Hordes, Reds, Kings and Man


The Mongolian Red Guards(1), pictured on 1982 during the "Revolution Day" anniversary.

Shattered Glass-1918

The mighty have eventually fallen. Ivan's legacy have been falling into pieces. Pieces that everyone are scrambling to pick up. Starting from the general incopentency of the royal house, Russia is effectively doomed, when the German Empire's trojan horse, containing the revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin is sent into the east, carrying the dangeorus messages of a revolution in order to take down the Russian Empire's full brunt might. Regardless, without or with Lenin, Russia's fate is sealed. And now, everyone is seeking to create their own fate on the civil war. From the nationalist forces, to those who espouses their own ideologies, it was clear that the effects of the great war is death, destruction, and pain for everyone involved. But it is also a common concensus, that Russia, suffered the worst(2). Now, facing multiple fronts at every corner, the Russian SFSR are facing the worst. As the treaty of Brest Litovsk might have brought the worst, in them. The nationalists. The reactionaries. Even the allies. All of them are fighting them, or even each other, in this bloody contest. Let alone allying themselves with each other. From the ravaged Ruthenian plains, to the icy Siberian lands, blood is spilled. Different parties fighting each other, and now, things began to spoke doom, for the Russian SFSR. Believing that a push from the east is rather ineffective in order to bring down the Communist menace-and also a pretext to consolidate their inevitable victory-the Allied Forces have decided that a western, three-pronged invasion of Russia(3) will be the best bet to save the Russians from the menace of Communism. With the German Empire also on their last, dying breaths, this move is also projected to be able to counteract the German Eastern gains(4).

Things suddenly became hotter, as 30th August saw one of the most decisive things to happen in the Russian Civil War. Fanny Kaplan, a SR member who felt that Lenin have effectively betrayed the revolution, have lodged a bullet within Lenin's skulls via her revolver, believing that Lenin's death could turn the tide for the best. None that she knew, that by killing Lenin, she have just taken out one of Russia's possible chances to become united again, regardless of what ideology, or belief they hold. Russia, by Kaplan's very own bullet, have been sent into a state more unimaginable than before. While is it true that the year of 1918 does not saw any actual gains or losses, despite what will happen following Lenin's death(5). Lenin's death, have brought joy to the camps who opposed him, and fear, on the SFSR's camp. While the SR, and the others saw this chance as a sign that the tide is turning, the SFSR saw Lev Kamenev taking over the reign(6), unpopularly overriding Leon Trotsky's notions. Little that everyone knew, that Kamenev's move, ironically sows the sentiment of Lenin's death being orchestrated by the Right, a notion for a call of a retributionary attack. Just as before the "Attack" are delivered, Kamenev is dismissed shortly afterwards, with Bukharin being put on the spot(7).

The attack came within in form of the multiple successions of assassinations, and retalliations that came afterwards. Opened by the assassination of Alexander Kerensky on early September(8), bombings, shootings, assassinations of minor figures(9) have effectively turned the Russian Civil War into something that is far more lawless than the Mexican Civil War that is happening before it. It is not just Kerensky, as names such as the notorious Alexander Kolchak, or the Mad Baron Sternberg, all of which became the victims of the successions of the Deadly Days(10), times that could make a simple stroll in Russia became dangerous. Russia, in general, have sealed its fate of it being unable to be united again, as the deaths, and the violence that the Russian Civil War have brought to them have made things clear, that Ivan the Great's legacy, was nothing but a far-fetched, and over-extended ambition that goes incredibly unchecked.

Josef Piludski, the first President of the Polish Republic, pictured on 1918.

The dreams of the Kaiser is over. Just as before the end of the Great War eventually arrived for both sides on November 1st, 1918(11), the German Army began to saw a opportunity, on fighting for the White Russian forces, as a way to redeem themselves(12) for their losses on their great war. With mutinies inbound, the early defeat of the German Empire have also boosted the White Movement's force forward, as their spirits are now raised up on taking down the Bolshevik menace. But now, things are getting more complicated than it was supposed to be. The White Movement finds themselves also at odds. No one, except the allies, are fighting for them. Not the Baltic, not the Ukrainians, or even the Turks. The dreams of Russian imperialism have effectively over. Neither a monarchy or a republic, no one will accept a Russian overlord ruling over them. The topic of the future of "White Russia" have also became a problem of its own, as the Allied Forces finds themselves conflicted over the issue. By the end of the war, the Allied Forces finds a solution, within Josef Piludski. The chosen-leader of the Polish State, ironically, pushed for more punishment for the Russians, rather than the Germans. Allowing the Allied troops to be stationed on Poland-in order to ensure White Movement victory, the end of the Great War does not mean a period of peace, as it was quickly ended by the Allied War on Russia in 10th December 1918(13).

The Allied Invasion speaks something else, for the Soviets. It is inevitable that they will lose this battle, with the SR eventually moving their camp to the White Movement(14), opting for a democratic republic. The Soviets, seeing that this is not the end, began to make overtures for the East, flirting with every way possible in order to prop up another revolution on the East, preferably in China, or even India, within their eyes(15). While the decision is still undecided at this very point, the Soviets also knew, that a White victory does not guarantee a united Russia or anything, as the disjointed nature of the movement are something that threw the corpses for the vultures, with the vultures being none other than the nationalists that opted for independence, as all of them will obiviously going to took more lands that they could, as a retribution for the Russian opression that they endured. As 1918, the future, is still uncertain.
Audie's Madhouse Presents
Hordes, Reds, Kings and Man
Yes, i'm actually opting for multiple PODs at the beginning, as i saw that Lenin's attempted assassination is a rather cliche POD being used around here. Consider the Allied invasion of Russia is the true POD of this, with Lenin's death NOT being a butterfly, but rather, also the big quake. This timeline will be updated regularly on Thursdays.

And no. The focus is global. Not just Russia.
(1).Oh yes, this is just a hint. A rather big hint.
(2).Another hint being dropped, i'll consider the RCW is the ultimate Balkanization treat.
(4).YES. The Allied are going to be fully savage here.
(5).Because..this POD is just to weaken the Reds?
(7).Bukharin's however is going to be a certain mustached man's puppet.
(9).No. No actual major figure bing killed at the list. Just to add the blood for the blood god.
(10).The western dub for the events.
(11).Much more early, much more time to wreck havoc on Russia.
(12).Trust me, the Germans will be seen as friends here by the Russians.
(13).Yes. I'm dialing things up to eleven.
(14).Republic? Monarchy? Republic? Monarchy? WAR!
