Indochina War if the KMT wins in the CCW

I doubt, they weren't very relevant once the French returned (all resistance movements outside, and perhaps even including, the Viet Minh were irrelevant).
True, but yeah, propping up non-communist alternatives to the Viet Minh would be priority Number 1 for Nanjing in its Vietnam Policy.
Uncle Ho broke them like a twig in the immediate post-war period IOTL, all while trying to appease the KMT troops until they left. Without a CCP victory, however, the Viet Minh would have to do a lot more to placate Chiang and avoid a KMT intervention, and it may not be enough.

That said, the VNQDD still needs a viable leader to challenge the Viet Minh. No such person exists IOTL, but maybe someone unknown could fill that void ITTL with KMT help.
Uncle Ho broke them like a twig in the immediate post-war period IOTL, all while trying to appease the KMT troops until they left. Without a CCP victory, however, the Viet Minh would have to do a lot more to placate Chiang and avoid a KMT intervention, and it may not be enough.
What do you exactly mean by KMT intervention? Help to the French colonialists? China trying to invade Indochina?
What do you exactly mean by KMT intervention? Help to the French colonialists? China trying to invade Indochina?
Help the VNQDD, maybe not with a direct invasion, but probably material support. I'm very sure the KMT would prefer not to have the French next door, almost as much as they would the communists.
But the VNQDD is kind of irrelevant at this point.
That's why I said this earlier:

That said, the VNQDD still needs a viable leader to challenge the Viet Minh. No such person exists IOTL, but maybe someone unknown could fill that void ITTL with KMT help.

If this were a written TL, they'd be an original character. Not sure how else to explain this better.

Otherwise, I do agree with you. All the info we have on the VNQDD pretty much points to them being hopeless in challenging the Vietminh.