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  1. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VII (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

    One possible way is to use davesredistricting, youd have to do the regions state by state but itd still work, at worst youd have to edit together some border regions in or your other preferred editor
  2. Map Thread XXII

    Idk if im the only one but for some reason your maps arent showing up for me, just so you know
  3. The M-BAM Main Thread

    Thought id let yall know about an M-BAM Borderpool ive started working on, its no where close to done of course but uh yeah
  4. Map Thread XXII

    Pretty sure you messed up the link at the top, right now it goes to a search rather then any specific post
  5. The HEART Development and Core Thread

    Borders on top is the superior way to map
  6. WorldRaj tribute thread

    Oh his latest post he said he was active under a different username, hopefully he continues this stuff under that username at some point. Assuming hes cool with revealing its the same guy of course
  7. Map Thread XXII

    I feel like your questions would be answered if you reread the second page, as the byzantines apparently fell around 300 years after the western romans ITTL with China only making this discovery around 900 years after that
  8. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    It isnt exactly a map but i wanted to share it and didnt know where else to put it. Its a document laying out a proposed new way to organize the united kingdom based around the hoax book Oera Linda, created by a group which follows that book like its a religion called the Daughters of Freya...
  9. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    before Italy became allied he probably had something in his head, Id be suprised if he ever wrote it down though since by the time any of it could've happened Italy was a member of the allies.
  10. The M-BAM Main Thread

    no map project is ever truly dead, if someone wants to bring it back then they are welcome to. I like M-BAM so thank you!
  11. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    Saw this proposal on twitter and thought it would be a cool one to post on here, it's not done by a significantly big figure or anything but i thought it was interesting and unique enough to post here regardless:
  12. Map Thread XXI

    Whats up with that random bit of Anatolia Bulgaria owns?
  13. The M-BAM Main Thread

    Since your posts are colored in im gonna assume you have a full colored m-bam. If im right could you post it please? Noone else has posted one yet
  14. Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    like i said it never even crossed my mind really, just wanted to share a terrible map, next time i guess i could snip out the little meme part because without it its just a bad map
  15. Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    I posted it because it was a terrible map, didnt think there was any chance it would launch any modern politics arguments, plus there isnt a terrible maps thread in the chat
  16. Return of Horrible Educational Maps

    Not educational but needed to post it
  17. The VT-BAM project

    Not in VT-BAM, but this does exist and might help you out:
  18. Map Thread XXI

    Saw this post: And I thought it was a very fun idea so I decided to make an election map outof it! Let me know what yall think!
  19. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    tbh I kinda love this idea, just so random! Its kinda beautiful!
  20. Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    So wait, does the crown of old burgundy refer to a physical crown or like the duchy of Burgundy? If the second one, does that mean Leopold would rule over two territories in Europe, one landlocked the other coastal?