President William Jennings Bryan POD

Othniel said:
He wins one more state in the 1983 elections, preferablely New York.

Bryan winning the 1983 elections would be fanastic! However, I can only see him really winning in Cook County, not carrying a whole state.

However, I think there was some WI earlier about Cleveland being successful enough to have served three terms or something and Bryan succeeding him to the White House was mentioned.
David S Poepoe said:
Bryan winning the 1983 elections would be fanastic! However, I can only see him really winning in Cook County, not carrying a whole state.

However, I think there was some WI earlier about Cleveland being successful enough to have served three terms or something and Bryan succeeding him to the White House was mentioned.
What about California? It and Oregon I thinkwere the only states outside of the American Northeast that he didn't take.
Othniel said:
What about California? It and Oregon I thinkwere the only states outside of the American Northeast that he didn't take.

I would suspect that the citizens of California and Oregon would think twice about electing an individual thats been dead for nearly 70 years.
David S Poepoe said:
I would suspect that the citizens of California and Oregon would think twice about electing an individual thats been dead for nearly 70 years.
in 1893? I have to find that year's election map.

Instead let's use this...He needed 224 out of 447 electoral votes to win. he has 176.
Well, its pretty clear he couldn't beat Roosevelt, he might have a chance against Taft. Even though his election is very important to history, 1893 was not really that close. Its just the textbook example of the two very different Americas of the time. Here's an idea, McKinely lives to the end of the term. We now know that Roosevelt was working a little behind the scenes against McKinely's wishes. Maybe the Democrats find this out, and make it a big issue (it sounds like the type of thing that would happen in more modern politics). Roosevelt doesn't get nominated due to the controversy. It doesn't take too much of a stretch to imagine that Bryan gets the nomination in 1904. He maybe could defeat someone other than Roosevelt.
Wikipedia has one for each of the presidental elections. I can see him winning six more states. KY,CAL, ND, IO, MN and one more would be enough to boast him over the top. Alternatively Either New York, or Penn and almost any other two states would do it.
The problem I have with most of these sites is that they don't tell you the necessary number of electoral votes to win.

What did ya'll think of my McKinely lives sugestion?
He only was old enough to run in 1896, so that can be the earliest possible.

Ive seen alot of people use him in TL's before 1896 becoming or trying to become President and it really irks me that they wont even figure out when he was born.