Some Great AH Comic Book Titles To Check Out

Just browsed through it. Sure was a steaming pile of shit.
When I saw it it was in english. Whole thing was basically Japanese propaganda. If you follow the pictures is basically reads: the Americans were no match for our pilots and kamikaze tactics, their assaults fell before our defenses, here is the firebombing of Chicago, the US surrendered when we dropped nuclear weapons on Los Angeles and then San Francisco, this is a Japanese victory parade in Berlin, let MacArthur die with his sunglasses on, Japan is a strong country.
When I saw it it was in english. Whole thing was basically Japanese propaganda. If you follow the pictures is basically reads: the Americans were no match for our pilots and kamikaze tactics, their assaults fell before our defenses, here is the firebombing of Chicago, the US surrendered when we dropped nuclear weapons on Los Angeles and then San Francisco, this is a Japanese victory parade in Berlin, let MacArthur die with his sunglasses on, Japan is a strong country.

The fact that it read like a propaganda piece was the point of the story. It was to show that despite the perceived nobility, the Japanese militarism would lead to some evil deeds being ignored or forgotten...
Planet of the Jap sounded interesting at first, but the more I read about it online, the less I want to read it. This colourful statement I found online sums it up nicely I think:

Planet of the Jap is less a revanchist fantasy and more of a critical parody of the masturbatory character of quite a few kakusenki (架空戦記) works. Kakusenki is basically military alternate history where most of the time you have Japan winning the Pacific war with fantastic weapons or brilliant strategies out of nowhere. They can literally be so ASB that a nickname is "cremation war story" because it's only worth for fuel. If you actually look closely at some scenes of Planet of the Jap (starting from the title page), you'll notice that there are several ejaculations. It's a direct allusion of masturbatory kakusenki.
Might I recommend Ignition City by Warren Ellis?

Basically, Martins invade in the middle of World War II and space travel becomes common, but by 1956 Earth is mostly isolationist with only Ignition City as the last remaining space port.

I haven't read Uber by Kieron Gillen, but it looks promising. It features Axis and Allies starting their own super powered arms race. From what I've seen it's very bloody and violent, and starkly realistic (super powers not with standing)

I've also heard of a series simply called CSA: Confederate States of America it looks promising: a pure alternate history comic. However, the promos I've seen suggest it's going to be basically a big Lost Cause rant and the authors might insert personal biases that could ruin it. Plus, the sequels look like...well, it seems like realism might get lower and lower as the series goes on
Try MULTIVERSITY by Grant Morrison.It is a 6 issue series due out 20 August.There are a multitude of different Earth Characters.Looks promising.It may produce some changes to the new 52.Think Newsarama and other comic book sites has a discussion or two.