Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell

So I just finished the book and wow was that good. Most alternate history fantasy is the worst sort of ASB (and usually involves vampires) but the detail and the highly developed history of magic that author used in JS&MN left me with nothing to complain about. Other than the butterfly slaughter but that's assumed, and in ASB excusable.

Any of you guys read it?
Yeah, I gave it a re-read a couple of months back. As you say, very good book, though I do wish the Raven king's realm had had a more interesting name than "Northern England"...
Yeah, I gave it a re-read a couple of months back. As you say, very good book, though I do wish the Raven king's realm had had a more interesting name than "Northern England"...

that was basically my only issues, I liked the part with mad King George personally