
Ruduruda, or Ruttu the Red, was the most famous warlord and tyrant in Scandinavian history, and given their history of tyrants, from Ragnar Lodbrok to Harald Hadrada and everyone in between, that's quite an impressive feat. Before him, Scandinavia belonged to the Nords, and after it belonged to the Sami.

The early years of the life of Ruttu are lost to history, only left to legend. The most popular legend is that he came from the tribe of Silktavas, and during a tournament-gathering of many local tribes (similar to the Greek Olympics) during which Ruttu of the Silktavas was the worst preforming, almost dying several times. Out of embarrassment, the Chief of the Silktavas and brother to Ruttu banished him. Ruttu fled in a heralding journey across the mountains to the tribe of the Verotika, where they accepted and befriended him. At this point, Ruttu trains in the art of fighting, battle, and war. Five years later, Ruttu ended up becoming the leader of the tribe of the Verotika, and decided to get revenge on his brother and claim the tribe of the Silktavas. Upon crossing the mountains and reaching the Silktavas, instead of having a fair dual with his brother, he rather just had him murdered by an arrow barrage. He demanded that the rest of the Silktavas concede to him or parish. Logically, they bowed before Ruttu and had him become chief.

From there, it's no longer legend and but known history. By 1071, he had united the Southern North-western Sami, and in that same year he invaded Sweden, culminating in the Battle of the Blizzard or Christmas Battle in 1073. The two armies of Sweden and Sapmi met north of Uppsala, but because of am incoming blizzard, the battle was delayed... Or at least that's what the Swedes thought. Ruttu, decided to march through the blizzard with his Reindeer Calvary (Screw Bear Calvary, Reindeer Calvary is the best Calvary), dealing a deadly wound to the Swedish army and letting him capture Uppsala, which he then declared his capital. It was after this that the Nords started calling Ruttu as Ruduruda, Rudu being the Swedish form of Ruttu (which itself comes from a Nordic name) and Ruda being Swedish for Red.

But this wouldn't be Ruduruda's last campaign. Starting 1079, he invaded Norway under the rule of Olaf III. The two nations battled for six years, battling over influence of the Scandinavia peninsula. But again, it was a clever but dishonorable tactic that led to his victory, this time more so than any before. This time, Ruduruda sent a soldier to surrender to Olaf, just for the soldier to draw a knife and stab Olaf. He would die three days later, and Norway was suddenly on the brink of civil war. It was at this time Ruduruda was able to convince Norway to give up Trondheim among other lands.

Finally in 1093 the Emperor Ruduruda, the terror from Borealis, passed away. But the legacy of Ruduruda will go on forever.

map can be seen here
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Ruttu the red-axed tyrant
had a very bloody sword
If you ever saw him
You would probably join his horde

All the other Sami
Used to be quite hostile
They even sent Ruttu
Into long, harse exile

Than one cold winter year
Ruttu came to say
'Oh brother you hold your sword so tight,
How about I slay thee tonight?'

And how the Sami feared him
As they sat and shook in fear
But we have more to tell
You have more to hear

Ruttu the red-axed tyrant
had a very bloody sword
If you ever saw him
You would probably join his horde

All the other Nordics
Thought he was just a pest
But the most terrible Ruttu
Was going to show who's best

Then one snowy Christmas Day
Ruttu planned to fight
Ruttu charged cross the field
And forced his enemy to yield

And how the Sami loved him
As they saw their victory
Ruttu the red-axed tyrant
You'll go down in history!

Ah, Christmas
In OTL, the Sami were not this unified. Was there even a Sami identity in the 11c?

I can't say when Sami became a united identity, it was probably after this period, but I imagine if a single man was able to unite many of Proto-Sami together, it could probably accelerate the unification process

Besides, this isn't meant to be taken seriously. This was just me taking the story of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and turning him into a tyrannical warrior.
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And had Sami People even so advanced society that one man could unite tribes under his banner?

I'd imagine that unification of the Sami would happen in a similar way to the unification of the Mongols under Genghis Khan, especially considering how similar their societies were set up. The only thing the Sami would have to do is domesticate the reindeer to be horse-like, which, sadly, I don't think had truly happened by this point.
Well I like it. Seems nice, simple and fun, even if the plausibility is a bit wonky. But I think that's more for demographic reasons than the supposed impossibility of proto-Sami unity.