
  1. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: Make Castile A Great Power

    Otl, Iberia has been divided into Castile, Aragon, and Portugal since before the end of the reconquista. And this fractured state means that they never became the biggest powers. Aragon had significant power in Italy, even still controlling much of the land south ot Rome, and the Mediterranean...
  2. ronaldo

    The colony that had colonies

    Hello everyone, I have been building an alternate story a few months ago in which Brazil became a great power comparable to the power of France during the 19th and 20th century. In this world Brazil industrialized very early being one of the first places to industrialize, after its independence...
  3. ALF0N53

    DBWI: Charles I of Spain elected as Emperor

    What if Charles I of Spain was chosen as the Holy Roman Emperor instead of Francis I of France? How would this affect the histories of both the HRE & Spain? How would Charles manage a ridiculously big domain with assorted laws, governments & customs?
  4. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: Muslims Conquer Spain?

    Otl, the Visogoths managed to repulse the Umaayads from Iberia, thus keeping it Christian. But what if they failed, and Iberia fell to invaders? Could a christian state emerge in the mountainous north, ala the Kingdom of Tangiers in northern Morocco? What would the ramifications be? Ooc: the...
  5. GameBawesome

    WI: Spanish Filibusters in Latin America

    Filibustering was a sort of practice a person engaging in unauthorized warfare against a foreign country. it was used by mostly US Citizens to try to take over Latin America. But what if the USA wasn't the only one to try this practice? What if people from another country, who used to control...
  6. ThecrownPrince

    Franco’s choice

    Which of these claimants did Franco actually consider for the throne of Spain had Don Juan not worked out. Alfonso bourbon(cousin of Don Juan) Karl von hapsburg(Karl the Pius not the son of Otto) Franz Josef von hapsburg(older brother of Karl, did not pursue claim until later in life.) Dominic...
  7. Chris Triangle

    A Less Than Splendid Little War

    The Eagle and The Phoenix: A Less than Splendid Little War Introduction. (You can skip this if you want to get to the war) The Lead Up to the War Note: I plan to expand this to cover the Cuban revolution in more detail and edit it as needed. The war itself is often regarded to have begun...
  8. AltoRegnant

    DBAHC: Screw Spain

    OTL, Spain has long been the greatest power of Europe. Despite being forged in the fires of la reconquista, it maintained the relative religious tolerance that muslim iberia held. This gave it the edge in manpower to compete with the other big boys, and it established strong loyalty to the king...
  9. Caravels of Portugal

    WI: Spanish Hawaii and the Pacific Islands in the 17th century

    In the OTL, hundreds of Manila galleons traveled through the Pacific, just south of Hawaii. However, many Spanish galleons did not bother to land on the islands because of the Spanish inability to properly explore the Pacific Ocean and to maintain Spanish monopoly on the trade. The Spanish also...
  10. AltoRegnant

    DBAHC: No Pax Hispanica?

    OOC: Big POD is that John of Asturias survives to be king and have a surviving line, at least for a few generations, and one of these kings decides that Protestantism and Judaism aren't entirely awful, and that the toleration is likely best for Spain, made more notable by the relative religious...
  11. Alternate History: Post Battle of Pavia (1525)

    So I'm aware that the Battle of Pavia (1525) and some particular counterfactual scenarios have been aired on this forum before, however, in this I aim to ask a different question about which I hope to generate some enlightened (and civilised) discussion. For those who...
  12. What if Franco Democratizes Spain.

    In OTL We Know that democratisation only came due to Spanish King tricking him, Now i know this is unrealistic, but its not outright sealion, so what if Franco decides to negotiate with Democrats and democratize, realizing that his Regime wont survive his death and so this way he atleast has...
  13. WI: The 1782 French proposal for the Treaty of Paris is accepted

    For the purposes of this scenario, let's suppose that the United States is in a troublesome position at this point in the American Revolutionary War (how it comes to be in this position is up to discussion). The Thirteen Colonies are under such stress that they are willing to accept any treaty...
  14. kasumigenx

    Balthasar’s recovery - A Spanish TL
    Threadmarks: Survival of the heir

    After the ceremony, the royal family moved to Zaragoza. On October 5, the eve of second anniversary of the death of Queen Elisabeth, Philip IV and Balthasar Charles attended Vespers that night in her memory. That evening, the prince was ill and the next day, Saturday October 6, he had to stay in...
  15. SealTheRealDeal

    Can Spain win its colonial wars if America doesn't intervene?

    As the title asks, in the absence of the Spanish-American War, can Spain win its conflicts in Cuba and the Philippines? In the Philippines the Pact of Biak-na-bato was in place, but things weren't quiet just yet and the pact seems to set up a very temporary peace. IIRC the Cuban War was still...
  16. RiverDelta

    AHC: A Powerful Spanish Speaking Country?

    Is there any way for one or more of the leading countries in the world, respected for its civility and world station, to be Spanish-speaking? This is not to say that the Spanish-speaking countries are barbarous or don't have culture (They absolutely do), but the GDP of Spain and Mexico is the...
  17. AHC: Spanish speaking country controlling all of North and South America

    Let's assume that through some series of events Spain is able to unite the entire Iberian peninsula under its rule. Let us also then assume that this stronger Spain goes on to colonize the new world unabated, with the other European powers such as France or Britain being unable or unwilling to...