WI if Elvis did star in a Star is born?

The only reason he did not is do to Parker interfering wanting more money etc. What if Parker does not stop Elvis from staring alongside Barbra Streisand . Would that be enough to keep him alive into the late early 1990's or beyond I don't see him living today.
I think the real reason Colonel Tom would not allow Elvis to do A Star is Born is that he did not want his "boy" to be exposed to the business side of showbiz with Streisand. His worst nightmare was Elvis and Babs talking together during a break in filming and Babs telling him that as he was the King, he really should not have the old Colonel anymore as his manager. Babs- "You're Elvis Presley, the King! You don't need the Colonel anymore!"
I think the real reason Colonel Tom would not allow Elvis to do A Star is Born is that he did not want his "boy" to be exposed to the business side of showbiz with Streisand. His worst nightmare was Elvis and Babs talking together during a break in filming and Babs telling him that as he was the King, he really should not have the old Colonel anymore as his manager. Babs- "You're Elvis Presley, the King! You don't need the Colonel anymore!"

That would probably kept him alive longer and maybe happier..
From what I read about the Colonel, every time a promoter from the UK, Australia, or Japan had a very high and generous offer for Elvis to perform overseas, the Colonel's answer was always "That'll be fine with me but how much are you gonna pay my boy?".
From what I read about the Colonel, every time a promoter from the UK, Australia, or Japan had a very high and generous offer for Elvis to perform overseas, the Colonel's answer was always "That'll be fine with me but how much are you gonna pay my boy?".
he really did ruin Elvis big time.. to bad no one had the power to get him away from Elvis


Gone Fishin'
That would be good for Elvis could have a career like Sinatra have his version of the rat pack ,record albums and star in dramatic films .