WI: Rule of the Major-Generals = England's Sengoku Jidai?

So, some context. In the 1650s, during the rule of Oliver Cromwell, he tried to institute what can be best described as a military dictatorship in the Commonwealth. England and Wales were divided into eleven regions, each governed by a major-general who were Puritans, Congregationalist reformers with Calvinist leanings, and all answered to the Lord Protector. The major-generals clamped down on what they considered to be rowdy behavior like heavy drinking, music, dancing, fairs, and even Christmas celebration. As you can probably imagine, this period proved to be incredibly unpopular. The final nail in the coffin for this experiment was when Parliament voted down the "Militia Bill", which was a bill would have perpetuated the Decimation Tax that funded the mounted militia, which was collected by Cromwell's Major-Generals and caused this system to fail.

What if, the Rule of the Major-Generals continued, with the "Milita Bill" not voted down... and then it completely backfires. Instead, it just fractures England and Wales further, creating what can only be best described as "England's Sengoku Jidai", where the Major-generals becomes so powerful with their own militia army, they started to go to war with each other?

And if it's necessary, killed Oliver Cromwell during all this.

So, with this wild scenario established, how long could this "Warlord Period" last before order is brought back to England? Could the Royalists make a comback?