Templar, Arizona

I looked around and didn't see there had been a thread about this yet, so here we are.

Templar, Arizon is a is a webcomic set in an alternate timeline. It's not hard-and-fast "let's take a realistic POD and methodically plot out the results" kind of alternate history, it's more of a "let's take a bunch of fun alternate ideas and see what sticks." In the author's own words:

Templar, Arizona is a story about a town that doesn’t exist, and the people who live there. I alternately describe it as speculative fiction, an alternate timeline, and an alternate history.

This isn’t the Arizona you’re probably thinking of. This is a different Arizona. This is a slightly irregular Arizona that fell off the back of a truck somewhere, and now all the power outlets are a weird shape and a couple of wars never happened.

Templar’s populated with junkies, fuck-ups, pretty girls, millionaires, hockey teams, weird religions, dumb subcultures, and people in love. So it’s a lot like the cities you might already be familiar with, except the air there gives you Miner’s Lung and nobody has a cell phone.

Other features of Templar:
  • A violent Australian civil war!
  • Legal prostitution and drugs!
  • Militant communist squatters!
  • A subculture devoted to telling the truth at all times!
  • Egyptian religious revivalists!
  • A fast food chain that sells guinea pig!

Check it out!
I'm reading it but I'm already disappointed because the main character isn't an Asian but rather some sort of Harry Potter type of dark-looking white.

Or is he?!?
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