
  1. WI John Komnenos become emperor instead Constantine Doukas?

    What if John Komnenos, Isaac I's brother, become emperor instead of Constantine Doukas? Imagine the Doukid dies during the exile in which the Orphanotrophos sent him, no Doukids would be placed by him in so many civil or military places as emperor. I think that John Komnenos would have the right...
  2. WI: Arabs Accepted Sassanid Offer For Tigris River Border

    During the siege of Bahurasīr, a Sassanid emissary relayed a message from Shahanshah Yazdegerd III to the Arabs, proposing a new border along the Tigris River, with the lands to the west designated as Arab territory and those to the east as Sassanid. IOTL, this offer was rejected, and the Arabs...
  3. Roman Mesopotamia and Ottoman Iraq

    A simple question, why exactly was Mesopotamia such a difficult region for the Roman's to keep hold of that when it actually was annexed, control only lasted two years. The Romans would reastiblish the province again under Septimius Severus, but only to the Khabur river, and since then, not even...
  4. WI: byzantine bureaucracy never arise in the XI century?

    Imagine a different XI century for the byzantine history. After the death of Constantine VIII, Constantine Dalassenos become basileus instead of Romanos Argyros. The doux of Antioch was an experienced military commander, influential patrician, and unswervingly loyal to the ruling house. Could he...
  5. Sevarics

    WI: Kilij Arslan is Captured at the Siege of Nicaea in the First Crusade ?

    IOTL, Kilij Arslan underestimated the Crusaders after defeated the Peasant's Army. As a result, he went to fight the Danishmends in the East, only to have to make an about face and rush back to Nicaea when he got word of the ever growing Crusader forces at the city where his family was. He...
  6. Possible Byzantium with a Muslim Emperor?

    As the title says, i want to know if there was any chance for a Muslim to become the Emperor of Rome. I dont mean someone like the Ottomans taking the title of Byzantine/Roman Emperors, i mean a Muslim guy manages to outwit the Byzantine powercenters and insert himself onto Emperorship. It...
  7. God-Loving, God-Fearing: A Khurramite Timeline

    GOD-LOVING, GOD-FEARING I — On the Plain of Anzen 21st of July, 838 AD (24th of Sha’ban, 223 AH) Anzen, Armeniac Theme, Empire of the Eastern Romans At dusk… Though he could scarcely see them for the dying light, Theophilos the Amorian—Basileus and Emperor of the Romans—knew well what stood...
  8. No Islam - What about Slavery?

    Big Question regarding a long period affected by a swarm of butterflies. But it's something I've pondered about before. The first type of slavery in the Islamic world that comes to popular imagination would be that of harems/concubines full of women from many places. Whether something like this...
  9. Logothete of Cuisine

    No Twenty Years’ Anarchy: A Byzantine TL

    Click here for the first chapter In 695, Justinian II was deposed and the ERE entered a twenty-year long period of instability. Now my question is, how to prevent that? I have thought of several possibilities, including - Justinian II being more lenient with his taxes, eliminating the primary...
  10. Oba Cahokia

    AHC: Bulgarian-Byzantine Empire with an Ottoman Dynasty

    Come up with a short timeline where the Bulgaria and the Byzantine Empire merge politically with each other but the last surviving ruling family is the House of Osman controlling lands in the Balkans and Anatolia. Bonus Points for having the empire be a sweet blend of Bulgarian and Byzantine...
  11. dachi

    The Armenian Lives Or Basilieus Leo V Survives His Assassination
    Threadmarks: The Christmas Miracle

    On the splendid day of the Lord to celebrate Christmas, Basilieus Leo wished to spend the day in the church of St. Stephen without any guards, yet at the behest of his son and Co-Basilieus Constantine, who urged his father Leo to reconsider and take with him a contingent of guards even inside...
  12. Continuing after Sufetula 647; Muslim Europe

    In 647, outside the temporary capital of the exarchate of Africa, Sufetula, the Muslims crushed the Roman army, killing the exarch Gregory. Leaving the rest of the Roman Maghreb defenceless. Commanded by some of the most senior of companions of the prophet: But instead of pressing on, they...
  13. George Maniakes survives and marries Theodora Porphyrogenita

    for the many of the George Maniakes scenarios they assume and correctly that Maniakes had little patience to be a good emperor and would challenge the legitimacy of Zoe but Theodora was still influential in court could he had married her out of convince with Theodora taking care of the civilian...
  14. AHC: Rump Byzantine Empire survives to the Present

    Okay so I noticed most Byzantine Empire survival scenarios have it continue to survive as a huge empire, but I decided as a really quick AHC while I struggle with writers block on the main TL I'm working on. Your goal is this Turn the Byzantine Empire into a tiny rump state Have this tiny rump...
  15. How would Christianity be affected if Julian succeded

    Assuming Julian managed to successfully revive roman paganism in the west with many eastern elites also converting (Christianity was to entrenched in the eastern half by that point to really be supplanted). lets also assume that the western half falls similar to our timeline. Would Christianity...
  16. WI: Ali ibn Abi Talib won the Battle of Siffin?

    I've been a regular lurker on this forum for a while, and decided to pick this account back up again. Being a Muslim IRL, this PoD has always fascinated me, so I decided to post on the forum and see what you fine folk think, with the idea of maybe making a timeline if there's some interest in...
  17. Sevarics

    WI: Eudokia Makrembolitissa weds Romanos Diogenes as her first husband instead of Constantine Doukas ?

    As the tin says, what if Eudokia, niece of the Patriarch of Constantinople, weds Romanos Diogenes as her first husband instead of Constantine Doukas ? Romanos was a successful military leader from a well connected family and so good looking that she fell in love with him later in her life anyway...
  18. Oba Cahokia

    The Rumelians: (Byzantine) Greco-Bulgarian Culture and Nation

    Is it possible, what have to happen for Bulgarian and Byzantine Greek culture to perfectly fuse together and possibly for entirely new ethnic group? Map was created by u/KingofFairview on Reddit I just cropped it for a 'realistic' border of Rumelia. Link to the original map will be below the image.
  19. Sevarics

    WI: Constantine and his daughters predecease Basil II ?

    As the tin says, what if Constantine and his daughters, at least the younger two since the elder was a nun, predecease Basil by 5-7 years. Do you think Basil would take it upon himself to marry and have a child or would he simply designate an heir? If so, who ? Possible impacts of no...
  20. Al-Za’im

    Christianity in a Byzantine Levant

    Assuming that by some set of circumstances, Heraclius is able to repel the Arabo-Islamic incursions into the Levant; effectively cementing the Levant as part of Rhomania for centuries to follow. Without the permeation of Islam, Christianity likely reminds the dominant faith within the region...