British End Mideast protectoretes pre WW2

Assume a Stronger Israeli National Council, and more Immigration.
[no limit imposed in 1930]
a Push for a end of the mandate due to this
both arabs and Israeli acept the 1937 partition plan
Mandate ends in early 1939

?Effects on WW2?
No One?????????????
Then what about a industrialized Palestine, with Auto/Truck, Plane, small Arms, and trained Men [Soldiers -2 divisions] pre 1940, and effect on Libyan War
?How about an Industrustrialized Palestine, [Auto, plane, small arms]
that sent men to help the British, and post war effects.
Come on Guys - A little help -Please

I can write a lot of the Pre War Development - But I'm not all that good at imagining The war butterflies
[Main reason I dropped Mosaic Earth]
I don't think the arabs would accept the partition. In OTL there was resistance to the small increase in Jewish immigration pre WW2. I could see an arbitrary UK decision to create a Israeli state pre war ,Alla Wilson's carving up the Balkans to make Yugoslavia but the UK would have had to sit on the rest of the arabs for decades ,no centuries for that to work. Look at the mid east today. There is no way in any ATL the the Israeli's could live in peace in their lands.