Chapter 20: Orleanist Fervour 1496 - 1504
The sudden death of Charles VIII would spark a chain of events that would end in Burgundy's detriment. The treaty of Dijon which signalled peace between France and Burgundy was further extended after the Italian wars and the peace of Vercelli which only lengthened the truce between France and Burgundy until 1501. Philip the Rich at the time was more focused on German and imperial affairs such as the diet of Worms and the Hanseatic Dilemma. Philip the Rich's position in Italy would slowly deteriorate throughout the length of the Italian wars, as it went from a carefully woven Burgundian-aligned balance of power to a French and later Spanish-Imperial dominated peninsula. The focal point was Louis de Orleans now Louis XII due to Salic Law since Charles was without any male heirs would begin the process to divorce his wife in order to marry Charles' widow. Anne widowed Queen of France and Duchess of Brittany was now eager to keep her duchies independence but her treaties with France would force them to approve any marriage. Louis would not have Anne marry anyone else other than her. The only one who could try to stop this from happening was the pope, and Burgundy.

Anne of Champagne would not need much convincing of herself nor her husband to forbid the ending of her sister's marriage to Louis XII, as Philip wished to weaken France with an independent Brittany, while Anne had a bit more of a personal reason, her sister asked her to and the siblings were always quite close. The following trial would be one which would display the influence of France on the Papal States. Pope Alexander VI was once again keen on bringing France into Italy. The reasons were fairly simple, Alexander VI wanted to expand his papal domains for his family, and the new tentative restored balance of power could be easily ruined by reinviting France. The trial would argued primarily with Burgundian lawyers and funds while the details of the trial were incredibly damming towards Louis XII the result did not change and the annulment was granted thereby allowing Louis to remarry Anne of Brittany and tying the duchy permanently to the crown of France. This loss in the trial would only slightly benefit Burgundy and Joan was granted the duchy of Berry as an appanage and the alignment of Joan with Burgundy would bring back a bit of the pro-Burgundian faction within France. This trial while humiliating to France, would not stop the inevitable for France's rapid conquest of both Brittany and Italy.

The remarriage of Anne of Brittany to Louis XII would further strengthen the bonds forged by Charles VIII practically turning Brittany into an inseparable piece of the French crown although this would be achieved by his cousin Francis I of France legally later on. The treaty of Blois would see a former Burgundian ally move to the French side, Venice. This treaty would divide Milan between the two countries with Louis XII being recognized due to his grandmother being a Visconti, Duke of Milan. However, Louis would employ both his predecessors' tactics and the signature Burgundian diplomacy to ensure neutrality during his conquest of Naples. The peace of Etaples was negotiated which ensured peace between France and England. A further peace was sent out to both the emperor and Aragon now led by the fearsome catholic monarchs, would resigned the peace of Barcelona, which ensured imperial and Spanish neutrality for only cash and agreements to weaken Burgundy for the emperor while for Spain, it would be the recognition of the resale of the counties given to Aragon under Charles VIII. Louis XII would now have the strength and diplomacy to dive into Italy and conquer the lands that he believed were taken from him. The inheritance of Milan and Naples into the French Crown was now at hand.

France had spent the last two years under Charles VIII to refine the army and improve the naval capacity of France, with the dockyards of Arles, and Marseille at hand. Charles VIII and Louis XII would reconstruct the French fleet after the disaster at Rapollo. His brother in law, Peter II of Bourbon would begin to assist in greater administrative capabilities as they began to fully implement the French Estates diet of 1484 which Louis and Peter which to implement but was blocked by Anne, Countess of Champagne and wife of Philip the Rich. Louis XII, now armed to the teeth with his state of the art army and navy would march to Milan immediately. Burgundy who practically controlled Savoy was quite easily bribed and threatened to allow Louis' forces to pass through much to Philip's anger as he focused in Landshut during the war of Landshut Succession. He would also gain the support of the vengeful Swiss who were eager to conquer lands in Milan in order to secure their southern border and an alliance with the French King against the Burgundian dukes and Austrian archdukes would be a much needed relief for the Swiss. The appointment of Philip of Cleves, an anti-Burgundian who believed his inheritance of Cleves was taken away from him as Cleves was conquered by the Burgundians in 1491 to the governor of Genoa would further secure his southern flank and by late 1499, all of Milan had fallen under Louis XII's control with Ludovico escaping once again to imperial court in Innsbruck under the Habsburgs.

This rapid conquest of practically all of northwestern Italy would frighten the Venetians who now realized that the treaty of Blois favoured the French to an unreasonable degree began to formulate plans to detach themselves from France and form an anti-French alliance just like the league of Venice of 1495. These plans would accelerate with the fall of Pisa from the French in 1500 would further strengthen the French position by gaining the now practically vassalized Florence as another ally. The reemergence of Ludovico under the lead of a Swiss-Imperial army in 1500 would only slightly strain Louis' position who decisively defeated Ludovico and had him imprisoned for the remainder of his life. The entirety of northern Italy was now firmly in his grasp and he would march south to Naples to seize what Charles had failed, the Kingdom of Naples. This conquest would be as easy as the conquest of Milan, with reluctant papal support, due to promises of fiefs granted to Alexander VI's children Louis would seize Capua force Frederick to abdicate and hand over the throne to him and would be crowned as King of Naples in 1501. This decisive lightning fast victory would now trigger a grand coalition of Burgundy, Spain and the Holy Roman Empire against France.

Burgundy would play a limited role in the league of Cambrai, an anti French league formed between the three powers, limited sporadic fighting would occur all over Burgundy and Savoy, no victories of substantial note would be achieved by the Burgundians as the reforms of both Charles VIII and Louis XII ensured that the French army was not the army that Charles the Absolute or Philip the Rich would defeat in the war of Lotharingia, or the Burgundian war of 1472. It would be Joan of Berry, sister of Anne of Champagne that would ensure peace between Burgundy and France, paying a large indemnity to Burgundy and minor territorial concessions in Nemours. In Spain, Louis XII, at the helm of his army and navy would launch an invasion of Sicily while Peter II would lead raids in Catalonia finally driving out the Spanish with the treaty of Syracuse, agreeing to Ferdinand recognizing Louis' ascension as King of Naples. The empire would fare no better in this as Venice refused to abandon their French ally out of fear of the return of imperial control of Venetian territories would lead Maximilian into a fruitless campaign against Venice. The losses against the Swiss in 1499 would not do Maximilian any better as Philip of Cleves would lead a reinforcing army that would drive out Maximilian in the battle of Padua decisively crushing the imperials in a two-pronged attack. The Treaty of Blois in 1502 would confirm Louis XII's status as Duke of Milan per his inheritance from his grandmother Valentina Visconti. The second Italian war would see the complete dismantling and co-opt of the grand Burgundian alliance of Italy into a French sphere of influence. Burgundy would only gain small lands east of the Seine ruled by the Duke of Nemours who was also now viceroy of Naples. The annexation of Milan and Naples, two of Burgundy's wealthiest allies by their main rival of France would horrify Philip who would seek any opportunity to drive out France from Italy while the solidification of Florence and Venice as practical French vassals would not help the situation and finally the death of Alexander VI and the election of Pope Julius II who was a French partisan would now complete the gauntlet of French dominance over Italy. The only states that was major enough to oppose French dominance over Italy was the Duchy of Savoy, a Burgundian vassal and enabler of French dominance and the ravaged kingdom of Sicily ruled by the Spanish.
So the glorious retreat of Charles VIII led to the complete and utter victory of Louis XII? Very nice, we will return either to the Holy Roman Empire, Italy or Scandinavia or maybe colonialism we will see.
So the glorious retreat of Charles VIII led to the complete and utter victory of Louis XII? Very nice, we will return either to the Holy Roman Empire, Italy or Scandinavia or maybe colonialism we will see.
Really hoping For the moment Juan and his heir know luck the french out of italy.
Still love your work
Could you give me an abridged version of all the new borders for a map please
Burgundy controls all the lands of 1475-1476 + Champagne and all of its enclaves such as Tonnerre, Vertus etc. + the inheritance of Burgundy-Nevers so Nevers, Rethel, Eu, Barony of Isles
It has directly annexed Guelders, Cleves, Friesland and East Frisia. It has influenced the archbishop of Trier, elector palatine, Free City of Aachen, Julich-Berg, Prince-Bishopric of Strasbourg, Prince-Bishopric of Basel. Burgundy annexed what is modern-day Switzerland that is owned by Savoy along with Haute-Savoie (roughly). They also annexed the minor counties in between Burgundy and the prince-bishopric of Strasbourg along with the county of Sausenberg, They conquered from the Swiss confederation everything west of Aare river and anything south of the Aare river has been annexed by Savoy.
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Chapter 21: The melting of the Diarchy 1499 - 1505
Burgundy while the premier prince of the empire would slowly watch their position in the empire weaken with the strengthening of the emperor. However, Burgundy would not be idle in both the colonization game nor would Burgundy let the western powers of Spain, Portugal and England seize the riches of both the far east and of the New World. This divergence of focus would be heavily criticized by contemporaries and scrutinized heavily by modern historians. The hiring of an explorer, Giovanni da Verrazzano to explore what is now known as the modern east coast of Lotharingia. This discovery and mapping of the east coast in 1501 would be the precursor of Burgundian expansion outwards of Europe, throughout the remainder of Philip's reign, Burgundian merchants now reorganized under the Burgundian Indies Company would head south towards Africa and west towards North America in the hopes of discovering and circumventing both the Portugese and Spanish dominance over the Atlantic. It would be the richness of Burgundy due to the heavily urbanized centres of Flanders that would give Burgundy quite the strong edge, buying out rights to various ports in the Canaries and Morocco from Spain and Portugal, respectively and establishing new ports all across Africa in the hopes of reaching India. This expedition was barely profitable for Philip who would not even receive any profit until after his death from this attempt at empire building and yet it would pose a huge question for the empire in the reichstag of Augsburg in 1500. Do these new ports count as part of the Holy Roman Empire as Burgundy was a subject of the empire?

The imperial diet of 1500 would be crucial for Burgundian interests as the matter of African colonization would be the final argument over rulers with other domains. Another important thing would be the imperial circles, something keenly noted by Philip as if manipulated properly could further his control over the vast Burgundian domain. The issue first at hand in the imperial diet was the creation of imperial circles, already agreed upon in the diet of Worms in 1495. Maximilian would strike first by creating broader circles that encompassed various electorates thereby uniting them in terms of imperial administration and common defence, something Philip agreed on principle but while Philip wished to expand the circle into including his influenced states such as the electoral palatine or the archbishopric of Trier. Maximilian would refuse outright not wishing to strengthen the Burgundian hand but giving further influence to Burgundy instead he solidified the borders of Philip's current domains to include the other ecclesiastical princes that were completely surrounded in his domain.

The final seven imperial circles were created, Bavaria, Franconia, Swabia, Rhine, Electoral Rhine, Burgundy, and Saxony would be created. This would isolate but solidify Burgundy's control over its own domains and its ecclesiastical vassals such as Utrecht and Liege but importantly for the emperor it would allow the emperor to influence Bavaria as his own Austrian domains were part of the Bavarian circle. The electors themselves were satisfied with the changes as it further pushed away Burgundy from the Rhine electors and in particular the eastern electors of Brandenburg and Saxony now could influence their neighbours in the Saxon circle while the crown of Bohemia, not part of the imperial circles themselves solidified their crown under their nobility to push for further independence from the empire. The agreement over imperial rights over colonies would be settled, as Philip would persuade the diet that the new colonies since they were owned independently by the Burgundian Indies Company they could not be subject to imperial law or taxes unless his duchy palatine would be elevated to a kingdom, whether this argument genuinely worked or if politics merely favoured Philip is still unclear but the diet would agree, arguably reinforcing the point of foreign princes within the empire as this agreement that you could rule from both within the empire and outside the empire by a mixture of conquest and inheritance would allow Louis XII to take Milan, an imperial fief in 1502 without any objections from imperial law.

Philip would spend his time dedicated to maintaining the Kalmar Union while also fighting against the Hanseatic League. Maximilian however would focus primarily on the disaster that unfolded in Bohemia but both of their interests would converge back into Bavaria and the electoral palatine. The marriage between future Christian II of Denmark, Norway and Sweden with Margaret of Burgundy was on paper, one of the strongest alliances possible and ironically in the year between Charles' death and Henri's birth Christian II could have inherited all of Burgundy and become the most powerful ruler of Europe again on paper but fortunately for Philip, the birth of his second heir Henri of Burgundy would save Burgundy from the chaos of the Kalmar Union. The reality on the ground with the marriage between Christian and Margaret was that John was holding onto for dear life, his crown of Sweden and Norway fighting over noble rebellions left, right and centre. This marriage firstly for Philip meant two things, the conquest of Frisia and the replacement of the Hanseatic League with a Burgundian dominated commerce in the Baltic Sea and English Channel. The conquest of Frisia in 1485 would secure these goals as with the introduction of new ports along Friesland and East Frisia. Burgundy had a near dominant control over the North Sea only rivalled by the English who were ruled by the brother of Philip himself. This diarchy of trade would soon extend into the Baltic Sea as the Lubeck dominated Hanseatic League would face a fierce opposition of Burgundian-Danish trading that would result in wars against Lubeck and Sweden in 1517.

However, that is too far into the future Sweden would declare independence from John of Denmark in 1500 leading Burgundy into a war against the Swedes who managed to win in Hemmingstadt, but John could not seem to secure the crown of Sweden forever as the regent, Sten Sture lead guerrilla campaigns against the combined Burgundian-Danish army, finally in 1502 a peace was agreed in which Sten Sture would remain as regent but John would return as King of Sweden and be allowed to enter Sweden and take on the role as king. This slight alteration of the status quo would just overstretch the Kalmar Union but to Philip he would achieve a victory in his books and gain a new imperial ally albeit a small one, the Count of Oldenburg, Schleswig and Holstein while they were ruled by the Danish king himself that influence northward would be a trend for Burgundian power projection. His new son-in law Christian II would rule Norway with his new wife Margaret and began to strip the titles and powers of the Norwegian nobility much to their dissatisfaction and would be appointed Viceroy over Norway.

Maximilian would have far better luck, the marriage between Vladislaus II and Beatrice of Naples turned out to be an illegal one as the annulment of his previous marriage to Barbara of Brandenburg was never properly given and now Vladislaus was considered bigamous. This would work out brilliantly for the emperor who with his influence over the Hohenzollerns along with papacy would practically excommunicate him and render him isolated and weak. Finally in 1500, a full dissolvement over both marriages occurred was granted by Pope Alexander VI but with the treaty of Brno stating Maximilian as his heir if he had no male heirs would leave Vladislaus marrying Germaine of Foix daughter of Louis XII's sister Anne of Orleans. This final marriage now tied by the emperor and the papacy would result in no heirs for the Bohemians with Maximilian inheriting Bohemia by 1516 however this was getting ahead of Maximilian's ambitions as he would turn to Bavaria and watch as the fractured duchy would finally unite under Albert IV.

The war of Landshut Succession would be the first genuine conflict between the diarchy of the empire. Burgundy who supported the elector palatine was trying to claim the inheritance of Landshut for Philip's third son, Ruprecht while Albert IV who united the majority of Bavaria would defeat the electoral palatine in the war while Burgundy would do its best to save the elector palatine. This war was a disaster for Burgundy as the losses would allow an imperial rather than Burgundian arbitration in 1505 which granted the Palatine only a fraction of territory from Bavaria-Landshut going to the Palatine while Maximilian would expand his own territories of Tyrol, expanded the free city of Nuremberg and Bavaria would be finally united through sole male-preference primogeniture and not division. The reasons for the loss of Landshut were due to a couple of major things, first was Maximilian's military genius throughout the campaign fighting smartly and fiercely but more importantly was the death of Rupercht, the claimant to Landshut with his death the entire campaign and momentum collapsed. Burgundy however would gain something from this battle, the finalization of the marriage between Henri I, Prince of Namur, to Maria, heiress of Julich-Berg. This victory in negotiations which saw a straining of imperial-saxon relations as previously the emperor was pressuring the marriage to go to the future Henry IV of Saxony but now as a precursor for Austrian interests in Bavaria that scheme was given up. This would be summarize Philip's foreign policy throughout the later years of his reign, a failure in his position due to bad luck but yet expanding his core position and territory.
Good progress in Philips part

Hope Louis XII loses Naples and Milan

But max getting bohemia in 1516 is a comfort
Maximilian the man who laser focused on one thing and one thing only, his wife's inheritance over Burgundy and not on anything else. Maximilian had a very good chance of gaining Bohemia and Hungary within his lifetime IOTL and since he's not focused on Burgundy and Burgundy only it makes sense for him to succeed in Hungary and Bohemia.
Maximilian the man who laser focused on one thing and one thing only, his wife's inheritance over Burgundy and not on anything else. Maximilian had a very good chance of gaining Bohemia and Hungary within his lifetime IOTL and since he's not focused on Burgundy and Burgundy only it makes sense for him to succeed in Hungary and Bohemia.
Very happy he got them
Chapter 22: The Pearl of Lombardy 1504 - 1515
The League of Cambrai would be the beginning of the destruction of the French position as French dominance over Italy would be slowly whittled away. The complete victory of Blois would lead to one particular ally eager to remove themselves off the French yolk: The most serene republic of Venice. Venice had gotten the short straw with division of Milan not expecting all of Italy to bow down to France with this treaty and began to seek allies. Burgundy already quite maddened by the victory of France would join this new alliance along with Spain now led by the aging Ferdinand II of Aragon. Spain was already in quite the dire situation with the sudden death of Juan the Sickly of Castille and Isabella of Castille as well, the regency of Castille was jointly held by Catherine of Navarre and Ferdinand to eventually pass on all three kingdoms of Navarre, Aragon and Castille to their son Charles along with his twin sister Eleanor. Ferdinand wanted to pacify any French attempts at expansion as France and Aragon always fought over the lands near the county of Barcelona, the Portuguese claim to both their crowns laid heavily over Ferdinand's head as it had not been only decades since Portugal had claimed the crown of Castille through the illegitimate Joanna and Ferdinand would not allow Aragon to fall under Portugal.

This league of Cambrai would be formed by England, Burgundy, Venice and Spain in the hopes of crushing France once and for all. Venice desired a removal of French lands in Milan and their influence in general, while Burgundy not necessarily having a claim to Milan itself wished for it to return back into another Burgundian client state as it had under Charles the Absolute but English and Spanish ambitions were far larger, Spain under both Catherine and Ferdinand wished to push their claims to Naples and Upper Navarre respectively as Catherine's French inheritance was seized and given to a relative in the house of Foix by order of Louis XI and Ferdinand bought the claim of his relative Frederick of Naples and wished to pursue his claim to Naples. England on the other hand, who had peace for the entirety of John II's reign wished to reclaim their former French lands in particular Normandy as they still claimed by the Channel Islands, which were part of the duchy of Normandy. The death of Margaret of York would further these plans as Margaret fostered connections between Burgundy and England as dowager for both nations while doing her best to keep England at peace but now John had solidified his reign completely and ran the nation perhaps not completely as smoothly as his half-brother Philip but far better than Richard III, or Henry VI, he now sought glory and wished to restart the age old rivalry with France. This would be further increased with an alliance with Aragon by his eldest son, Arthur marrying Catherine of Aragon youngest child of Isabella of Castille.

This circle of enemies around France would be further increased when Maximilian finally announced his intention of taking the actual title of Holy Roman Emperor. Maximilian had spent so much time campaigning in Switzerland, Hungary, Bohemia, and Bavaria he did not undertake the usual Italienzug until 1508 and joined up with the League of Cambrai. This complete anti-French alliance would be the epitome of Louis' great diplomacy and strength however and he would soundly defeat them all in pitched battle. Immediately he began negotiations with the emperor over partitioning Venice with him and bringing back the long dead margarvate of Verona. The empire itself only provided 15000 men and with Louis in Milan at the head of an army, the emperor reluctantly agreed, determining it would be better to march south through Venice to arrive at Rome. Other reasons was the argument over Milan which Burgundy wished for one of their own partisans to take it over or to decide by right of conquest instead of returning the lands to Sforza who at this point was an imperial puppet. Importantly for Maximilian was the lack of trust given to him by the Venetians who obviously didn't rightfully believe in the emperor not leaving Venice after the Italienzug. This betrayal by the emperor would shake Burgundy especially considering the pope was a newly anointed French partisan. The French would strike first into Venice attacking the League of Cambrai much to their horror and shock. Things would go downhill immediately, as Venice would decisively defeat Maximilian throughout the campaign using ostensibly Burgundian mercenaries and Philip's army would engage Louis' in Milan.

This offensive led by France and the Holy Roman Emperor would come to an end as a three year truce signed between the emperor and Venice would be signed as Burgundian mercenaries raided Carniola, Carinthia and as far as Styria. This betrayal of the emperor wouldn't shake Louis' resolve as he would decisively defeat Philip near Geneva signing a humiliating peace with Burgundy and England giving up Picardy, Boulogne Calais and importantly Champagne back to France. These defeats were masterminded by the Bourbons lead by Charles who led a brutal joint naval-army campaign against the English and Burgundians raiding London and Amsterdam. Ferdinand who already lost brutally in the second Italian war would not make the same mistake however, learning and updating his armies conquering Naples outright and leading raids that devastated all of Aquitaine and as far as Toulouse. These decisive victories would see Charles of Savoy flee to Burgundy as his lands were conquered, Genoa crushed brutally in a revolt and Florence expanded conquering Siena and Lucca in wars and practically establishing the Medici as dukes of Florence or Tuscany de facto although it would still be called a republic.

A new alliance was formed between Venice and the Pope in the hopes of decisively driving the French out of Italy once and for all backed by the Spanish and the imperials lead a brutal war against France and Ferrara. This would give France the change to retake Naples however, decisively conquering almost all of the papacy except Latium itself while Venice would be driven into a corner giving up huge lands west to the duchy of Milan as Louis would conquer the lands that were once held by his ancestors the Visconti of Milan. Importantly with the peace would also allow himself to invade Naples and begin to fight the Spanish fiercely driving them out of Naples proper and preparing an invasion of Sicily itself. Charles of Bourbon would also led a two pronged attack into Navarre and Barcelona. The peace of Capua would merely confirm the territorial gains of 1504 seizing Sicily itself finally reuniting the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily uniting them into a full kingdom of Sicily.

The changing of the pope from a French partisan into a warrior pope against French interests in 1511 however would doom the incredible win of Louis XII who saw the emperor finally join the Burgundians in the Holy League which was a remake of League of Cambrai in which Venice, Burgundy, Spain, England, and the Habsburgs would finally join together in a war against France this would be shown clearly with the double marriage of Charles and Eleanor of Spain with Albert and Anne of Austria. This final alliance would not even drive out France out of Milan as a series of successful pitched battles by Louis would keep his domain of Milan completely secure but the loss of Naples, Champagne, Picardy could not be understated as John would finally lead his dream chevauchee in Normandy while Philip would finally complete his reforms of his armies and decisively defeat Charles at Beauvais and lay his siege of Paris. The peace of Brussels however would set in the reality of France's power. Catherine of Navarre would renounce all of her claims to Foix lands, Ferdinand would gain Calabria, Bari and Otranto, Milan would be expanded much to Venice's expense. Genoa would remain a French Vassal, the Expansion of the pope and Florence would also be recognized, Savoy was annexed by France, Burgundy and England would regain their lost lands in the peace of Nancy of 1509, and Austria would gain minor territorial concessions from Venice.

The death of Louis XII, the father of the people and the scrouge of Italy would come as a shock as well, since Louis did not have any male heirs, his cousin Francis assumed the throne by also marrying Louis' daughter Renee legally binding Brittany to France he would also assume the lands of Milan and Naples. His fiscal administration and improvements in military strained France ever so slightly but made him incredibly popular with both the nobility and people. The conquest of Milan and Naples would further the Italian renaissance in spreading into France. His military brilliance in fighting practically all of Europe would be spoken of for generations but arguably it would be these conquests that would be slowly undone becoming the lasting legacy of Italy as a new equilibrium would set between Burgundy, Habsburgs, and Spain in Italy. Arguably he bested Philip the Rich and Maximilian the Last Knight in both military and diplomacy. France would be set by Louis XII as the most powerful christian state in Europe and it would remain so until the Valois succession crisis.
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France especially under Louis could very easily dominate Italy like only a couple of events have to go differently, like Charles VIII actually getting a profit from his conquest of Naples. Not inviting Spain early into Italy with the treaty of Grenada. These events would probably happen with a strong Burgundy because it will be a tough time for France an independent Burgundy is always a tough time for France. Tough times lead to smarter people just ask Louis XI.
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France especially under Louis could very easily dominate Italy like only a couple of events have to go differently, like Charles VIII actually getting a profit from his conquest of Naples. Not inviting Spain early into Italy with the treaty of Grenada. These events would probably happen with a strong Burgundy because it will be a tough time for France an independent Burgundy is always a tough time for France.
Can't wait for france to fall into chaos