Base Maps from 550 BC to Modern Day, all in UCS!

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Here's one I did by country (and state, province and territory in the Big 3) if it helps.

I'm after a more internal one to show what parts of a country things are in and such, thus helping to show what likely densities and populations are for alternate countries and other such things.
I'm after a more internal one to show what parts of a country things are in and such, thus helping to show what likely densities and populations are for alternate countries and other such things.

So it'll show where high density populations are (like river deltas and estuaries and such)? Sounds like a good idea.
Are you talking about the rectangular format? My 475 is the globe format; I stopped keeping the rectangular ones in my folder.

No, it's just actually been that long since we adopted the globe format.

Actually, looking at the file data, I created it in January of 2011, so it's over two years old.
I'm after a more internal one to show what parts of a country things are in and such, thus helping to show what likely densities and populations are for alternate countries and other such things.

So it'll show where high density populations are (like river deltas and estuaries and such)? Sounds like a good idea.
Well it would change depending on the POD. Mesopotamia/Iraq should be super populous, but it isn't because of Mongol devastation and its consequences. Europe should be as populated as India, but isn't because India has entered a demographic trap. China could be more populated with no one-child policy, or less populated if it industrializes earlier rather than later. Ukraine should be heavily populated, but isn't because of communist famines and a fairly recent demographic collapse.

While as far as individual regions, most areas in the third world could be more concentrated and urbanized than in OTL.

The population density of various areas in the Americas depends on when the Americas start being colonized.

So just doing the 2013 population density would probably be the best.


Why is Russia Tsarist Gold and not Radical Green?

I'm aware of the compromise, but could someone explain to me why we consider today's Russia to be "conservative" rather than "radical"? Or is it that we actually only use gold for Russia, and just pretend otherwise? (It does seem a little unnecessary to have three colors - there's no reason why the non-Bolsheviks can't be colored gold in the civil war.)

Also, can someone tell me what the origin of China's green is?
Folks, is there a colour for Macedon?

I was thinking of doing a map series showing the breakup of Alexander's Empire, you see...

Linked to this venture, is it better to give the Seleucids a Mesopotamian or a Syrian colour? Seleucus was ethnically a Macedonian, who started off his career in Babylon, and ended up founding a capital in Syria...
Folks, is there a colour for Macedon?

I was thinking of doing a map series showing the breakup of Alexander's Empire, you see...

I, and AFAIK everyone else give the Alexandrian Empire the Greek color, so I don't think it has one.

Linked to this venture, is it better to give the Seleucids a Mesopotamian or a Syrian colour? Seleucus was ethnically a Macedonian, who started off his career in Babylon, and ended up founding a capital in Syria...

That is basically the only real historic reason the Syria color exists, for the Seleucids.
I'm aware of the compromise, but could someone explain to me why we consider today's Russia to be "conservative" rather than "radical"? Or is it that we actually only use gold for Russia, and just pretend otherwise? (It does seem a little unnecessary to have three colors - there's no reason why the non-Bolsheviks can't be colored gold in the civil war.)

Also, can someone tell me what the origin of China's green is?

Putin is pretty danged conservative.
I get that you are/might be making a joke, but surely Russia won't become green if Yabloko somehow took power!
It could very well. Putin's regime is a reactionary strongman regime, where if there were an actual transition to fully functional and fair democracy it would turn green. I do think that Putin wasn't initially such a strongman though, and that some parts of the 90s should have a green Russia.
It could very well. Putin's regime is a reactionary strongman regime, where if there were an actual transition to fully functional and fair democracy it would turn green. I do think that Putin wasn't initially such a strongman though, and that some parts of the 90s should have a green Russia.

Possibly 1991-1993, but certainly it's back to Conservative once Yeltsin illegally dissolves Parliament and calls in the army to support him.

For Putin, things are complicated. Pre-emptively sending in the police to break up the Dissenters' Marches in 2007 fits 'reactionary strongman', and I think Khodorkovsky's arrest in 2003, which most probably had a political dimension (most of his assets were purchased by the state, after the company was forced into bankruptcy by both a sudden tax bill and frozen assets at the same time, and he was a major funder of the opposition) could be indicated as the start of a switch over, though it's a bit hazy.

So, Green from 1991-1993, Gold from 1993-1999, Green from 1999-2003 and Gold thereafter?

Or perhaps just Green from 91-93 and Gold thereafter?
Possibly 1991-1993, but certainly it's back to Conservative once Yeltsin illegally dissolves Parliament and calls in the army to support him.

For Putin, things are complicated. Pre-emptively sending in the police to break up the Dissenters' Marches in 2007 fits 'reactionary strongman', and I think Khodorkovsky's arrest in 2003, which most probably had a political dimension (most of his assets were purchased by the state, after the company was forced into bankruptcy by both a sudden tax bill and frozen assets at the same time, and he was a major funder of the opposition) could be indicated as the start of a switch over, though it's a bit hazy.

So, Green from 1991-1993, Gold from 1993-1999, Green from 1999-2003 and Gold thereafter?

Or perhaps just Green from 91-93 and Gold thereafter?

I'm glad to get people who actually know about Russian history to back me. :D
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