WIP Map Thread


This is a work in progress map for the 1789-90 Presidential Election for the United States shortly after the start of the Bluegrass Rebellion and the Louisiana War for a TL ive been working on where there is a much greater Rebellion.

Here's a list of the states for the heck of it:
1.Adirondack (Upstate New York)
5.Connecticut (+ Western Reserve)
7. East Florida
9.Honduras (Belize)
12.Lower Munster
13.Leeward Islands
18.Mosquito Coast
20.New Ireland (PEI)
21.New Hampshire
22.New Jersey
23.New York (Downstate)
24.North Carolina
25.Nova Scotia
29.Rhode Island
30.South Carolina
33.Upper Munster
34. Vermont
36.Virgin Islands
37.Wabanaki (New Brunswick)
38. West Florida
40.Windward Islands
View attachment 899660
This is a work in progress map for the 1789-90 Presidential Election for the United States shortly after the start of the Bluegrass Rebellion and the Louisiana War for a TL ive been working on where there is a much greater Rebellion.

Here's a list of the states for the heck of it:
1.Adirondack (Upstate New York)
5.Connecticut (+ Western Reserve)
7. East Florida
9.Honduras (Belize)
12.Lower Munster
13.Leeward Islands
18.Mosquito Coast
20.New Ireland (PEI)
21.New Hampshire
22.New Jersey
23.New York (Downstate)
24.North Carolina
25.Nova Scotia
29.Rhode Island
30.South Carolina
33.Upper Munster
34. Vermont
36.Virgin Islands
37.Wabanaki (New Brunswick)
38. West Florida
40.Windward Islands
That's an impressive United States for the 1790s. How'd they manage to take Ireland?
View attachment 899660
This is a work in progress map for the 1789-90 Presidential Election for the United States shortly after the start of the Bluegrass Rebellion and the Louisiana War for a TL ive been working on where there is a much greater Rebellion.

Here's a list of the states for the heck of it:
1.Adirondack (Upstate New York)
5.Connecticut (+ Western Reserve)
7. East Florida
9.Honduras (Belize)
12.Lower Munster
13.Leeward Islands
18.Mosquito Coast
20.New Ireland (PEI)
21.New Hampshire
22.New Jersey
23.New York (Downstate)
24.North Carolina
25.Nova Scotia
29.Rhode Island
30.South Carolina
33.Upper Munster
34. Vermont
36.Virgin Islands
37.Wabanaki (New Brunswick)
38. West Florida
40.Windward Islands
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH now THIS is a delicious concept. I will watch its career with great interest.
That's an impressive United States for the 1790s. How'd they manage to take Ireland?
The side effects of the very Catholic Quebec joining the rebellion as well as the very Catholic France and Spain supporting it results in just about all the smaller reforms that were happening that in a sense kept Ireland in line to not happen or be rolled back and leads to rebellion starting first in Ulster and spreading throughout the island and is one of the key events that leads to the British asking for the war to end and Ireland gets tacked onto the US because the British would rather the US having it instead of letting the French or Spanish have an easier way of influencing the island.
Now Ireland is divided into six states at the time of the election because the Irish delegates weren't thrilled that while having a massive chunk of the House, they'd be shafted in the senate, and so initially proposed the six state partition was a hail mary but the Caribbean delegates makes a deal with the Irish delegates that they'd recognize the Six Irish States in return for them backing the motion that all slaves are counted towards the census and apportionment, and so the 3/5s compromise doesn't happen.
The side effects of the very Catholic Quebec joining the rebellion as well as the very Catholic France and Spain supporting it results in just about all the smaller reforms that were happening that in a sense kept Ireland in line to not happen or be rolled back and leads to rebellion starting first in Ulster and spreading throughout the island and is one of the key events that leads to the British asking for the war to end and Ireland gets tacked onto the US because the British would rather the US having it instead of letting the French or Spanish have an easier way of influencing the island.
Now Ireland is divided into six states at the time of the election because the Irish delegates weren't thrilled that while having a massive chunk of the House, they'd be shafted in the senate, and so initially proposed the six state partition was a hail mary but the Caribbean delegates makes a deal with the Irish delegates that they'd recognize the Six Irish States in return for them backing the motion that all slaves are counted towards the census and apportionment, and so the 3/5s compromise doesn't happen.
Holy crap is the most likely outcome a long time of discontent betwixt the North and South over slavery?
View attachment 899660
This is a work in progress map for the 1789-90 Presidential Election for the United States shortly after the start of the Bluegrass Rebellion and the Louisiana War for a TL ive been working on where there is a much greater Rebellion.

Here's a list of the states for the heck of it:
1.Adirondack (Upstate New York)
5.Connecticut (+ Western Reserve)
7. East Florida
9.Honduras (Belize)
12.Lower Munster
13.Leeward Islands
18.Mosquito Coast
20.New Ireland (PEI)
21.New Hampshire
22.New Jersey
23.New York (Downstate)
24.North Carolina
25.Nova Scotia
29.Rhode Island
30.South Carolina
33.Upper Munster
34. Vermont
36.Virgin Islands
37.Wabanaki (New Brunswick)
38. West Florida
40.Windward Islands
The political dynamics in this US would be fascinating, and I wonder how the Irish language might be viewed by the English-speakers in the Continental states? Hopefully the US would deal with the potato blight better than the British once it comes along (or at the very least not weaponize it against the Irish).

Also, which is Upper Munster and which is Lower Munster? Are you going by North/South, elevation (in which case I think the Southern bit must be Upper Munster), or the course of the River Shannon?

Last thought but I could see tensions with Spain/Mexico rising much sooner here, in which case I wonder how the US will fare. They'll hopefully at least have invested more in the Navy considering all those overseas territories that weren't a factor iotl.
The Balkans and Anatolia in 1500 AD, 56 years after a successful Balkan (Varna) Crusade and subsequently successful Anatolian Crusade.

Varna Crusade - Crusader Victory - 1500 AD 2.png
What happened to Naples?
France has occupied the North and the Kantakouzenoi have landed in the heel of Italy, utilizing resources from their bases in the Western Balkans (as highlighted light blue), with support from the Pope, who's concerned by the thought of French dominance of the entire peninsula (France occupies a large chunk of Northern Italy, however, there is some stirrings of trouble that could be come larger later). France's moves are pretty much historical, as seen by this map:


The Pope is playing both sides in this conflict (preferably , for the Pope, both sides lose and the local nobility rule Southern Italy). Keep in mind that keeping the Eastern Empire on-side, both religiously and geopolitically, is crucial to the Papacy's grand strategy.

The Kantakouzenoi are also nominally supported (actual material support is minimal) by Constantinople, on the proviso that they vacate their holdings in the Western Balkans (which is a major concern for the Imperial Government, though admittedly it's a good problem to have considering where the Empire was 56 years ago), regardless of if they're successful in Italy or not. So the Kantakouzenoi have every reason to succeed here. It's basically do or die for them.

Keep in mind, this will not be a quick war (no 20 minute adventures here, my brothers) and will be covered in three phases over the course of roughly 30 years. The first phase is the French Phase.

The main reason why it will take that long is that everyone is either fighting far from their main bases (the French) or fighting with minimal resources from their home base and dependent on local allies (the Kantakouzenoi). It should be noted that both sides are dealing with the both problems to various degrees. The French are also limited in the amount of men they can supply so far from France and also have to deal with local allies, however, this is a matter of logistics. If the French could figure out how to bring more forces into Southern Italy the Kantakouzenoi would be crushed. The French also have to hold down their Northern Italian holdings as well, so this is a problem that's unlikely to be solved any time soon.

So long as this remains the status quo, it's unlikely that the French will win this conflict.

However, the main source of success for the Kantakouzenoi has been due to their reliance on local nobility. This could cause an issue once the French withdraw from the region...
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I've no idea if I'm making a decent heightmap? This is a segment of an ATLA map btw. I think it looks better than my previous attempts.Something I'm conscious of is that I tend to make maall islands disproportionately tall and detailed in the terrain, which I think I'm correcting for?
I've no idea if I'm making a decent heightmap? This is a segment of an ATLA map btw. I think it looks better than my previous attempts.Something I'm conscious of is that I tend to make maall islands disproportionately tall and detailed in the terrain, which I think I'm correcting for?View attachment 900557
Looks good to me! These islands at least make sense to be relatively tall given they were home to the Southern Air Nomads, plus (iirc) they're shown as having lots of high mountains in the canon maps.

Trying out a different kind of map (and I noticed a mistake, I used my native Ijekavian dialect in the legend where I should have used Ekavian which is standard in Serbia, dominant in Belgrade, and used on the rest of the map. If any Serbian/Serbocroatian/whatever speakers spot that mistake elsewhere in the map, feel free to let me know).

Any feed back especially either on visuals or logistics is appreciated.
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Whats that blue outline in Epirus and Thessaly? Is that tied to Venice? It has borders similar to the empire of Simeon Uroš Nemanjić but his son died before Varna and the state died with him.
It has nothing to do with Venice nor Serbia.
The Kantakouzenoi are also nominally supported (actual material support is minimal) by Constantinople, on the proviso that they vacate their holdings in the Western Balkans
I don't even know what I'm doing. It started out as a "let's redo @B_Munro's very old "Britannia" map (which you kind of find on his DeviantArt page), but when I started North America I decided to try and make it a little fancier than what I originally did. Then it turned into whatever this is. The basic idea is that "British North America" (Canada outline, Britain fill) was basically the Thirteen Colonies eventually consolidated. Though independent on paper, the nation is considerably tied to London even still, hence the 'puppet state' colouring (though the term 'puppet state' to me denotes a situation of oppression, in this case it's rather more voluntary, or rather, 'just the way things are'). The ligher Canadian shades are native states under BNA protection, though that level of protection is rather fluid. The American blue states around the Mississippi watershed are basically trekker states, or Yankeelands, founded by disillusioned American colonials who marched west into French Louisiana (which eventually collapsed into what you're looking at now).

Naturally we also have a large Russian Alaska, independent and considerably more Hispanic Tejas, a greater Mexico, and so on. The Hudson Bay and Northwest Territories are still under direct rule of London as colonies (I'm probably going to end up using a different shade to denote colonial governance; here especially since Newfoundland is part of Britain proper).

Anyway, this is hopefully one of the weirdest-shaped British North America's I've seen. Internal divisions are, broadly, provinces, but there are smaller divisions not represented on the map within each one.

I don't even know what I'm doing. It started out as a "let's redo @B_Munro's very old "Britannia" map (which you kind of find on his DeviantArt page), but when I started North America I decided to try and make it a little fancier than what I originally did. Then it turned into whatever this is. The basic idea is that "British North America" (Canada outline, Britain fill) was basically the Thirteen Colonies eventually consolidated. Though independent on paper, the nation is considerably tied to London even still, hence the 'puppet state' colouring (though the term 'puppet state' to me denotes a situation of oppression, in this case it's rather more voluntary, or rather, 'just the way things are'). The ligher Canadian shades are native states under BNA protection, though that level of protection is rather fluid. The American blue states around the Mississippi watershed are basically trekker states, or Yankeelands, founded by disillusioned American colonials who marched west into French Louisiana (which eventually collapsed into what you're looking at now).

Naturally we also have a large Russian Alaska, independent and considerably more Hispanic Tejas, a greater Mexico, and so on. The Hudson Bay and Northwest Territories are still under direct rule of London as colonies (I'm probably going to end up using a different shade to denote colonial governance; here especially since Newfoundland is part of Britain proper).

Anyway, this is hopefully one of the weirdest-shaped British North America's I've seen. Internal divisions are, broadly, provinces, but there are smaller divisions not represented on the map within each one.

View attachment 901339
I love it, make the Dominion color for the British Empire proper like New Foundland and such.


I don't even know what I'm doing. It started out as a "let's redo @B_Munro's very old "Britannia" map (which you kind of find on his DeviantArt page), but when I started North America I decided to try and make it a little fancier than what I originally did. Then it turned into whatever this is. The basic idea is that "British North America" (Canada outline, Britain fill) was basically the Thirteen Colonies eventually consolidated. Though independent on paper, the nation is considerably tied to London even still, hence the 'puppet state' colouring (though the term 'puppet state' to me denotes a situation of oppression, in this case it's rather more voluntary, or rather, 'just the way things are'). The ligher Canadian shades are native states under BNA protection, though that level of protection is rather fluid. The American blue states around the Mississippi watershed are basically trekker states, or Yankeelands, founded by disillusioned American colonials who marched west into French Louisiana (which eventually collapsed into what you're looking at now).

Naturally we also have a large Russian Alaska, independent and considerably more Hispanic Tejas, a greater Mexico, and so on. The Hudson Bay and Northwest Territories are still under direct rule of London as colonies (I'm probably going to end up using a different shade to denote colonial governance; here especially since Newfoundland is part of Britain proper).

Anyway, this is hopefully one of the weirdest-shaped British North America's I've seen. Internal divisions are, broadly, provinces, but there are smaller divisions not represented on the map within each one.

View attachment 901339
Cool! I feel B_Munro underspecified Europe there
I love it, make the Dominion color for the British Empire proper like New Foundland and such.
I never really liked the 'dominion' colouration. IMO the dominions were virtually completely independent nations, even getting their own separate negotiating seats at the table after both world wars. They followed Britain's lead but that's only natural for fledgling nations. I don't think they need a special representation on a map when simply colouring them independent is just as accurate.
Cool! I feel B_Munro underspecified Europe there
I've done most of Europe:


There are obviously departures from Bruce's version, hence why I can't really say I'm mimicking it as much anymore. I guess it's rather my own spin. For example, in Bruce's version Italy was unified, but here it isn't, and Britain controlled the Flanders portion of Belgium, whereas here the 'Kingdom of Germany' (as he called it, I think 'German Empire' works just fine though) controls all of it. Likewise, Britain also puppetised Denmark and Norway and controlled Pomerania in his version, but I can't help but feel like that's extreme. Instead Britain's territorial extent in Europe is Hanover (with the Free City of Bremen contained within), Calais, Gibraltar, Minorca, Malta, and Cyprus. One thing I did keep was Russia's dominance in the Balkans. I'm also not sure what to do with Prussia. On the hand hand, integrating it into Poland-Lithuania makes sense, but on the other, I don't like how it looks aesthetically. Same conundrum with Courland.