WI: Zemstva-led Russia?

(I’m not relying on wiki, just using it as a reference point)

I’ve been having a blast with Mike Duncan’s Revolutions, as he plods through the Russian Revolution. And I keep coming back to this one idea: what if the various Zemstva took the place of the Soviets (as in the institution of workers councils, not the adjective referring to inhabitants of the USSR) in the revolution?

Thats it, thats the idea. This is more or less just another “liberal Russian Revolution” post, but with a fun twist: we get to come up with a fun name for post-revolution Russia that includes the fun to say word “Zemstva!” (or zemstvo)
What reform potential there had been in zemstvos, was squeezed from them after Alexander II's death. In 1905 they were considered nothing more than a redundant appendage of the bureaucratic machine.
What reform potential there had been in zemstvos, was squeezed from them after Alexander II's death. In 1905 they were considered nothing more than a redundant appendage of the bureaucratic machine.

Seems they were pretty pro-active during WW1, doing all sorts of things the state was supposed to do - but couldn’t be bothered to. Sounds like a great organization for a revolutionary government.