President George Allen?

People forget that before his "Macaca Moment" he was not only favored to win re-election to the US Senate from VA in 2006, but was considered one of the leading contenders for the GOP nomination for the presidency. Granted, any GOP presidential candidate would have a hard time winning in 2008, given the financial crisis. But if he isn't nominated then, he may have a good chance to be nominated in 2012, where the GOP's prospects were at least brighter than in 2008. (Of course Allen's very presence in the Senate could complicate things, because it would make it harder for example for Obama to pass the ACA.)
People forget that before his "Macaca Moment" he was not only favored to win re-election to the US Senate from VA in 2006, but was considered one of the leading contenders for the GOP nomination for the presidency. Granted, any GOP presidential candidate would have a hard time winning in 2008, given the financial crisis. But if he isn't nominated then, he may have a good chance to be nominated in 2012, where the GOP's prospects were at least brighter than in 2008. (Of course Allen's very presence in the Senate could complicate things, because it would make it harder for example for Obama to pass the ACA.)

Allen could emerge as a strong candidate in Iowa, though if Allen avoids the Macaca Moment he'd have won re-election only narrowly. His opponents would question if Allen could win the general election if he wasn't even that strong in his own home state. But voters would care less about his margin of victory and more about his appeals to the base. Given his status as a high profile conservative I'm sure he could makes these appeals effectively enough. He'd still have to contend with McCain's charisma and Romney's regional advantage in New Hampshire, however.

I consider Allen winning the nomination unlikely (I mean really: if he couldn't win a second term in his own home state because of a gaffe I question his ability to win a national election) but if nominated he'd lose to Obama.

Deleted member 94680

If he’s ignorant enough to do that, and stupid enough to try and argue his way out of it the way he tried to, it doesn't bode well for a prolonged campaign such as going for the White House.
Surely he's nowt but Rick Perry as a US senator.

And while I don't want to do anything to get this thread moved to Chat, I don't think it's a mistake that Mitt Romney today is so good at showing a teflon side to everything he does, for better or worse.

The smartest purely tactical move the Obama-era Democratic Party and associated media players ever did was to needle away at the perception of Romney's abilities as a politician... because they're actually quite considerable abilities.