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  • Lokesh kumar singh

  • Read your one-shot on Stark cadet branch. Loved the initial premise. However, it felt like you were trying too hard to conform to the events that happened in canon. I really felt it has a lot of potential. If you decide to revisit it in future, I would love to read it.
    Tyler96 1

    Unfortunately, I cannot really say I have any plans to revamp it or follow it up at the moment. Sometimes life gets in the way of such things (uni, in my case).

    If I ever get back to it, I'll try to remember to let you know.
    Tyler96 1
    As for your criticism, I s'pose my original idea was to ask "how would an existing Stark cadet branch effect the events of canon?" and to that end I kind of powered through and ignored potential butterflies.

    In a more realistic scenario there'd probably be significant divergences long before canon events, and that would be interesting to explore.
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