What if Elihu Root was elected president in 1908?

Taft initially declined to be president, so Teddie picked the US Secretary of State Elihu Root as his successor, Would he have been a better president than Taft?

With his age would he step down and not seek reelection in 1912 ?, Like Hayes did, For the record He was 67 in 1912. 1880 when Hayes retired he was 58.

Without him, Teddie would have been the Nomenie in 1912 and returned to power ?

In a Teddie vs Wilson, Teddie wins.

Your opinions.
For a fine summary of TR's thoughts and options on a possible successor in 1908, see Nathan Miller's biography, Theodore Roosevelt. Tellingly, there's a chapter titled "We Had Better Turn to Taft". In that chapter, Miller notes how Root was TR's first choice--but there were decided problems. First, Root's health was not as good as it might be. Second, and perhaps more disabling, he was identified very closely with Wall Street. That would have made him a tough sell in the western states: not impossible, but definitely not easy. A Root-Bryan election (assuming Bryan would have been the Dems' nominee anyway) would have (IMO) been unnervingly close, but TR's influence probably would have pulled it out for Root.

Another possibility was NY governor Charles Evans Hughes. His policies and credentials were solidly GOP progressive, but he and TR disliked each other, so that was that. Taft was essentially a third choice.

Had the TR/Taft rift not occurred, it might have been possible for the two to come to some sort of off-the-record accord: Taft could say he'd had enough of the presidency after one term and endorse TR; in turn, while making no guarantees (nudge; wink), TR would see what he could do about getting Taft on the Supreme Court. The election of 1912 would really have been about a 2⅓ way election, with Eugene Debs as the ⅓. I don't think it would be a landslide, but I could see TR winning reasonably comfortably: as soon as word got around of Wilson's southern connections/proclivities, that would have been big trouble for him, especially in parts of the US that have monuments to the Union army in public places (e.g., OH, IN, upstate NY).

Then we're in for some very interesting times. Imagine, with his prestige abroad, had TR offered his services to mediate the Austro-Serbian crisis in July 1914...
I don't think much of anything changes in the long run. Every remark Roosevelt made about Taft being a conservative stooge pretty much applied to Root so I imagine he would do the same things Taft did to piss off Teddy, so you'll probably still see him challenge Root in 1912 and then proceed to lose to a Democrat (who may or may not be Wilson). The only major change I could see is Taft becoming Chief Justice a decade early.
One of the biggest issues on Taft is he was a great task manager but hen in charge to make the tasks he was a failure.