Ana Luciana II
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  • Aluma


  • Hi, been a while since we last talked
    (I think last time was when you still had the other account?)
    So I just wanted to say I still think you are great
  • Ana Luciana II

    Ana Luciana II

  • Update for Selig Sind Die Toten fans - progress is coming along slowly. Work is keeping me crazily busy. On that note my research has hit a bit of a dead end I was wondering if anyone knew of any good sources on Republican China, the Second Sino-Japanese War, and the British Fascist movement?
    Many thanks!
    ~ Ana
  • Pax_Nihil


  • If you have any interest in it, my opinion is that the constituents of Myanmar would be going for a setup somewhat like has been tried and determined but far from implemented in Syria. Like a federation with special status for each constituency if necessary yet otherwise altogether a single country.


  • What was you name of your Draka fanfic before it was deleted?
  • scifilovr

  • Tried to PM you, but for some reason wasn't allowed to.

    I hope everything is going okay with you, I know life got you hard there for a bit. I really enjoyed your Draka story, it was well-deserving of its Turtledove. I don't know if you've been continuing to follow mine, but as you may be aware, it is slowly dying a very ugly and tortuous death.
    scifilovr 2
    I absolutely loved your timeline's portrayal of the Draka in their early days in southern Africa and I know you deleted your story, but I was hoping you might still have your notes or a draft lying around that I could borrow to give some inspiration for my own history. Your PoD was so awesome I'm planning on using it myself.
    Ana Luciana II
    Ana Luciana II 1
    Hi, will ping you a message when I’m back from my holiday, thanks for the support as ever. I’ll probably post Snakedance at a later date, but I want to make some serious additions before I do so. I’d be happy to email you a PDF of the original text!
    It is not dying, its on hiatus :p
  • Ana Luciana II

    Ana Luciana II

  • Update for anyone who's interested: I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Depression. Unfortunately it's been kicking my ass lately and one of the symptoms is incredibly erratic and impulsive actions such as "deleting the alternate history account which is your pride and joy." Anyway, I'm on new medication and I've been opening up to those around me so, here's hoping, this time I'll be here to stay.
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