Map Challenge: Europe 1450

How do you think this came about? The red teal and green states are russian states, while the Orange below it is a Khazar, or Khazar decendant jewish state. The pale in Southern Britian, and a stretch of coastline is Wales. The yello in spain, southern France, north africa, and parts of the Middle east is a muslim empire. The mint green in northern France, speaks "French" but with significantly more Arabic, Berber, and German influence. The Brown in Austria/western hungary is a futher west Kingdom of Hungary. Pink in middle east is Zoroastrian. Red around Baltic is Denmark.

Wierd wurld.PNG
@GW: That's from our Feudal Lands game. I don't think that the lines have a meaning IOTL.

About the British map: Looks like a Waleswank to me.


If the broken windshield-type pattern represents political subdivisions, they don't make any sense. Nor do they seem to follow natural features, and the fact that they have the same size whether in temperate mountains or subarctic steppelands is puzzling to say the least.
With such presence of muslims in Europe I'd expect another kind of division of frankish territory. A still existant Aquitaine at least. Germany I think would consist of larger entities - no HRE on the shreads of the frankish legacy. Tribal Duchies instaed, so larger entities. Well maybe some breakdown into smaller units. How would the Pope without frankish assistance get to have Patrimonium Petri? No Charlemagne would in my wiew probably butterfly away a lot of the Vikings and instead more territory be gained around the Baltic - as here. Question is, would the Danes settle for just the quarter of Saxony or go for broke - could they? If they could keep the Saxons divided... That would most probably leave no Normans in southern Italy... Some kind of state on the Ice Sea coast? No.
Its the Byzantines...


I was presuming that from the borders and the continued existance of a Zoroastrian state in Persia. Possibly the big war starting with Maurice's overthrow is avoided or seriously scaled down so the empires survive the initial Muslim onslaught. If so would have expected that Egypt would be reclaimed at some point but could be a 3 power stability so that if any of the empires starts looking too powerful the other two, combined with possibly other powers pull it down.

In Britain I guess the dark blue is a mega Scotland? Since it includes part of their original homeland in Ireland, the bulk of Scotland and large sections of England. Presuming some disaster for the early English and at best they are clinging on in the east. Could be a more successful Arthur type figure? Might be at the same time roughly as whatever happened in the east to preserve the big empires there.

Presumably also the Viking period was butterflied away as they don’t seem to have any colonies or settlements west of Scandinavia except Iceland and a couple of bits of northern Scotland? Or this is after the Viking tide has ebbed, although with the much larger Denmark and other states in the west overall probably being weaker – except for the Muslim empire – this does seem rather odd.

Given the nature of the Rus states I presume the Mongols never came, as they look rather like what might have occurred without them.
