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  1. WI Historically Islam slows in Palestine / 1947: Palestinians are 65% Christian

    Historically, Christians in Palestine were probably between 10-15% of the population in 1947 What if.... Either due to a longer Crusader presence, internal divisions in Islam, or simply a more steadfast rejection by locals in the 'Land of the Savior', Islam's historical expansion slowed in...
  2. Save the Yamato! (for another purpose)

    Admiral Fedishi Up-gawa listened to Captain Hara: Captain Tameichi Hara, also fed up, related that the planned Yamato suicide sortie would not serve a military purpose and was an unethical waste of Japanese lives- thus it was a crime against Japan. As Hara was one of the few experienced...
  3. May 1945, Quisling makes a run for it...

    Starring at the grainy photo of the executed Mussolini, he started to sweat. The photo, with its ominous caption, had been circulating through the capital courtesy of resistance groups. The traitor mulled his chances. To stay put meant certain death. A potential, though very tenuos refuge...
  4. Sultanate of Mataram, Java / Australian colonies

    1625, Sualtanate of Mataram, Java Minister Suleyman stared at the report. Though Suleyman hoped to duplicate the Spanish experience of civlian colonization and wealth extraction of the new world, it was becoming clear that Australia would have far fewer immediate rewards. Even still, he was...
  5. Stop the Einsatzgruppen

    Late October 1941, Moscow As the Partisan official expected, the survivor's account moved everyboy in the room. What the SS and local collaborators did at Babi Yar in September was monsterous and sickening - even by well, NKVD standards. Not wanting to dwell on the latter, the partisan...
  6. The Best Possible T-34 / panzer hybrid

    The greenlight had finally come after Stalingrad. Everyone knew that the T-34 design was good and captured examples had been used on an ad hoc basis sine the invasion. Now, the Wermacht was screaming for tanks and the next generation Panthers and Tiger were a long way off. German pride was...
  7. 1857, Utah LDS Stand Off turns into full war

    July 2012, Room 658- History Lecture Blue Mountain State University: The history lecturer sighs, again most of the class is hung over and staring into space. Yet he continues: The war of 1857 was a "perfect storm" or tensions and misunderstandings. It was also entirely avoidable. First...
  8. 10/44, a Finnish Peoples Republic

    What if.... September 1944: For Stalin, Soviet lives did not matter at all. What all that mattered was the map, Soviet strength tables and geo politics. Stalin's analysis was uhmm...."finished": Inform the Finns of these additional conditions.... -Finland must accept at least token...
  9. 1387, An Orthodox Crusade

    1387, Orthodoxy to be Defended Moscow, 1387 The black robed theologian droned on: "So clearly, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, not the Father and the Son". The Prince of Moscow faked interest, "chicken or the egg" theological arguments were not his specialty. The military map made...
  10. Cook Surveys an Iron Australia

    From the report of Captain James Cook, 1772: Our Survey of the east coast of the land mass has confirmed earlier Dutch voyages. Where the climate and soil permit, the native Kingdoms are numerous and are engaged in agriculture and warfare amongst themselves. Several of the larger kingdoms...
  11. A different Waco

    February 1993, Waco.... Supervisory Internal Affairs Officer Wisdom studied the complaint. He immediately saw that Perez, the agent who blew the whistle, was not a disgruntled employee. Perez's points were a litany: -The very clumsy cover stories of the purportedly undercover agents. -The...
  12. August, 1945 Soviets in Japan

    August 11, 1945 The Soviet general watched the reverse Dunkirk with pride. The few landing craft were reserved for T-34s. Meanwhile, a mix of destroyers, minesweepers, fishing boats, passenger ferries, towed barges and even surfaced submarines was also unloading. Intelligence was dead...
  13. 1967, East Jersusalem Holds

    June 1967, Ahmed's House: Captain Ahmed Al Popovi was physially, spiritually and mentally exhasusted. He barely noticed the two Israeli bodies in the shattered room. For nine days he and his dwindling unit had fought off continous Israeli attacks with desperate frenzy. After their counter...
  14. A march into India, 1942

    July, 1942 A change of plans: General Strategicoshi studied the approved plan one more time. At second glance, it made alot of sense: New Guinea is a swamp, the war in pacific was going to be a naval campaign. Using first rate troops to garisson islands which could be come self supporting...
  15. A harvest in Cuba

    A harvest in Cuba, 1898 Colonel Alfredo Santos y Cruz stared at the "harvest" in amazement. They looked just like cut sugar cane stalks. Colonel Santos had misgivings when Captain Davila arrived fresh from assignment as a liason officer in Germany. He brought with him a "team" and four...
  16. Norway, April 1940

    April 1940... Colonel Johansen reflects: Placing the real and in some cases, imagined Nazi sympathizers in "protective custody" and suspending selected publishing and radio liscences may have been constitutionaly questionable, but it was worth it. When the German invasion came, there...
  17. June 1935, Mao's Long March is over

    June 1935, Sichuan China: Mao stares as another platoon of Zhang's men enter the church. The link up with Zhang was expected to be tense, but not this tense. The men are armed with rifles that undoubtably function and have real, not home made gernades. Mao and his staff are pushed against a...
  18. May 1942, Speer leads a discussion on U boats

    May 1942: Albert Speer: Mien fuhrer, the math does not lie. Already, U boat losses agaisnt escorted convoys are un economical. Its going to get much, much worse..... Radar, Sonar, Huff Duff, Leigh Lights, Hedge hogs etc etc. . U boat production devours precision manufacturing recesources...
  19. Kursh, 1943 Germans Win Big

    Kursk 1943: The Soviet armored Brigade collapses. SS Captain Heinz Tankerts radios his Panthers not to shoot up the valuable American trucks, and in compliance with strange new orders, not to wantonly machine gun surrendering Soviets. After days of slugging combat, the campaign has gone...
  20. March 1917, Czar refuses to Abdicate

    What if.... Late 1916: At least some of the Cossack Life Guard regiments are withdrawn from the front and returned to their duties as body guards. March 1917: Acting on a tip, Czar Nicholas arrives at the strategic head quarters accompained by two companies of life guards. When pressured...