A Healthy Baby Boy Duex

It is 1914.

It has been thirteen years since the Kaiser Prinz's sudden rise to power was terminated through a mysterious bout of illness.

It has been thirteen years since Germany (and Russia) declared it's dominance in Europe through a Second Franco-Germanic War with the Third Republic going into exile in Africa.

It has been thirteen years since Prince Heinrich of Prussia became the Kaiser.

It has been thirteen years since the whole world has changed....

So what is going on in the world in this year?

If someone was truly reckless in the summarizing of the world, it can be summoned in two words - Uneasy Peace.

It is fact that Africa has become the New Europe. Germany's three colonies are now regarded as the place to be if one is Black-Hispanic- or any other ethnicity seeking a new life. It is unexplicitly linked with South America, which is also experiencing a boom in their own economy, with many German arms and other industrial products showing in their harbors/cities.

However, the product of war has been exported to other continents as well. China is a mess of both Russian/Japanese and other foreign troops seeking domiance over that specific geographical area. The Ottoman Empire is eating itself up over the choice of siding with the Brits/Americans/French or the German Bloc. Mexico is bitterly fighting for it's independence against the United States, hoping to counter a wave of "Communalism" in the Western Hemisphere.

In other words, a Great War looms on the horizon.

But - the much cliched dependence of war set aside - there is a curious note of a certain lawmaker within the Reichstag of Sudwestafrika-Angola attempting to sue an American writer writing a certain book entitled "It Can Happen Over There".

Within that text, a certain figure in a Territorial Legislature (it is ambigious on where exactly this Territory is) achieves power through the accepted norm as pioneered by the late Kaiser Prinz. There is the noted difference of the dreaded Labor Camps, a cunning device on eliminating mass amounts of humans through horrific means, and a certain passing familiarity to the young lawmaker in that African state. The lawmaker - Wilhelm Bergerson - a convert to the Jewish Faith - does not like being slandered within an American text that puts him as loony as the other text that is floating around, entailing the very secure, and very autocratic Tsar Nicholas II, as erratic as the current Spanish King.

Alas, it helps that one is Tsar when a scandalous (and possibly government supported) piece of literature is published and then "retconned", since Russia is the "Sleeping Bear".

Wilhelm Hiedler Bergerson has no chance in his lawsuit.

But - he is getting tired of all these texts that manage to point to him as a loony fanatical dictator in the Homeland (Germany) - when he is Jewish, and most certainly not _that_ fanatical about the purity of the German "Race" - even though they should have put the "American" Race, with all those ... henious acts placed upon the Blacks and other minorities fleeing their homelands for a new chance in life...

...which brings him to this law that he is working on recognizing Spanish and English as an official language of law in Sudwestafrika-Angola....

Further information of this TL can be seen in my sig (the address) and a normal TL format seen here: https://www.alternatehistory.com/wiki/doku.php/timelines/timeline_a_healthy_baby_boy


Good, I was hoping it would return.

Greg, I'd edit the thread title now before it becomes too late and you're stuck with it - it's Deux not Duex. (Maybe Zwei might be more appropriate? ;) )
The Factions

Germany....is not a good place to be at.

On one hand there is the pride that Germany managed to achieve in the "Kaiser Prinz" War.

On the other, there is the sudden vacuum that it has now that the Party has fallen apart, there is a shift for Germany to become less war based than it was some years ago, and that they should really be more based on who they are than what the British and the French label them as.

Kaiser Heinrich is not a happy man to say the least. The past thirteen years have been a struggle to not only retain Germany's existance as a nation but it's political dominance as well. The Kingdom of Austria has their own problems. The Kingdom of Hungary is attempting to get out of the Russian shadow that have eclipsed every nation north of Constantinople to the insignificant capital of Latvia.

The only good thing is his nephew, the future Wilhelm III, who has found stability in his wife's nation, which is now personally united with Germany, thanks to the marriage. Belgium, much akin to Hungary, is now allied with Germany due to it's "overcast" of the Dutch next door. It is fact that Wilhelm III will become Kaiser. Kaiser Heinrich's own children just want to return to Africa, where life is far more simpler, and the foes more evident.

The problem externally, is Britain. Britain has got it's act together through a series of motions that made it into a federal empire than what it was before. The only problem is that it has a strond dependence on the United States, who is not so quietly romping around in Mexico. Then there is France, which is another heartache.

So what to address now?

The easy thing is the Russians, who have their trains in almost every state with the exception of the Nordic countries and Spain. It is a fact that Chinese silk can be found in Paris with that handy no tariff policy implemented in the Mainz Conference. It was not expected for the "Empress" to take a tour of Argentina and never come back. It isn't a surprise that South America has become Exile Central for those that want to just get out of the war business.

There are these meetings with Tsar Nicholas II, who seems a spit off the old Russian Bloc.

Kaiser Heinrich reaches for a picture on his desk. He took it some time ago when he was trying to get the trains through the Congo. There he is watching his son play ball with his wife. Everything is tinted brown - just as the soil was - the utter moisture giving him a second bath.

Then there is the other picture with him on the Imperial Yacht.

It was a far easier time back then.....

So what of Wilhelm H. Bergerson?

Wilhelm H. Bergerson has a rich history of ...basically being a Jew in a polygot city. Everywhere is spoken this muddle that no one could possibly understand unless they came from Babel. In that idea, they never knew the Germans could be the Empire of the Seas...but that's propaganda...

The matter of France is an issue that cannot be denied, it seems. Thanks to their wonderful diplomatic core, they now have the Brits and the Yanks on their side. The government in Tangiers is now regarded as a pit of snakes, where Italy is "persuaded" to side with them, now that Germany is a pit full of dog eating dogs.

But that doesn't really matter, since the focus of this timeline is on this poor man named Wilhelm H. Bergerson, who is a lawmaker, some might even call Senator, who is trying to get his lawsuit off the ground.

America is a funny place, it seems, for a bastion of freedom. The Amerikan Union - as the newspapers call it - is pushing the United States to recognize the inherent injustice of calling themselves Amerikan. Already they have shown their perchance of persecution against those that have been labeled "Communists", the shortening of Communalist, those dastard lazy scribes with missing letter blocks.

The Republicans are in charge now. They are going about on how dangerous Germany is. There is even a speaker on the fact that Alaska should be reinforced with American troops. Of course that lazy scribe forgot to buy Alaska with all that Civil War business going about. Then there were the ungratefull Blacks (a new word coined to differ from the actual Africans in Africa) that wanted their own freedom. Thus, they were exiled, and why do the Democrats seem to want them back, since Afrika is now united....

It all goes back to Mexico. When the Yanks invaded Mexico, they claimed it for freedom, and then the other Amerikans invaded. There were Argentinian and Chilean U-Boats just to shuttle aid. The Yanks fired upon them just to show their dominance. Thus the war broke out. Thus the Yanks soon learned that one should not war against puny little nations with this curious thing called submarines.

Then they blamed it on the Germans.

But back to Wilhelm H. Bergerson, it is fact that he is interested in this woman called Lurin, who is one of those people that migrated from Brazil. It's a strange thing, Brazil, now that they are going about on how their magnificent organization is equal to what Germany has. It is because of their aid that Germany is still standing. It begs to question on if Germany really existed - since it is going down the drain anyway.

The main literature at hand is this curious book of "It Can Happen Here". In that text, America seems to be larger, smashing the puny little nations into bits, and then stomping on Russia in the long run. The book inspired a sequel- "It Did Happen Here", being fair to the Hispanics as they poor over the border, and still America stands tall even though they have invaded the Heartland of the Ottoman Empire, another tricky thing all together.

The text is outlawed in Russia. Wilhelm H. Bergerson flips through that certain curious text called "The Daily Thoughts" by some random American expatriate named Roy Eren Bogg. It's a curious tract of how a person can use the stream of thoughts to really get in one's head and see just how the new field of mind cutting up field (psychology) can be justified. Already this man called Freud is bantering about on the matter of dreams. This is countered by his fellow sidekick named Jung, who debates on the merits of the unconscience. It's curious, since all this happens in Angola, which goes on the fact of if the country should be called Westafrika or just that hypenated name.

Wilhelm H. Bergerson doesn't want to sue the man out of his pants as the Amerikan government did to the monopolies - of course that is at the other end of the gun...the "Westchester" or whatever they call it...

He just doesn't want to be labeled a King of Spain...
I like it a lot - a worthy successor to the timeline. The part about an "alternate history" book is very cool, very much in vein of what Philip K. Dick did in "Man in the High Castle", but very poignant with respect to modern situation. Please do continue, it sounds very much inspired.
Not Here

So let us talk about Russia.

It can be generalized that Russia is a sleeping bear. It has involvement in China, Persia, Korea, Japan, and virtually every other country it borders, with the noted exception of the Nordic Countries. I have said these things before.

The Russian government in 1914 is divided into two parties - Liberals and the Conservatives. Within these two extremes are other factions that seek the moderate line. They are headquareted in the Duma, which is the Russian's equal of the U.S.'s Congress. Everything is running smoothly, as the expectation is of the sleeping bear with one eye very much open, and that random paw reaching for the riches of Manchuria.

Tsar Nicholas II is fairly tolerated by the Allies, that is the Axis of Britain-France-the United States, and other pro-American states. He does not rock the boat as the Kaiser Prinz. He does not travel much, with the noted exception of Asia and Eastern Europe. In fact, he could be the sledgehammer to break the German nation into pieces, if that dastardly Reinsurance Pact was simply ignored.

Russia has a strange hold on Asia, with the noted example of China, which is a soddering mess, if I may speak plainly. There are different states within that geographical area that cling on to Democracy, the most notable one being those in the South. Canton is thriving mostly from Australian support, through Indochina, as well as other avenues. Tibet is Tibet. We shall not go into that bucket, since it is all mountains, and I am frankly bored of peace loving monks that want to be left alone.

The issue is on how much of China does Russia or Japan rule. The current Emporer, a nameless general who got smart in modernizing what was left of the Imperial Army, does control some bits of his homeland. The Ever Victorious Army is a term that consistantly crops up as the Chinese stand for freedom. Japan simply responds with their ships, army, and many allusions of blood pour out on that very ancient land.

Russia is growing because of it's railroad system. There is the main 'spine' if you will, that crosses the utter wasteland that is Siberia. There are the ribs that reach into China proper, sign on this dotted line, please ignore the large amount of troops I'm sending in your town. Then there are the minor bones in which I severely lack the knowledge of that go every which way, until the whole rumor of silk in Paris being justified, even though there was transportational means to do this earlier.

Ironically, Tsar Nicholas II is not the spitting image of his father in some aspects, such as the tender care of his children. They speak Russian and English. They also speak German, Polish, Spanish, and the random Turkic dialogue that was plucked out of a hat. There are no grandiose marches in the streets. There exists the trains and let Russia be known for it's iron horses and it's immense political/military weight in the world.

The only trouble is the Allies. It's strange to note on the methodology of the terms Axis and Allies. It is openly known that Germany will collapse one day or the next. The only thing that is preventing it from falling is Russia and Poland, who managed to escape severe retribution from the African French in the faracas involving a goat, a camel, and a random general who could actually speak French.

France yearns to be European once more again. They are the more fanatical of the three major allies; it is said that even the extremists Wahabists are put to shame by the fever the French government leaders whip their minons into. The possible Great War is measured in the gains that French Africa - otherwise known as the Third Republic of France - can claim in the many invasions of the German colonies that make Africa a New Europe.

But let us talk about more happier things. Wilhelm III has been successfull, as a random land baron might say, in siring sons. He can speak Dutch now. He is different from his father in the idea that he does not go for the whole shebang and the future of the shebang. Rather, he is more concerned about that occupying army in France - that is the one in Europe - as the identity of the French are slowly bleeding into something that resembles Hungary or quite possibly Austria, with their Hapsburg King, and futile attempts at becoming an Empire once more with flavor.

Not surprisingly, many people within the colonies tend to tune the European conflicts out. Kamerun-Togoland is more pre-occupied with the shipping routes in South America as well as the new threat of the British having their own anti-submarine ships about. German East Africa is trying to create an Eastern African Commonwealth with much failure on how to really retain a German character, seeing that Madagaskar is itself with a slight pinch of France thrown in, Mozambik being Portuguese, and the whole affair concerning the Kongo really putting the kibbosh on any attempts to become a massive uber-kingdom as the "It Could Happen Now" text proclaims.

(It should be noted that the "It Could Happen Now" uses a different tack on how a German general by the name of Erwin Dronnel could best the Allies with three fingers and a submachine gun in the South and is of an actual governmental origin in comparison to "It Could Happen Here".)

That set aside, Wilhelm H. Bergerson relaxes in the sun after a long day in the Colonial Parliment. It has been a long day just trying to pioneer his justification on having the words of how his counterpart from Walvis Bay be both in Spanish, German, and English at the same time. Even though the colonists in Walvis Bay do cling on to the idea that they are there just for formality's sake, there was that foolish blockade from the nativists who want Afrikaanische to be thrown in, thereby prolonging the debate for another hour.

In the end it's all about being democratic in the spirit of things.

Wilhelm H. Bergerson falls asleep with the last thought of using those "labor camps" as something along the penal system for idiotic men who want the Germans to be "pure"...
Posting Abilities

Let us talk about the Summit of the Americas...

Let us talk about Brazil....

Well - Mexico is a mess. The United States currently has a lock on the North although there is an overall assumption that what they got was nothing but desert. All German industries - such as the infamous "Bloc" are banned, seeing that its nothing more than a front for the German Empire, who have no diplomatic relations with the United States due to the affair of Liberia.

The entire country is a mess, but not as messy as China. The United States currently has a strong relation with the Phillipines, heavily fortified, and thoughly shown to be "American" even though they are hundreds of miles to the East. This applies to Hawaii, even though they had that certain rebellion, a much stronger one this time, and any chance of restoration banned.

The problem is that the Summit of Americas is becoming rather strong thanks to the exporting of immigrants from "Old" Europe. It's strong due to the fact that the key nations - Brazil, Argentina and Chile - all benefit from German technology. France has heavily opposed this by dispatching a very large naval fleet - of what they can build up - and thus another Golden Age of Piracy emerges with the submarines turning that part of the Atlantic into Shipwreck Central.

The average American, it is said, does not care of the many presidents that come and go of the Summit of the Americas - all they care about is the people right next door. The whole triumph of American know-how in Cuba still stands with a very large contingent of American Marines on that island. This is replicated in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and those minor French colonies that didn't have a chance when Germany steamed over France Proper.

So let us address the issue of Mexico in 1914. There is a large contingent of Americans within the United States that are advocating the pulling out of troops in that certain area. Their reciprocal measures against the Summit of the Americas have only met in the gigantic blown up fear that the Kaiser Prinz was indeed wise to what would come to the future. Everything south of the Rio Grande seems to be either floating to the Summit of the Americas or end up being occupied/influenced by the United States.

It does not help that the Presidency has become the near shadow of what the Kaiser Prinz was in his rise. For quite some time now, the Republicans have been gaining power through the label of "Fear Mongering". It is not so unusual for the Democrats to attempt some measure of social reform with the Republicans responding to them being "German Traitors!"

Nethertheless, many Germans have opted not to migrate to the United States. This applies to many Eastern Europeans and Russians. The Poles ...have learned that it is wise not to hold colonies in the "New" Europe and therefore migrate to more comfortable areas, such as Brazil, Argentina, or the African colonies.

There is one kernel that the United States cannot handle - and that is the interference of the Summit in the German led (or rather, the Russian) European Union. It is not unusual to see a very strong Brazilian lobby to push for lower taxes in the Netherlands nor is it to see an Argentinian ambassador's message dated from Kamerun-Togoland. Even though the African colonies have no strict bond with the Motherland, many seem to state that it is not just a European Union, but rather a United Nations of sorts or perhaps a League of Nations.

The United States, in it's current Administration, hotly denies this possibility. It argues, in many of the government supported newspapers that are owned by pro-Republican magnates of various industries, that the League should be less prone to large entities such as the Russian Empire or the floundering state of Germany. If such an entity could exist, it would be headquartered in New York City, where it is safe from outside influences.

Many do not agree with the President - that is - those that are out of the American sphere of "power".

In other news, the last shred of the once powerful Party, collapses, and thus Germany becomes a parlimentary democracy, with Kaiser Heinrich using his influence to preserve the nation.
El Mappo!

filler space blah blah blah

a couple of years

It is in 1914 that King Karl of Poland takes a visit to the Kingdom of Austria. He visits King Rudolph. The visit is tolerated, to say the least. Relations have not been kind to the former compadres of the former Empire.

There is a faint rumor that is running about that the Third Republic will invade France Proper. A very large contingent of former Austrian-Hungarian Imperial troops have camped there for quite some time. In fact, all what remains of the Empire(s) are located there, with French quickly becoming a minority amongst the polygot tongues of the troops.

We shall not go into the infamous Iron Gallows, the forever incomplete Eiffel Tower, that is both an eyesore and an artifact of fear in France Proper.

The tricky thing is on what to do with this Great War that is about to break out. King Karl does not really like Poland becoming subservient to the wishes of a falling apart Germany and a strong Russia. Yet - Poland did show it's strength about the matter regarding the Sahara - and that they do have their freedom, which is more can be said about other nations.

There are two options;

1. Be vigilant against any intrusions that France might have against the European Union

2. Go the way of Germany, which, ironically, is in a caretaker government with the Kaiser involved more and more, in order to avoid dissolution.

So where will the spark arise - questions Emporer Rudoph to his relative.

King Karl of Poland stares at a map of Italy.
Things don't seem so bright for the future of Europe, not to mention Italy.

I really enjoy part one, and I'm sure I'll enjoy this too.

So what about Asia?

What about Asia?

Ironically, the backwater connotation that has been applied to Africa, as been convienently moved to Asia...which is a soddering mess to quote an English lad.

Australia is rather large both in military and politically. Let us go over the key nugget of the Kaiser Prinz's wisdom...

German New Guinea was forked over in exchange for Afrika, spelled with a k to make it more Germanic. Thus, Britain took it over. Then there whole affair about France being stomped on with an iron boot left Indochina open.

It does not require a physic professor to calcuate the effects of this. The exact control that Britain has over her Empire is thin; the only "loyal" colonies that she can depend on is Canada and India. If Britain is the heartbed of eternal regret and war mongering, than India is the New Britain, where open hostilities towards the floundering German East African Federation/Commonwealth/Alliance/whatever one might call it, can be accounted for in the number of ships and this new thing called "Aero-planes".

Australia does control that side of New Guinea. It does not tolerate the idea that the Netherlands has tied itself with the mortally wounded Germany. This means that the Dutch East Indies is German, although in name only, and that nothing has really changed in that regard. What is good for Australia is the increased presence of American troops in the Phillipines. One does not really expect that level of American might to go down, especially with the matter of Russia and Japan hanging over a possible pro-Western Chinese dissident state(s).

Thus it is that Australia becomes the heartbed of what Britain can do without a whole army of Russians sleeping on the border with the Nordic Countries.

But the whole intricacies of that area are best left ignored, because the average American is concentrated on Mexico, and those dastard little Summit of the Americans giving approval of secret Communalist/Communist literature surfacing in the war-torn state of Columbia. It is not enough, the Republican argue, that people of German orientation are treated as spies and Communist literature banned from the libraries. It is not enough - the Republicans point out - because what we need is the methods of how we eliminated the Indian threat - that is, cultural genocide or perhaps an extension of these handy labor camps that have been bonking around for some time now.
Ah the Poles

The matter about the Poles is a curious one.

In order to answer this, one must go back to when the Kaiser Prinz was rising up to power, and convienently persuaded the former Chancellor Bismark to not implement a policy of hostility towards the Poles. This led to various un-important matters, regarding the Russians, and the Reinsurance Pact - but the one kernel of truth is of what the Poles had to face. A good amount of that ethnicity did like their freedoms under the Crown Prince (same person as the Kaiser Prinz). A small group of Poles didn't like being bought off.

Fast forward to the year 1914.

In this year, the Polish people occupy two states - the formally recognized state of Poland and another called the Polish Free State. The former is composed of elements of Germany and Russia in order to secure the potential fate of an utter collapse of the now creaking moribund Empire. The latter is not recognized - except in Austria - due to their stance on being "free from foreign domination", and other prickly issues that need not to be listed here.

The state of Poland does have some liberty in it's relations with Russia and Germany. One simply has to look at the matter regarding the Sahara where their failed venture at Imperialism actually had a good ending. There are the trains that cut through the land bearing Russian goods for those states pro-EU. The current monarch, a one Karl Hapsburg, is popular since much of his conduct is to retain Poland's stance as both a sovereign nation and lasting longer than the other incarnations.

The Polish Free State is a different matter all together. It is supported by the Kingdom of Austria, who is administered by King Rudolph as a figurehead, even though his power....is not so much a puppet but of a man with the strings on a wooden cross thingy. A person could label it as a _No Man's Land_, but that coud also apply to the Balkans, especially that bit of territory that the Ottoman Empire is quarreling with Greece, Serbia, Romania, and that whole wartorn area.

Of course there is the matter of how it is treated. Many in Austria regard it as a sovereign territory of their mediocre kingdom. There are troops to support this claim. However, one cannot simply state the stance of the Austrian Kingdom when the Hungarians take their cues from the Russians, who have the trains, the grains, and the men to make their stance a far superior and more obviously - yes sir yes sir, very well sir - position.

But that set aside, the ironic twist about the state of Poland as a sovereign nation is their response to the help that the Kaiser Prinz bestowed on them in his rise. The Poles are trying to show that they do remember this chance that they were given. The Prussians - even though they forged the Empire in the first place - do see the benefits in what they are doing. The only problem is that they cannot really deal with the massive exportation of troops in far away places such as France, Kamerun-Togoland, and other allies of the EU.

With that sitting before us, King Karl of Poland asks his cousin, King Rudolph of Austria, on how Franz Ferdinand is doing...
Quick bit

It is 1914.

The soon to be Kaiser Wilhelm III, King of the Netherlands, attempts to strike peace with the Americans. He points out that he is more of his Uncle than anything else. No one can come close to his father.

The American Ambassador to the Netherlands nods away.

Nothing comes out of the peace offering; the current Administration would rather see Germany fall than anything else.

In other news, the Summit of the Americas have created something of a World Bank, mostly to oversee the daily exchange of goods between Africa and South America. It is assumed that they will merge into the European Union. It is deduced that they will create this bloc that will stem the US's hold.

The letter comes in the mail. The connections that Wilhelm Bergerson has to the United States are unwilling to honor his request. He is German, even though his father had originated in Austria. He is German and such a lawsuit would be nigh near impossibility given the climate in the United States.

But what about Alaska? It is a shame that the finances fell through. The Imperial Russian Embassy has just built it's new airfield, given that the United States has created their own national innovation organization to counter German arms.

The Mexicans are fighting tooth and nail. The Administration hotly protests interference from Chile and the entire organization. They even go so far as to claim that they are agents of Russia, damn Russia, damn them to the eternal chaos that they are supposed to be in.

The United States wants War.

The German Ambassador in Argentina is honored for what was done and a new statue of the Kaiser Prinz is made in the city square of Buenos Aires, the words of the Danzig Speech written on the bottom.
It's good stuff - I have a feeling that TTL's WWI equivalent will be larger and more brutal than OTL one. And anything that smells of (obvious or covert) Russo-wank is good with me, the Russophile that I am :cool:

The news screams "REVOLUTION IN ITALY!".

The creep of Russia is apparent through Finland. Even though Finland is independent, once more under Swedish influence, there is that pallor of Russia next door. The representatives of those "Free Scandinavia" do formally protest Russia's creep along the border.

The thing is that there is no creep. The United States forces Britain to force the Nordic countries to counter Russia in anyway possible. There is revolution in Germany, which shows that it is democratic, and the navy is the brute force. The Spartacists - the military party - is used as a card to show unity to the others. Germany is slipping.

So what about Italy?

It starts with Thailand moving against Laos and Cambodia. That is not important. What is important is Russia annexing a huge swath of China under some transparent lie. What is important is Japan following, Korea, and China crumbles, slipping away, a far worse place than Germany ever has.

The theme of the day is that the Crown Prince was the Kaiser. Heinrich is good, but he is a Navy Man, and that France, ironically, is the bastion of what the Crown Prince would have wanted. There is revolution in Italy, propagated by France in Exile, namely the Third Republic.

An Argentinian merchant ship is sunk by a French ship. In response, Kamerun-Togoland dispatches a squadron of submarines, who then savage what coast that France In Exile has. The famous lawmaker who advocates for peace, Wilhelm H. Bergerson gives a passionate speech about the stability of the world and if we should slide into such darkening depths of war, then we shall never see the sun for ages.

There is a riot in the Third Republic. There is a whiff of what happened to the natives. There are the camps scattered through the desert and the plains of North America. There are no African Americans in some swaths of the Southern United States, with the economy failing, and the sudden realization that there's a very big whole in that region.

But Russia is going strong and has been doing so for quite some time. There is rumor in India that Russia is the place to be. Persia has signed some agreement. What is that? Nothing important, except that Persian troops have German guns, and that Germany is slipping into a coalition of military based political parties and the Liberals, a crude laugh in the distant night.

Nothing important here, except that the future Kaiser Wilhelm III takes a tour of France, inspecting the defenses, and there is a shot in the dark that hits him the shoulder.

The man is one of those French in Exile people that make their death something large. France in Exile protests not his capture but his death. It is the first official hanging on what used to be the Eiffel Tower by a state sanctioned organization, his body hanging in the wind, and a strong worded discourse on the polite nature of society's norms made in every French newspaper.

America is accused of being rude.

A-ha, A-ha, A-ha, and then the Russians make a point by taking a tour in Mexico, now a soddering mess.
One thing. In 1914, there is no nation name Thailand. It's Siam until some military dictator change it sometime before WWII.:)

The last installment should read: Siam instead of Thailand.

With that said, I've asked M.Passit to help me on that area (since he is from there) and...

South East Asia. What do we have to think of this resources rich region?

Not too much though, as long as the collapse of French, third or fourth, whatever, Indochina don’t disrupt your life.

To describe it at best, without France sticking their boots over them, its components can’t hold themselves together. Too much history, you see.

Speaking of history, the only independent state in that region are about to enter into one of the most interesting period of her history, in the Chinese traditional way to describe it.

The Siamese dislike the frog. No matter third or fourth, the frog is still the frog.

Oh, what the frog did to you that you hate them?

Apart from taking Lao and Cambodia from us, blockade the river’s delta, threaten to bombard Bangkok with canons, made us pay three million franc for three French soldiers that died, because France invaded Siam?

Sure, we hate the frog just because they are the frog.

The Siamese people were overjoyed when they heard that the frog is capitulated. Their only question is just why the German won’t burn Paris to the ground?

The Siamese elites were thinking of something else. With France gone, this mean that the only powers here are the British, who are in Burma. Siamese entrenched policy is to play various powers against one another. In the past, this mean playing the British in Burma and Malaya against the French in Indochina. The question before them is, who are they gonna play against the British?

The Siamese King also see something else. His Majesty looked at the map, and see that Indochina is no more. His question is how he could get Lao and Cambodia back to the fold.

And so, the Kings of Lao and Cambodia received a letter, a personal letter, from Bangkok. His Majesty, although not the bureaucrats, suggest that without France keeping Vietnam to behave themselves, Lao and Cambodia might be threaten by the ever ambitious Vietnamese. He also told them that if Lao and Cambodia are threatened, then Siam will feel threatened and she may feel to take any measures to protect herself.

Of course, this is personal letters, they can decide to do whatever they want, but Siam also can decide to do whatever she want. If, and if, they decide that Siam is a better camp, Siam won’t demand anything.

Really, did Siam demand anything from Lao and Cambodia before, aside a little tribute a year and promise of sending troops if asked by Siam?

While not exactly convinced that things will get back to the ol day before the French. Judging that the Vietnamese are recruiting and recruiting troops and with the Siamese deploying more and more troops across their borders, the King of Cambodia send a letter that he will be grateful if Rama VI will crown him King of Cambodia in Bangkok just like before. While King of Lao send a letter to Bangkok that he want to visit Bangkok and pay homage to the Emerald Buddha.

Of course, the Vietnamese were outraged. Siamese Imperialism they shouted. The Siamese ignored, and next thing they know, the Vietnamese were pouring their troops into Lao and Cambodia.

The British were also deeply worry. Of course the French are their ally. But the truth is, the French are in no position to impose their rule over former Indochina. The British are wary of the German and the Russian and their resources are start to spreading thin around the globe. The Indian are more worry about East Afrika than the Mekong swamps in Far East. The Australian were no different, the East Indies are more of their concern than some banana kingdoms up the equator.

All in all, if things don’t fall to the German or the Russian camps, it’s good in itself. Their only worry now that the war might disrupt the trade in the region and sending letters express their worry and something more to Bangkok.

And so we’re here in 1914. The Siamese King has revived the Siamese Empire, although not in name. He did so by ignoring his bureaucrats, created war with Vietnam, and pulling even more money from the kingdom’s treasury in the process.