WI Different interpretation of darwinism... or an earlier gay rights movement.


Presume that sometime in the mid or late 19th century we have some nutcase come up with the idea that the 'inferior' are self selecting themselves out of the gene pool with homosexualtiy and therefore homosexuals need to tolerated in mainstream society in order for them to not be pressured to breed/have children. Also presume that this nutcase manages to get the ear of influential power elite types in various european/american political groups.

Does anything change in the world with an earlier acceptance of homosexuality in the west? I'd imagine we'd see more acceptence of this theory in protestant nations(protestantism isn't as focused on continuity of docrine) than in catholic nations.

Before you guys lynch me for 'non plausibiltiy' remember that the premise for scientific racism or eugenics is just as flimsy(this could tie into eugenics with some of the 'unfit' being homosexuals and voluntarily decides to breed). Also remember that western society pretty much ignores the other laws stated in leviticus(not eating shellfish and wearing 2 different types of fabric in clothes).


You guys can credit/blame Stalin Malone for this idea. He was going on about an early 20th century gay rights movement so I took it to the next logical step.


Presume that sometime in the mid or late 19th century we have some nutcase come up with the idea that the 'inferior' are self selecting themselves out of the gene pool with homosexualtiy and therefore homosexuals need to tolerated in mainstream society in order for them to not be pressured to breed/have children.

They don't need to be tolerated to keep them from breeding -- just round them up and wipe them out (or jail them, depending on the nation).

I'd imagine we'd see more acceptence of this theory in protestant nations(protestantism isn't as focused on continuity of docrine)

Uh-huh. Riiiight. And which brand of Protestantism are you talking about? They're all just as devoted to their doctrine as the Catholics are.


1 The nutcase I'm presuming would in his idea be prasing them for taking themselves out of the reproductive pool. Yes my POD is absurd but then again so is the whole idea of eugenics/scientific racism. In a TL where both exist and had a major influence in world affairs then I don't see how my suggestion is impossible.

2 I meant protestantism as a whole. Ther'es no united hiearchy of protestantism.


1 The nutcase I'm presuming would in his idea be prasing them for taking themselves out of the reproductive pool. Yes my POD is absurd but then again so is the whole idea of eugenics/scientific racism. In a TL where both exist and had a major influence in world affairs then I don't see how my suggestion is impossible.

It would probably work better under a form of Marxism -- "we're all workers here, regardless of orientation"

back in the 1800s and even into the early 1900s, the idea of Darwinism was more "nature red in tooth and claw"....they didn't ask the sickly and such from not breeding; they passed laws and forcibly kept them from breeding.

2 I meant protestantism as a whole. Ther'es no united hiearchy of protestantism.

That doesn't mean they don't care about doctrine -- they just place different levels of importanace on the various saints and other intercessors.
I wouldn't call it a gay rights movement.
If (nutcase talk) gays are inveriorm why should they have the same rights?


Won't happen. People who dislike gays dislike them because they're "immoral" and/or "repulsive" not so much for what they do but for the fact that they do it at all.

The whole idea of breeding involves sex, which is immoral to them for any other reason than procreation (and not even then for some) so they'll have no part of anything which encourages such behavior.

Please note also that your idea posits that gays are born such, which is also another central element people of this type do not accept.