Pan-Asianist (Minus most of the imperialism) fever dream, basically

The way I see this timeline playing out:

1. More successful Freedom & People's Rights Movement
2. Industrialized, independent Korea via successful Gapsin Coup
3. Sino-Japanese War
4. Industrialized China via successful Hundred Days' Reform
5. Boxer Rebellion crushed by stronger Qing
6. Independent Philippines via no Spanish-American War
7. Xinhai Revolution still occurs and succeeds despite facing stronger resistance
8. Chinese history continues as it had in OTL (Warlord Era, etc.)
9. Prolonged Taishō Era (No Mukden Incident, Sino-Japanese War avoided)
10. Japanese diplomatic aquisition of Southeast Asian colonies during WW2 (Granted independence after war end)
11. Unified China under Nationalist government forms a regional bloc (Prevents rise of communism in Southeast Asia)
12. Sino-Japanese reapproachment in order to curtail Soviet influence (Form a sort of mega-ASEAN/Asian NATO)
13. Sino-Japanese split after fall of USSR
12. Modern-day US-Japanese alliance/Sino-Russian alliance

I invite anyone to improve or revise this timeline if you think something is implausible or unrealistic
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There are couple of missing things let me add:

South Asia

- Pakistan under the rule of jihna succesfully liberalize and democratize and a successful strong democracy with a low powered military is formed
- first kashmir war started but is resolved peacefully by both sides kashmir conflict never starts
- in India during Indian national congress elections Patel wins and is supported by Gandhi, Nehru becomes the vice PM rather a actual PM
- both india pakistan start to open there economys and thus go closer to west rather than the east
- Sri Lankan communist rebellion is prevented via a newly formed intelligence agency
- Nepal joins India with Bhutan
- political unstablilty in Myanmar triggers the a "peacekeeping" intervention from India and Pakistan to prevent a refugee crisis
- in 3 year's the Myanmar military junta is defeated
- a new federalised Myanmar government takes its place thus preventing the massive ethnic conflict we see today
- by 1956 india tests it's first atom bomb due to threat rising at its borders because of pla
- by 1962 Pakistan tests there bomb for the same reason
- by 1965 all south Asian nations build there own self defence and economic pact to save themselves from the ashes of cold war
- Chinese aggression continues to increase and thus promoting the feeling of Neo - south asianism
- by the end of 1990s most industries that should have been set up in China are now in india and pakistan
- the union grows to a massive success due to common interests and a single threat ( China)

This union represents something of Asian today but Is also a military organisation it also have political institutions