Your challenge is to have a Democratic presidential candidate win Texas in the electoral college after 1976, with a POD no earlier than that year.
The closest OTL has been 1992, where Bush only won by 3 points. Yes, Perot has something to do with it, but still. Whatever the running mate, it's not too much of a stretch to push it over a little in that year.
Scenario 1: Bush 41 is re elected President in 1992 and a re elected Texas Governor Ann Richards is the Democratic Nominee in 1996. She wins the General election decisively and carries her home state of Texas in 1996 and in her re election Victory in 2000.

Scenario 2: Lloyd Bentsen decides to go for the Presidency in 1988 or 1992, gets the nomination, and carries Texas.

Scenario 3: Pat Buchanan wins the Republican nomination in 1996 and Perot still runs 3rd party, giving Texas to Clinton.

Scenario 4: Ross Perot does better in 1992 (at Bush's expense of course) to narrowly give Texas to Clinton. This could also work in 1996, but is less like IMHO as, IIRC, Texas trended more Republican in Clinton's first term.
Scenario 4: Ross Perot does better in 1992 (at Bush's expense of course) to narrowly give Texas to Clinton. This could also work in 1996, but is less like IMHO as, IIRC, Texas trended more Republican in Clinton's first term.

There's also Perot's vote share in Texas collapsing from 22% in 1992 to 6.75% in 1996.