Haim Saban's Great Butterfly Flap


So, Saban does Power Rangers, but differently?
Are you really sure its only Power Rangers we are talking of?
Will they pay their actors a living wage ehen it gets successful?
The success of a certain Sentai Show adaptation featuring betraying friends and cars literally pushed Saban into someone we didnt saw today-such as, ORIGINAL FOOTAGES GALORE.
With the 80s toy market the way it was, this has the potential to reshape the cultural landscape......
To the point where the whole MCU XCU DCEU thing will saw things differently.
Alright, as a heads up
Despite the pop culture world will be different, most of the Kamen Rider and Super Sentai line up WILL BE THE SAME, but with twists (such as TOEI actually attempting on making a direct sequel to Gingaman in form of Gaoranger)...
Now this is an interesting idea, because saban bioman could become this TTL tokusatsu version of robotech, that is introducing a lot of american kids to super sentai and by extend tokusatsu, and who know the tokusatsu fan base could be just as large as anime in TTL.

Also here a little bit of trival, back in the 1980s, Ted Turner brought the rights to ultraseven, and have all 49 episodes dub, and try to sell it networks across America but was unsuccessfu, it wasn't untill the success of power rangers that they decides to aired the dub on TNT, I can see in TTL with saban bioman being successful that ultraseven could probably aired earlier, and who know maybe the whole ultra franchise will do better in america.
Maybe there will be butterflies on Super Sentai as well.
Of course. Not the show's themes and universe, but more in their ratings, their actors, or even *Cough* receptions
Turboranger and Liveman? Or ATL original?
Yes. Turboranger and Liveman.
Jetman's adaptation would be interesting. In a Chinese sense. :p
I could assure you that the American equivalent of Toshihide Wakamatsu is a current-day famous actor.


Haim Saban probably never truly realized, the amount of impact he made, from his visit to Japan long ago, on his attempt on bringing Super Sentai into America. His move on challenging the reign made by Disney, Marvel, or other companies such as DC Comics, Warner Bros-and other related brands is a suicidal one, by a prospect, but looking at it today, it was Saban's greatest gamble. Bringing the Tokusatsu genre into the Americas have changed the world pop culture landscape into a limits unknown, and the effects, is still felt today. From The existence of Saban's partnership with TOEI, Tsuburaya's hold in America, FOX's ownership of Marvel, to the point where the behemoth named Disney began to face multiple challenges at each side. But for a man like him, he only cared about himself, and his empire.
