central powers victory

  1. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    A (late) Central Powers Victory: Some Musings

    For me, the first world war is more interesting than the second. Now, don't get me wrong; WWII is still utterly fascinating. I especially love the technology, from the A-Bomb to the B-29 to the FG-42 and plenty more. But when reading about WWII, I always felt like the Axis were on borrowed time...
  2. Plexus

    The Cyrillic script and Brest-Litovsk's finer consequences

    Everybody knows about the Cyrillic script, the script used by the Orthodox Slavs in Eastern Europe, but few know that its position, although quite stable in the Balkans, was not as stable in... Russia? To illustrate the point I'll be making, I am going to get a generic central powers victory...

    Russian Revolution in an Early CP Victory?

    I’m working on a TL where the entire world becomes communist by the mid-20th Century. Similarly to Reds, its POD is William McKinley survives his assassination (here, the assassination still happens, but Dr. Roswell Park is able to save McKinley’s life) - preventing the Progressive Era reforms...
  4. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    German colonies in 1917 CP Victory

    Before World War 1, Germany had amassed the third largest colonial empire in the world, second only to Britain and France. However, these were mostly lost by 1915, although Paul von Lettow-Vorbek managed to cause significant trouble for the British and French in German East Africa. So my...
  5. Entente Victory in a Central Powers victorious world

    In a scenario where the Central Powers won WW1, how and what will the world think of an Entente victory? Will the world think of an Entente victory as impossible as the Central Power and Axis victory threads criticized as impossible here or something which is possible? Does it matter if the...

    Would a Central Powers Victory be Dystopian?

    As anyone who’s been involved in alternate history or counterfactual history - or even just history in general - most people will agree that Nazi Germany remains one of the most vile, bigoted, repressive and evil regimes in human history. Had they somehow won World War II, then they would have...
  7. The Kaiser's Victory: What If The German Spring Offensive Succeeded?

    The Kaiser's Victory: What If The German Spring Offensive Succeeded? As the title suggest, This is a timeline about a successful Spring Offensive that brings Germany, and by extention The Central Powers victory in 1918. The German Spring Offensive is something I have become very intrested in...

    Fate of Berlin Institute of Sex Research in a Central Powers Victory scenario?

    In honor of Pride Month, what would be the fate of the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute of Sex Research) in Berlin, Germany in a timeline where the Central Powers won World War I? For those unaware, IOTL the Institute of Sex Research was an early sexology research institute active in...
  9. If Germany won WW1, would France fall into civil war? If so, wo would win?

    If the Central Powers won WW1, would France devolve into civil war? I've been wondering if the mutinies in the French military during 1917-early 1918 could cause a civil war. If so, who would try to take power? Would the German Empire create a puppet provisional government, or will Socialists or...
  10. Friedrich der Große

    Napoleonic situation after WW1

    Today, I read that a German victory in WW1 by a succesfull Westfeldzug in 1914 or a East First strategy could result in a situation like the Napoleonic Wars, where Britain every time built new coalitions against France (ITTL Germany). Is this plausible?
  11. Oba Cahokia

    How would the Ottomans and Austria Hungary collapse after WW1 in a Central Powers Victory?

    What would be the countries they split into, how much longer will they last before falling apart, what would the borders look like, What impact would this have on the rest of the world?
  12. Could Luxembourg expand within the German Empire?

    In a CP victory scenario, inwhich Luxembourg joins the German Empire as a new member state, how likely could it be that Prussia cedes the Britburg-Prüm region? Most of the area was historically Luxembourgish, and the cession would not only compensate for Luxembourg's loss of sovereignty, but it...
  13. Germany wins World War I, and the Whites win the Russian Civil War?

    What if Germany won World War I in 1917-1918 and the White Army subsequently won the Russian Civil War against the Bolsheviks? Of course the Whites would have been extremely unhappy at the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, but having just come out of a devastating Civil War to defeat the Bolsheviks, I...
  14. Bomster

    Best POD for CP victory in WW1?

    WW1 is an incredibly fascinating time period, as it was seemingly a more even conflict that could have gone either way that had long lasting consequences. However, I’ve never been able to find any good PODs that give you a Central Powers victory. What are some of the most plausible PODs that...
  15. World Mapping

    TL-191: The Ulster Question

    Harry Turtledove's Southern Victory series sees the creation of an independent Irish Republic after the conclusion of the First Great War, encompassing the entire Emerald Isle. How does/would Ireland handle Ulster, which'd likely continue rebelling over and over again?
  16. Friedrich der Große

    South Africa if Germany won WW1

    What would happen to South Africa if Germany won World War I? Would it have less British influence and more German or even Dutch influence, and become a sort of new Boer Republic or would the history of South Africa be totally similar as in OTL? How would the relations between SA and The...
  17. Friedrich der Große

    Central Power Netherlands

    What if The Netherlands joined the Central Powers? Let’s assume a naval incident or something else, and as a result, The Netherlands join the Central Powers. Let’s say that in this TL Germany plays their ‘old strategy’ so focuses on Russia first, but Britain still join the war. Last but not...
  18. World Mapping

    Were there plans for Galicia to be given to Poland in the event of a Central Powers victory?

    Were there plans for Galicia to be given to Poland in the event of a Central Powers victory? Need to know for a timeline of mine in the works.
  19. World Mapping

    Would WW2 happen if the Central Powers won WW1?

    Would WW2 happen if the Central Powers won WW1?
  20. PC/WI: Central Powers Win WWI but the Ottomans go Italy

    Let's say that the Central Powers manage to win WWI, but the Ottoman's war with Britain weakens them where they can't hold Arabia after a few years. Blaming the Germans and Austrians for not doing enough to help their empire, the Ottomans eventually adopt a fascist-style government and join the...