TL-191: After the End

What happened to the Russian population of Alaska after the US seized it? Did they ultimately return to Russia or did they stay and were ultimately drowned out by Anglophone settlers?

After the conclusion of Operation Husky, some Russians left Alaska for the Russian Empire, though most remained. Those who were released from the former Katorga camps that had been built by the Russians also elected to remain in Alaska.

By 2023, a plurality of the population of Alaska is descended from US citizens who arrived after the end of Operation Husky. The rest of the population of the state is divided between those descended from Russian settlers and the different Alaska Native groups.

The Russian Orthodox Church was once the largest Christian denomination in Alaska, though it lost ground after Operation Husky to the Catholic Church and different Protestant denominations. Alaska also still has a sizable Old Believer community by 2023.
What's the analogue to the Kim family doing ITTL with continued Japanese occupation and the end during the 4PW?

The analogue to the Kim family never became influential in TTL. No members of the family ever reached positions of political power or became famous after the end of the Fourth Pacific War in the Republic of Korea.
Out of curiosity do the countries of that make up IRl Indonesia like Celebes, Moluccas (I forgot if you mentioned if these islands were independent or a part of Celebes) , and West Papua speak a variety of Malay/Indonesian, or are local languages the official language?

I was surprised you gave Malaysia Sarawak and Sabah in your timeline. Did Malaysia here run into similar problems it did irl where the Philippines and Indonesia claimed their territories in North Borneo?

By 2023, there are a variety of languages that are spoken in the nations of Celebes and West Papua. English is taught in both nations because of the influence of the United States and the membership of both nations in the CDS.

The island of Borneo had high levels of internal conflict during the Fourth Pacific War, though it was one of the last regions to be liberated from Japanese military rule. A military conflict between Malaysia and the Indonesian Republic over the status of Sarawak was only prevented in the early 1970s by diplomacy from Bharat and the Ottoman Empire.
I don't think this has been asked yet, but is the German Empire's national anthem still a variant of "God save the king" or has it been replaced with another song ittl? Also, what's the anthem for the Russian Republic?
I don't think this has been asked yet, but is the German Empire's national anthem still a variant of "God save the king" or has it been replaced with another song ittl? Also, what's the anthem for the Russian Republic?

I would imaginate this being anthem. It was anthem of OTL German Empire.
I don't think this has been asked yet, but is the German Empire's national anthem still a variant of "God save the king" or has it been replaced with another song ittl? Also, what's the anthem for the Russian Republic?
And as an aside note, does “Erika” or similar marching songs exist in this timeline?
I don't think this has been asked yet, but is the German Empire's national anthem still a variant of "God save the king" or has it been replaced with another song ittl? Also, what's the anthem for the Russian Republic?

By 2023, the national anthem of the German Empire is “Heil dir im Siegerkranz.”

By 2023, the national anthem of the Russian Republic is “Goodbye and Forward,” which was originally a song of the republican forces in the Second Russian Civil War.
By 2023, the national anthem of the German Empire is “Heil dir im Siegerkranz.”

By 2023, the national anthem of the Russian Republic is “Goodbye and Forward,” which was originally a song of the republican forces in the Second Russian Civil War.
Considering that, what is the status of the “Deutschlandlied” in this timeline
What is anthem of France ITTL? Marsellaise probably would be seen bit unfavorable light there.

By 2023, the national anthem of the French Fourth Republic is “La Marseillaise.” The song was suppressed under the Action Française regime, but was revived after the end of the Second Great War.
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By 2023, how difference in appearance is the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin in comparison to its counterpart IOTL?
Also, considering that the eastern provinces (e.g. Silesia, East and West Prussia, and Pomenaria) of the German Empire was never lost ittl, what are they like by 2023?
By 2023, how difference in appearance is the Potsdamer Platz in Berlin in comparison to its counterpart IOTL?
Also, considering that the eastern provinces (e.g. Silesia, East and West Prussia, and Pomenaria) of the German Empire was never lost ittl, what are they like by 2023?

By 2023, Potsdamer Platz looks completely different from our world. Potsdamer Platz did not experience anything like the devastation caused by World War II in our world, and was not shaped by anything analogous to the Cold War and the Berlin Wall from OTL.

Potsdamer Platz is one of the most famous and visited places in Berlin, and is still a center of its nightlife. It’s also one of the wealthiest areas of Berlin. There are a wide range of architectural styles that are represented in the buildings of Potsdamer Platz, though there were efforts beginning in the 1980s to protect older buildings from demolition.

By 2023, Silesia, Pomerania, and the eastern regions of Prussia have higher populations compared to our world, and are also economically wealthier. These regions did not experience the same levels of devastation that was caused by the Third Reich and World War II in our world.

Silesia is one of the industrial, quarrying, and mining centers of the German Empire, if not to the extent as in past decades. Pomerania has a higher urban population compared to our world, but has an economy that is still mostly related to agriculture.

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination in the eastern regions of the German Empire, and there are large numbers of Poles living in these areas. Some cities in the eastern regions of the German Empire also have large Jewish communities.

By 2023, some cities in the eastern regions of the German Empire, such as Königsberg [OTL Kaliningrad] and Breslau [OTL Wrocław] are known for their universities.
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What is the state of IOTL Deep South states ITTL, are they more or less developed than in our world, considering that some of their number are considered to be the least developed states IOTL.
When it was rebuilt, was any effort made to preserve Paris’s original appearance.

Also, what does Traflagar Square look like in comparison to its counterpart IOTL?
What is the state of IOTL Deep South states ITTL, are they more or less developed than in our world, considering that some of their number are considered to be the least developed states IOTL.

IIRC David has stated ex-Confederate states being poorest regions of USA.

When it was rebuilt, was any effort made to preserve Paris’s original appearance.

Also, what does Traflagar Square look like in comparison to its counterpart IOTL?

And were many famous landmarks reconstruckted? Buckingham? Westminster Abbey was probably reconstructed since it has been extremely important church for English/British royals at least since days of William the Conqueror.
IIRC David has stated ex-Confederate states being poorest regions of USA.

And were many famous landmarks reconstruckted? Buckingham? Westminster Abbey was probably reconstructed since it has been extremely important church for English/British royals at least since days of William the Conqueror.
I recall David saying that the Eiffel Tower was rebuilt after the war, so the same could be expected for the landmarks you mentioned?
What is the state of IOTL Deep South states ITTL, are they more or less developed than in our world, considering that some of their number are considered to be the least developed states IOTL.

.By 2023, the Midsouth, which consists of the former CSA except for Sonora, Chihuahua, Cuba, and the Republic of Texas, has not recovered demographically or economically from the First Great War, the Red Rebellion, the Second Great War, the Destruction, or the flight of over three million people from the former CSA, mostly to Texas, in the first generation following the SGW.

Beginning in the 1980s, large numbers of people began to leave the Midsouth for other regions of the Union for economic reasons. By 2023, there are large enclaves of migrants from the Midsouth, known as “Dixielands,” in many northern and western US cities.