first indochina war

  1. EasternRomanEmpire

    Indochina War if the KMT wins in the CCW

    Before Chinese support to the Viet Minh, they only held a narrow strip of land in the mountainous regions of Northern Tonkin; had the KMT won the Civil War how would the Indochina war unfold?
  2. Second Sino-French War over Indochina

    POD 1934 long march fails completely CCP is eliminated Second Sino Japanese war still happens, KMT hold out until Japan is defeated and surrenders to USA , Chiang occupies japanese occupied china and He is allowed to occupy Indo China until French return as in OTL but refuses to withdraw since...
  3. Longevity of First Indochina War without US support

    How long can the French keep fighting in Indochina if they never had US aid bankrolling the costs of the war?
  4. Gillan1220

    What if Masanobu Tsuji was brought to justice?

    I'm pretty sure you've heard of this evil man's name. Masanobu Tsuji was one of the architects of the Bataan Death March. He was also known to eat livers of captured POWs. After the war, he escaped justice by traveling to Southeast Asia and China several times. In China, he was arrested by the...
  5. WI: America assists France in First Indochina War

    Using any POD imaginable, what would occur if the United States fully committed to assisting France (as in, sending massive amounts of ground troops) in crushing the Communist Viet Minh in the First Indochina War? How would the Cold War be different without massive American involvement in the...