiralling decline from which there is no going back. Labour wins the first postwar election, and forms a new Government. Inspired by the new Social Democratic Government in Germany's "March Reforms," Labour tries to pass a number of economic measures through Parliament designed to stave off complete economic collapse, but these only serve to alienate the left of the Party, not to mention anger Britain's Conservatives. To make matters worse, the French Commune is experiencing an economic boom, seemingly having fixed its own stability problems, and various extreme left ~ wingers begin loudly proclaiming Britain should align itself with the Communards, worrying the new, moderate left ~ wing Government. Figuring they have a mutual enemy in the form of the Commune and the Soviet Union, the Labour Government decides to make a deal with the devil and sign an economic treaty with Germany, possibly with an eye towards British participation in the MittleEuropa economic bloc. Unfortunately, the treaty is leaked to the press and outrages war veterans and the general public, who do not want anything to do with Germany so soon after the First Weltkrieg, and public opinion turns decisively against Labour and towards the Conservatives, led by Sir Austen Chamberlain, who win the next election with a comfortable majority.

This sound plausible?


Gone Fishin'
This is going to be controversial in certain circles, but I am wondering if anyone can think of a way to keep Ireland within the United Kingdom with a point of divergence occurring around 1918 ~ 1919?
Not really plausible IMO. You need a POD during the Easter Rising at the latest, that was the big tipping point that cause nationalist sentiment to overtake autonomist hopes, coupled with the lack of implementation of the Third Home Rule Bill.
You finally can get the main branch if the house of Savoy in power. The only problem is that you have to completely crush the entente to do it.

By the way, I think it would be cool if monarchist Italy could bargain to join a side instead of being automatically pro entente. In my game the Germans took sudtyrol, it would make sense if they could offer it in exchange for me joining the RP.

The extended tech tree mod is a must have, this is China
This is going to be controversial in certain circles, but I am wondering if anyone can think of a way to keep Ireland within the United Kingdom with a point of divergence occurring around 1918 ~ 1919?
Not really plausible IMO. You need a POD during the Easter Rising at the latest, that was the big tipping point that cause nationalist sentiment to overtake autonomist hopes, coupled with the lack of implementation of the Third Home Rule Bill.
Late commenting here, but I agree with Worffan. The only thing that could possibly stave it off by that late point would have been if the government had been more lenient on the Volunteer leaders: it was the crackdown post-Rising and the execution of the main leaders that really tipped the scales to outright nationalism becoming the major sentiment.

I mean, when the Brits are literally carrying a wounded man to his execution on a stretcher...
Late commenting here, but I agree with Worffan. The only thing that could possibly stave it off by that late point would have been if the government had been more lenient on the Volunteer leaders: it was the crackdown post-Rising and the execution of the main leaders that really tipped the scales to outright nationalism becoming the major sentiment.

I mean, when the Brits are literally carrying a wounded man to his execution on a stretcher...
To do that, you take John Maxwell out behind a woodshed and beat him soundly....I mean you make sure he's not in charge of the aftermath of the rising.

Basically, Maxwell illegally (as found by the British Army's own lawyers) tried the rebel leaders under secret military trial without the presence of defense. Charles Blackadder (no, really, fecking Blackadder) sentencing 90 people to death does not help, especially as then you have Maxwell confirm 15 of those executions, with 14 being carried out (Dev having the devil's own luck as usual).

You'd need a PoD that basically puts a civilian legal expert in charge of the aftermath and overrides the military's actions post-Rising, but to do that you would need a Westminster government more willing to crack down on the military, during wartime, which would probably require a PoD so far back that WW1 itself might be butterflied.
Guys, how do you think independent Merchant Corps ruled China would look like? As in they unify China and defeat Japan by themselves, becoming the hegemon in Asia with a puppet Korea


For context, his Kaiserpedia page is here
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I noticed something coming from a recent post.

Basically TNO is a Romanov wank, since the house of Romantic controls not only Russia but also Montenegro.

So, KR in another hand is a Bourbon wank. You can make them control Spain, France and Italy, effectively making them as strong as the Hohenzollerns.