Wi: Emílio Médici as Premier of Italy.

Emílio Garrastazu Médici was the Brazilian dictator from 1969 until 1974, being a member of the house of Medici of Tuscany that had emigrated to Brazil during colonization. His government was marked by a satanic overspending, rampant corruption and one of the sturdiest highways to hell built on good intentions, all enveloped by all the repression and violence a dictatorship can bring, in a period known in Brazil as "years of led", ironically the same as in Italy.

Well, we know Médici personality, we know his views, we know the timeframe he lived in, as such I was wondering how would he fare as the PM of italy had he taken power in 1969.

Let me invite the Brazilians I know, and please, invite more people, specially Italians to talk about that.

@Vinization , the human encyclopedia
@Guilherme Loureiro the scholar above everyone
@Diego faithful friend of Dora the explorer
@Monter who is an "s" away from being a monster
Médici would grow up very very different country. He would be even genetically different even if same looking and same name. His life experience would be different assuming that history otherwise would go similarly. His ideology would be completely different.

Frankly, these what if X would had born and lived outside of his country threads are bit pointless because their lives would are very different from OTL and would are usually completely different people, so different that we couldn't recognise these characters altough they would look same and have almost similar name (just more fitting their alternate nation).