WI Reinhard Scheer, Reichspräsident

Just found it claimed when looking for something else - German wikipedia also mentions it, also without source: Apparently Hindenburg planned to build up the "victor of Jutland" as his successor shortly before Scheer died suddenly in 1928. He had been in talks about running for president with DVP support in the early 20s, but ultimately nothing came from it after the murder of his wife and almost his daughter. Could not find a lot about his politics, but with his earlier contacts with the national-liberals, his propaganda for naval affairs and him personally reaching out to his British opponents I assume he would run in 1932 as a broad tent, democratic, moderately right wing candidate somewhat similiar to Hindenburg, but be less bound to East-Elbian special interests and 15 years younger. So WI he does not die in 28, instead visits Jellicoe as planned and runs in 32 with Hindenburgs support?
So the pocket history of Germany is this from the internet:

"In 1929 as the Wall Street Crash led to a worldwide depression. Germany suffered more than any other nation as a result of the recall of US loans, which caused its economy to collapse. Unemployment rocketed, poverty soared and Germans became desperate. This led to a chain of events that ended in the destruction of German democracy:
  • With the government unable to win a majority in the Reichstag, laws could only be passed by presidential decree. As a result, not enough action was taken to tackle the economic and social consequences of the Depression and Germans increasingly began to look to the political extremes for answers.
  • The Nazis benefitted from this the most, as a combination of policies with widespread appeal, a charismatic leader in Hitler and the violence of the SA helped make them the largest party in the Reichstag by the middle of 1932.
  • In January 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg.
  • Hitler quickly set about dismantling German democracy. He forced the passing of an Enabling Act through the Reichstag, which gave him unlimited powers for four years. He then eliminated any potential sources of opposition: other political parties, trades unions and even Ernst Rohm, the leader of the SA.
By the time President Hindenburg died in August 1934, Hitler was able to declare himself Führer and had absolute power in Germany."

So would Scheer change much of the stuff in red. He might live longer, does he resist pressure to do the Reichstag Fire Decree, Fight the Enabling Act????

If he does successfully WW2 is avoided.