Nobunaga’s Ambition Realized: Dawn of a New Rising Sun

I do hope Japan and the Amur Khanate wins the Manchuria region as a way to make Japan to focus on Russia that would be costly in the long term and Joseon would focus on further reforms so they could Japan in the future.
I don’t think they can “win” the Manchuria region short of the Jin Khan dying and thus starting another succession Civil War.

ultimately it might be better if the Amur Khanate is defeated and absorbed into the Jin Khanate. with Japan coming to a new agreement with the Jin against more pressing boarding threats like Russia, Korea, Mongolia and China.
I don’t think they can “win” the Manchuria region short of the Jin Khan dying and thus starting another succession Civil War.

ultimately it might be better if the Amur Khanate is defeated and absorbed into the Jin Khanate. with Japan coming to a new agreement with the Jin against more pressing boarding threats like Russia, Korea, Mongolia and China.
I think ultimately if the Jim Khanate wins the Joseon basically win by proxy. The Joseon can annex their ally like in the future as the Jin become more subservient.
The Joseon can annex their ally like in the future as the Jin become more subservient.
It was mentioned that the Khan of the Jin is very ambitious. While he might not want to, or be in a prime position to back stab Korea at this point I don’t see him or the Jin just rolling over and dying. The Jin reuniting the Manchu states will make them less subservient not more.
Very good update! Can’t wait to see how the Asiatic Northern War goes.

Also on a side note, I’m going to hazard a guess and say that by the time Gyeongseon’s modernisation and professionalisation of the Joseon Army is complete the standard Joseon infantryman will look something like this?


If Joseon loses this burgeoning war then it might lead to quicker military reforms or the Confucian sholar-advisors attempt a putsch.
This actually is a pretty good, albeit luxurious, take on what a typical Joseon musketeer would look like. Although that particular musket probably doesn't exist until the 18th century. However, similarly to the Japanese (and even to some extent Europeans), the infantry is still a mix of arquebusiers/musketeers and swordsmen/spearmen. I'm actually gonna talk a bit about it in the chapter but although the military modernizes, the trajectory is still a bit different based on who they're typically fighting or are expecting to be fighting (Mongols and Jurchens vs Europeans and Japanese).​
I’d imagine that the uniform above oils be more of a parade or elite unit uniform with more rugged versions becoming a standard later down the line.
Yeah I think it's the best ending for everyone: Joseon protects it's northern border and shows the general populace and elites that the modernisation campaign was successful while the Japanese still get something out of it and aren't humiliated (tbf with the best general of Japan's generation fighting there I don't see Japan totally lose).
Japan has to walk out with something tangible. Control over those key islands and also northern coasts in the Sea of Okhotsk could be a good sell.
It was mentioned that the Khan of the Jin is very ambitious. While he might not want to, or be in a prime position to back stab Korea at this point I don’t see him or the Jin just rolling over and dying. The Jin reuniting the Manchu states will make them less subservient not more.
Even with the current ruler being very ambitious (and a good ruler) it doesn't mean his policies wouldn't allow the Joseon to exert more and more control. And the ruler's descendants could be the ones to lose Manchuria to the Joseon too.
This actually is a pretty good, albeit luxurious, take on what a typical Joseon musketeer would look like. Although that particular musket probably doesn't exist until the 18th century. However, similarly to the Japanese (and even to some extent Europeans), the infantry is still a mix of arquebusiers/musketeers and swordsmen/spearmen. I'm actually gonna talk a bit about it in the chapter but although the military modernizes, the trajectory is still a bit different based on who they're typically fighting or are expecting to be fighting (Mongols and Jurchens vs Europeans and Japanese).​
tbf my main nitpick is that the soldier is wearing chainmail. A cuirass would make sense since anything else won't stop a bullet from going through the armour.
Japan has to walk out with something tangible. Control over those key islands and also northern coasts in the Sea of Okhotsk could be a good sell.
Yeah I do think it'd be for the best for Japan. Maybe they make their control of the Northern Far East a lot more tangible too?
Even with the current ruler being very ambitious (and a good ruler) it doesn't mean his policies wouldn't allow the Joseon to exert more and more control. And the ruler's descendants could be the ones to lose Manchuria to the Joseon too.
Let’s say the Jin-Korean alliance wins, Seoul will want to expand or project their influence within the Jin state immediately afterwards while the current monarch who received Korean aid is in power. It’s makes no sense for Korea to wait 20-30 years after the war to expand their influence, even if it’s slowly over that 20 to 30 year period.

no if they win korea will want to make clear the vassalage of the Jin while they still have large numbers of troops in Jin territory. If the Khan and or his court agree then they’re vassals, but if they don’t they either face a war immediately, or they face a war eventually.
Yeah I do think it'd be for the best for Japan. Maybe they make their control of the Northern Far East a lot more tangible too?
What Japan needs is strong footholds and control over the Sea of Okhotsk and the furs wherein that do not overextend them and overstretch their defenses against the Russians, Koreans, or anyone else. At the same time however they also need to control enough that they can't just be driven into the sea.
Let’s say the Jin-Korean alliance wins, Seoul will want to expand or project their influence within the Jin state immediately afterwards while the current monarch who received Korean aid is in power. It’s makes no sense for Korea to wait 20-30 years after the war to expand their influence, even if it’s slowly over that 20 to 30 year period.

no if they win korea will want to make clear the vassalage of the Jin while they still have large numbers of troops in Jin territory. If the Khan and or his court agree then they’re vassals, but if they don’t they either face a war immediately, or they face a war eventually.
I think the Jin probably would be done slowly. The lesser Jin are already a group who's the weaker group compared to the Joseon, and the allowance of Joseon armies to march within Jin lands is already something that's quite indicative of who's the master and who's the weaker servant.

It depends on how the current Jurchen ruler deals with the Joseon.
What Japan needs is strong footholds and control over the Sea of Okhotsk and the furs wherein that do not overextend them and overstretch their defenses against the Russians, Koreans, or anyone else. At the same time however they also need to control enough that they can't just be driven into the sea.
Yeah agreed. I think we would see Japan focus on the Sea of Okhotsk. It is where the fur trade would source sea otter furs after all, and keeping a tight lid on sea otter pelt production would be for the best for Japan.
I think the Jin probably would be done slowly. The lesser Jin are already a group who's the weaker group compared to the Joseon, and the allowance of Joseon armies to march within Jin lands is already something that's quite indicative of who's the master and who's the weaker servant.
I think it could go either way
What Japan needs is strong footholds and control over the Sea of Okhotsk and the furs wherein that do not overextend them and overstretch their defenses against the Russians, Koreans, or anyone else. At the same time however they also need to control enough that they can't just be driven into the sea.
I'm curious as to how well the Japanese explored the Sea of Okhotsk and Kamchatka. If the Japanese are dedicating more effort into to controlling the Siberian Fur trade, you'd think they would make substantial efforts of exploration. Even just knowing what is there would give Japan a huge advantage in claiming that territory from its rivals.
I'm curious as to how well the Japanese explored the Sea of Okhotsk and Kamchatka. If the Japanese are dedicating more effort into to controlling the Siberian Fur trade, you'd think they would make substantial efforts of exploration. Even just knowing what is there would give Japan a huge advantage in claiming that territory from its rivals.
we know they're already around the Chishima islands, idk if they're around Kamchatka and Okhotsk though...

its more that Ambassador Hunstman doesn't really writes much about exploration in general.
Seems like there some people being pro-Joseon... kidding of course but yeah if Joseon backstabs the Jin, I'm sure as hell they'll be pushed back to the peninsula...

*Hell, the Jin would probably make deals with the Ming, Japan, even Russia so they could stay independent.
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Not for the Manchus

Manchurian armies; *Disagrees violently*
There's a reason why gunpowder empires destroyed the steppe empires of yore...
Seems like there some people being pro-Joseon... kidding of course but yeah if Joseon backstabs the Jin, I'm sure as hell they'll be pushed back to the peninsula...

*Hell, the Jin would probably make deals with the Ming, Japan, even Russia so they could stay independent.
It really depends on how well the two armies are rn, which are both unknowns. I'm just assuming that the Joseon have a good army to match their ambitions...
Yeah agreed. I think we would see Japan focus on the Sea of Okhotsk. It is where the fur trade would source sea otter furs after all, and keeping a tight lid on sea otter pelt production would be for the best for Japan.
The IRL Russian regions of Chukchi, Kamchatka, Magadan, and Khabarovsk (northern half at least) would be ideal.

ofc. I do think having the Joseon colonise Manchuria would be very fun tho, and if the Joseon play their cards right the Jin can't exactly do anything.
Not just fun but kinda necessary for the Joseon to remain relevant in light of their bigger and more powerful neighbours.

I’ll get in a chapter about exploration sooner or later, I will promise that.
Looking forward to that!