Nazi Industry and Survival without War

Could the state of Nazi Germany survive for any longer than a decade without going to war?

In our time line was not the largest reason their industry received such a kickoff was the fact they were building guns. bombs, planes and tanks in great excess so that private companies could build factories with government loans and give jobs to workers?

Without that, what is the German industry going to make? Cars? Chocolates? Nationalistic films?


Yes, in the same sense that the Soviets survived until the 1990s.

I'd imagine they'd have to barter away their weapons for a while to the eastern European states

But a lot depend how the rest of the world does without the war
It depends on who takes over after Hitler kicks the bucket. An SS nut like Himmler? A Wehrmacht coup and subsequent militaristic but generally sane dictatorship? Hell even a restoration of the Monarchy by one of the Prussians is possible.

If the hardcore Nazi's stay in power then it's likely the nation will become a bureaucratic, Byzantine nightmare. The shoddy Nazi education system and command economy will probably see a Soviet-style stagnation come about by the 60's. If it faces a Cold War it will likely meet the same fate as the Soviet Union, outpaced and unable to keep up with a far more economically dynamic and culturally innovative foe and spend itself into oblivion.

A general right-wing dictatorship by a moderate Nazi or Wehrmachtwill likely see a similar scenario to Spain or Argentina. Decent economic growth and stability. I don't think too many Germans will be upset at the lack of political rights. Eventual free-market reforms will see something like Pinochet or modern China, a powerful and growing economy despite a lack of political rights. Social liberalisation will likely creep in.

A Monarchist or Republican will probably be content with leaving the Reich at a bit beyond her 1916 borders but still in arguably German lands. Will probably go the same as above but with faster economic liberalisation and a political situation similar to the Kaiser's days (a parliament but without much say or power).

Actually barring the first scenario these sound alot nicer then OTL Europe.
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