Ribbentrop avoids detention longer

Ribbentrop was arrested in June 1945 after a failed attempt at disguise and hiding. If Ribbentrop tried to escape and hide and avoided detention longer, he would have been found, arrested and taken to the Nuremberg Trials with no chance of successful escape from or delays to the Nuremberg Trials on his behalf. This is because Ribbentrop, as the Nazi foreign minister, was a high ranking, famous and easy to identify facially, in name and in war crimes committed by him Nazi, not unlike Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Goebbels, Bormann, Hitler's other highest ranking and inner circle Nazis and the other Nazis prosecuted at Nuremberg. Ribbentrop would be too high ranking, famous and easy to identify to escape like Eichmann and Mengele, so, Ribbentrop would be found and arrested sooner or later in 1945 as mentioned and hanged as in reality if not suicidal, but he won't flee to Argentina nor be allowed there in Argentina.
That probably wouldn't change anything. I don't know how good Ribbentrop would be hide himself but indeed his problem is that he is one of most hunted men and his face is well-known unless he try get different outlook. And probably no one really want protect him anyway.
My point is that Ribbentrop, Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Goebbels, Bormann, Hitler's other highest ranking and inner circle Nazis and the other Nazis prosecuted at Nuremberg would be too high ranking, famous and easy to identify to escape like Eichmann and Mengele.
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By the way, could any of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg be able to escape like Eichmann to Argentina? Obviously not Goering, Bormann, Kaltenbrunner, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Jodl, Seyss-Inquart and the like.

For the non-executed/ not sentenced to death, Raeder, Donitz, Speer, Hess, Funk, Schlacht, Von Papen, Krupp and Ley should be too well known to be able to escape and be allowed into Argentina if they even made it there with Eichmann, Mengele, Skorzeny and Klaus Barbie.

My best bet is that only the lower ranking, lesser known Nazis tried at Nuremberg could have made it to Argentina with a change of name and obscurity like Eichmann. Sauckel, Fritzsche and Schirach may be the only Nazis who could have escaped to Argentina like Eichmann in my opinion.
My best bet is that only the lower ranking, lesser known Nazis tried at Nuremberg could have made it to Argentina with a change of name and obscurity like Eichmann. Sauckel, Fritzsche and Schirach may be the only Nazis who could have escaped to Argentina like Eichmann in my opinion.

I wouldn't call Sauckel and Schirach low-ranking. Both are Gauleiters, which is one of the highest ranks in the Nazi Party (and frankly on a practical level more important than some Reichsleiters). Moreover, Sauckel is one of the most important slave-drivers of the Third Reich and thus an important player in industrial politics, and Schirach is well-known as the former head of the Hitler Youth. They're not on the same level as say Speer, Göring or Kaltenbrunner, but not trivial figures. Frankly Sauckel's more important than Seyss-Inquart.

So they're not in the same category as Fritzsche, who's just a department head in the Propaganda Ministry.
I wouldn't call Sauckel and Schirach low-ranking. Both are Gauleiters, which is one of the highest ranks in the Nazi Party (and frankly on a practical level more important than some Reichsleiters). Moreover, Sauckel is one of the most important slave-drivers of the Third Reich and thus an important player in industrial politics, and Schirach is well-known as the former head of the Hitler Youth. They're not on the same level as say Speer, Göring or Kaltenbrunner, but not trivial figures. Frankly Sauckel's more important than Seyss-Inquart.

So they're not in the same category as Fritzsche, who's just a department head in the Propaganda Ministry.

You think Fritzsche would be the only Nazi tried at Nuremberg who would have been able to make use of name changes and obscurity to flee to Argentina like Eichmann? I think so.
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You think Fritzsche would be the only Nazi tried at Nuremberg who would have been able to make use of name changes and obscurity to flee to Argentina like Eichmann? I think so.

Honestly, if Fritzsche avoids being captured by the Soviets in Berlin then there's frankly little reason to assume he'd have to change his name and flee to Latin America...considering how many Nazis who were more relevant and notorious than him managed to live in West Germany without ever being held accountable. Including most Gauleiters who'd survived the war, and people who'd directly participated in Aktion Reinhard or T4.

Fritzsche wasn't important. He was a Ministerialdirektor, which is a mid-level civil service position, and responsible for the Propaganda Ministry's radio division. I'm not saying this to whitewash him, he was another Nazi scumbag, definitely knew about their crimes and did his part to promote the Nazi regime through propaganda efforts, but in the greater scheme of things he was an unimportant figure.

He ended up being tried because 1. Goebbels was dead and 2. he happened to be available for the Soviets since he'd offered to surrender Berlin to them after Hitler's suicide, and they'd barely captured anyone. Honestly, it would've made more sense to try Naumann in Goebbels' place since he was his 2IC and right-hand man, but he'd managed to live under an assumed name for five years after Germany's lost, and was never held accountable for his role in the regime after he re-emerged.
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