WW1: Industrized China Central Power

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how would an Industrialized China Industrialized per unit as Germany fight WW1 allied with central powers if it already conquered Japan, Korea, Philippines and never gave up outer Manchuria to Russia
WW1 and 19th century European wars happen similary because far east didn't effect wars in europe significantly yet. Europeans would rather fight each other than fight China

Chinese Industrialized the following way

Qianlong emperor realizes importance of technology and acceepts macartney embassy. He and his successors modernize military, admininstration and staff them with commoners stripping elite of power. They modernize Chinese economy throught out 19th century reach level of Germany. They beat west in opium wars and conquer/ assimilate Korea, Philippines during Spain's Carlist wars, Veitnam before France, Japan by intervening/backstabbing Tokugawa in Boshin war, .
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Would World War I as we know it even happen in this scenario? Sure, there could be an assassination that leads to two alliances going to war against each other in 1914, but geopolitics would be very different if China had won the Opium Wars and conquered Korea, Vietnam, Japan, and the Philippines. And given that colonization and wars over colonies made up a large portion of European history at this point, there's no way the butterflies are going to avoid Europe.

Also shouldn't this be in the pre-1900 section? The POD is way before then.
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