Isaac Komnenos lived longer, long enough for the Komnenoi Dynasty to directly succeeded the Macedonian Dynasty

Oh, if it was largely due to negligence and corruption, I guess Isaac's rule should largely solve it.
Actually no. Changing battle tactics is the part that’s easy. It’s actively fighting the elite and getting the people to enforce your orders on the ground that’s the difficult part. Many of these elite have families in your army and government. You think they won’t rise up if you went against their families’ interests? Isaac was basically just another random usurper, backed up by the very same Anatolian elite. They want you to fix things without affecting THEIR interests.
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I am getting this from the Byzantium Podcast but it claims that the Empire's was no longer organized in the East to deal with raids defense in depth style and didn't rapidly enough change back to this defense in depth strategy, that they used against the Arabs in part due to "pride". I doubt Isaac would be willing to and maybe not immediately know how to switch back to this defense in depth strategy but if anyone is able to force such a switch back it should be him or similarly Prestigeous relatives but would the rank and file take the hint?. I assume if the Turks gain the Armenian highlands and start raiding, a few Roman generals would be killed in battle, dying to their tactics.
i think the reason has to more with solidus than pride see The Debasement of the "Dollar of the Middle Ages" by Costas Kaplanis this also explains why Constantine disbanded the iberian troops not because he was an idot but to have money in the short term which had terrible consequences in the long term
Actually no. Changing battle tactics is the part that’s easy. It’s actively fighting the elite and getting the people to enforce your orders on the ground that’s the difficult part. Many of these elite have families in your army and government. You think they won’t rise up if you went against their families’ interests? Isaac was basically just another random usurper, backed up by the very same Anatolian elite. They want you to fix things without affected THEIR interests.
Unlike Romanos IV Isaac did not have to deal with one strong family who was already in the throne
i think the reason has to more with solidus than pride see The Debasement of the "Dollar of the Middle Ages" by Costas Kaplanis this also explains why Constantine disbanded the iberian troops not because he was an idot but to have money in the short term which had terrible consequences in the long term
Finances have been terrible after a string of no name emperors lacking legitimacy had to cut taxes for the elite, let them gobble land and to bribe them with pensions etc. Theoretically a lot of cash also went towards the now much more expensive regular army. That said, where was much of this regular tagmata army during the Manzikert campaign? Much of Romanos IV's army consisted of mercs.
Actually no. Changing battle tactics is the part that’s easy. It’s actively fighting the elite and getting the people to enforce your orders on the ground that’s the difficult part. Many of these elite have families in your army and government. You think they won’t rise up if you went against their families’ interests? Isaac was basically just another random usurper, backed up by the very same Anatolian elite. They want you to fix things without affecting THEIR interests.
I mean, I would have assumed it'll be easy to get people back into manning forts when they're actively being raided. Like, obey my commands or deal with the Turks.

Well, the Byzantines did had a policy of settling some mercenaries in the frontier(I think first done by Justinian and then later we have some English and Varangian settlements). Maybe those would work but who knows, they could also just rebel.
Actually no. Changing battle tactics is the part that’s easy. [...] They want you to fix things without affected THEIR interests.
This, so much this. Identifying problems is easy, but finding effective solutions often requires a willingness to look for them and ask uncomfortable questions.
Questions like "Is your behavior helping or hurting the state, friend?" or...
I mean, I would have assumed it'll be easy to get people back into manning forts when they're actively being raided. Like, obey my commands or deal with the Turks.
"Can we really afford to monetize military obligations?" "Are we really so much above any threat that we don't even need to man the forts?"
From the POV of the average Anatolian magnate, those aren't their problems, and even if they were, those steppe barbarians would be oh so ridiculously easily cowed, and at any rate, they'd really rather live in comfort, while you keep them safe. With which army? Others', naturally. "Not my job".
Finances have been terrible after a string of no name emperors lacking legitimacy had to cut taxes for the elite, let them gobble land and to bribe them with pensions etc. Theoretically a lot of cash also went towards the now much more expensive regular army. That said, where was much of this regular tagmata army during the Manzikert campaign? Much of Romanos IV's army consisted of mercs.
the elites actually being constantinople elite the roga was higher to them and is the reason why romanos IV was disliked is because he cut payments to the court of the capital but the issue was mostly started because 1050 the byzantines were dealing with normans pechenegs and seljuks and needed cash Isaac and Romanos IV were the only ones adressing the problem, but the tegmata was there its just the inflation that was killing the themata also affected them and mercenaries did not make up the majority of the army
I mean, I would have assumed it'll be easy to get people back into manning forts when they're actively being raided. Like, obey my commands or deal with the Turks.
not when the state does not have the money and the money it does have is loosing its value you can find solutions example Alexios made a new gold coin and Heraclius and the heraclians prevented total collapse of the roman economy by using silver and bartering, Isaac needs to adress this and his was doing it because you cant have defense system if you can afford it
Maybe have Isaac’s daughter Maria get married and her husband succeeds Isaac. According to Wikipedia, she was quite beautiful but remained unmarried up to and during Isaac’s reign and became a nun when he retired. She was born around the time Diogenes was so maybe Isaac had her marry him as an up and coming general from an established family.
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