WI: Second Schleswig War

What if Denmark had won the 2nd Schleswig war, how would the German unification be effected and if the Austro-Prussian War happend as it did in our history. Would Prussia be more careful with a Denmark that is having more focus on their military in 1866 (and might want revenge for the war in 1864), compared to how it went in our history?

Lets say that the Danes withdraw from the Dannevirke line as in history, but utilise the railroad in Flensburg, to transport the heavy artillery to Dybbøl (If possible).

The battle for Dybbøl would still be won by Prussia, but with a more costly victory for Prussia, because of more heavy artillery, and better prepared defensive position.

Lets say Prussia lost 3000-4000 men in the battle instead of 1200, Denmark would loose around the same amount of men as they did in our history.

The Danish army then withdraws to Fredericia, and instead of abandoning the last defense in jutland, General Niels Christian Lunding decides to defend the position.

The Danish army defeats the Austrian army that is besieging Fredercia, with help from reinforcement from Copenhagen or even the Swedish troops that was promised to come and help the Danish army.
After the defeat the Austrian army withdraws from Danish land, Prussia is now alone.

When Denmark lost the Second Schleswig war, the goverment stopped to use the military as a political tool, and Denmark lost 1/3 of its population.
This would probably not happen if Denmark won the war.

how would Denmark be ? and would there be a Third Schleswig War ?

Sorry for any spelling mistakes.
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Prussia could probably cope with two Pyrrhic victories, Denmark too?
Schleswig-Holstein is an essential part of Germany and two complete defeats would certainly have influenced the formation of the Empire
Population of Denmark: 1.7 million
Population of the Rheinprovinz: 3.0 million

There is no way Denmark could have won a war against Prussia alone, not considering Austria taking part as well.
Well they won the first Schleswig War, with help from Uk, France and Russia if i remember correct?

If Sweden actually had helped, i think i would be possible ?
With help from Sweden, it certainly is possible. ONLY with help from Sweden, though. Otherwise, the Danes are screwed as per OTL.
Well they won the first Schleswig War, with help from Uk, France and Russia if i remember correct?
Not quite. The UK, France and Russia persuaded Prussia to agree to an armistice, but that Prussia and the rest of Germany was occupied by its own internal problems was also a major factor.

If Sweden actually had helped, i think i would be possible ?
The help of Sweden would not make much of a difference. Unless one of the Great Powers joins the war, which becomes more likely as longer the war stretches out, Denmark is screw. The power difference is just too large. And Germany has built up at least a small navy since the First Schleswig War, so the Danes don't even have that advantage anymore.
Well if the only way for Denmark to win, is if a great power joins their side, how would you make them hold out long enough to let a great power interfere?
The big stumbling block with getting the Great Powers to intervene on Denmark's side is that the whole war started over Denmark breaking the terms of the agreement the Great Powers mediated to end the First Schleswig War. Needless to say, that used up a lot of the international goodwill Denmark might have gotten.
Denmark did indeed violate the agreement that was made in 1848, making it hard for a great power to interfere without a very good reason.
I am starting to think that Denmark, had no chance to win the 2nd Schleswig War and keeping Schleswig and Holstein.
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