Challenge 31416

Come up with a Scenario where, by 1900, the world looks like this:

Every single world leader develops a straight line fetish and then . . . um, nope, still not happening.

Due to the curvature of the Earth and such, most of those lines wouldn't be straight anyway. They would be a series of curves. Some of the lines, such as the ones crossing the equator, might even change their degree of inclination (I would work it out properly, but atm I'm just too tired).
Alright ill take my best guess. Ok first
Kalmar union does not perish
Novgoros come under influence of Haneatic league which forms a coherent state.

Russia conquers eastwords.
The Mongols manage to remain united for the most part.

Britain controls SE asia- Persia and so it creates the asian dominion. Britain unites all its southern colonies creating southern africa. France unites all her colonies, ANd britain also unites its colonies in North and east africa.
Then you get maybe OE survivng.

In Americas...
Republic of California is successful
America goes to anarchy

Yup however I have no idea WTF happened in South america. Hows this anyway ASN riht
Actually, if you do say similar, it's not completely ASB (just mostly). South American can be explained by the Treaty of Tordesillas. If the Spanish and Portuguese Empires somehow manage to survive until 1900, then maybe the line drawn in that treaty stays.

In North America, we have Spanish Florida, a Californian Republic that rebelled against the Spanish crown. An alternate Seven Years War allowed France to keep Quebec, but they had to cede the rights to the OTL American Midwest and Ontario. This alt-Ontario joins the American colonies in rebelling, however this alt-US is less into westward expansion. Britain still owns western Canada and the New Brunswick/Nova Scotia area. A more successful Kalmar Union has colonies in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The weakened British Empire never really recovered from the American Revolution (not sure why) and thus was not in a position to further colonize. France nabs South Africa, while the KU takes most of Eastern Africa as well as Australia and Indonesia. The lime green thing is a resurgent Byzantine Empire that looked to the west after losing Anatolia to the Muslims. They took back Italy and then colonized India and Southeast Asia. The pale blob in Northern Europe is a Protestant Union that formed as the result of a rather more militant Protestant Reformation. The pale blob in the Middle East is either a Caliphate, a Turkic Muslim state like the OTL Ottomans, or a really big colony of the Protestant Union.

Russia exists, but it is smaller and has Alaska. The Mongol Empire holds together a little better than OTL and a large portion of Central Asia ends up under China's Yuan Dynasty. Japan pulls a Meiji like OTL and get Korea, the Phillippines, and Kamchatka. The light purple thing in Africa is harder to figure out. A native state which unified the various tribes in a pan-African movement to keep out the Europeans?
The lines in, say, N. America are somewhat believable, because when colonial powers are just settling a new place the lines they draw are often arbitrary and straight, especially if there are no important resources of national interests at stake.

But those colonial type lines are all over the place in this map.

So go with a pre-historic POD that the Agricultural Revolution, writing, civilization, etc., happen 1000s of years earlier than in OTL. Eventually the world successfully colonizes space, but an apocalyptic war nearly completely destroys mankind's presence on earth. Only the numerous space colonies survive. The colonies are self sufficient and get all their resources much cheaper from space sources, so no one cares that much about Earth. But there are occasional forays to Earth for niche products and safari tourism, and there's a lingering sense of responsibility for the savage and tribal remnants of terrestrial mankind. So the space sovereignties that are interested provisionally divide up the world among themselves one afternoon following a liquid lunch.