Happy 75th-Superman!

This week is the 75th anniversary of Action comics #1 with first appearance of Superman.What a show!Now it is 2013.Comments,please.If it weren't for Superman and Batman there would be no comics industry.Who cares about Iron man and Downey who "can't get into the Dark Knight!Tony Stark is a ripoff of Bruce Wayne!
Yes, exactly! I've been wondering this, too. What would be the effects on culture, and on life overall without Superman?
This page right here IS Superman:


John Farson

This page right here IS Superman:

For all that people rip on Superman for being a duller hero than Batman, how it's impossible to make a good Superman film etc., there's just something about the character that transcends comics and movies.

When an iconoclast like Garth Ennis admits to liking Superman, you know it's something special.
With no Superman, we still have the Pulps, and the Likes of the Shadow, the Clock, The Spirit, Tarzan, Flash Gordon, and so on.

Perhaps an earlier turn towards the varied genres that popped up after WWII, and the decline of the popularity of the Super Hero.
It's likely to have serious butteflies on superheroes as we know them. For a start, there's a good chance there's also no Captain Marvel (the big red cheese, not the Kree).

The popularity of comics is probably less, too.

I wonder if the trend toward pulp superheroes doesn't produce the likes of a Wertham backlash before WW2. It's also possible this moves comics toward a more adult audience sooner, splitting them into the Disneyesque kiddie books (Archie, Mickey Mouse, Captain Carrot), in the comics size, & adult mags (in the vein of Heavy Metal & DHKF) not sold to kids (& higher cover prices, so kids couldn't afford them anyhow).

If this split happens early enough, the adult-themed EC horror books (which were never meant for kids to begin with:rolleyes:) could survive...:cool::cool: