The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

I don't know if it would go that far.

It is important to remember that TTL Nazism was an incredible enemy of culture. It didn't just suppress the arts but burned them to ash: the beautiful cultural heritage of so, so many countries were eviscerated because of the easily fragile egos of the Nazis, who couldn't at all stomach defeat. I think that while Germany itself will not have a good reputation, German arts might be held up even more, if only because TTL protection of cultural heritage is going to be taken more seriously. People will still enjoy Beethoven and reading Immanuel Kant for their philosophy classes, and they will still enjoy hamburgers.

I think people will look harder at OTL Germany's history and see many red flags pointing to a society that was uniquely imperialistic and chauvinistic.

1. As stated above, Prussia had an expansionist and nationalist attitude toward the rest of Europe. Frederick the Great seemingly loved to bully Austria just because a woman was in charge.

2. Prussia/Imperial Germany was not especially friendly to its non-German subjects. The French of Alsace-Lorraine, Poles, and Jews were not always treated very nicely. And this isn't getting to the outright genocides committed in its African colonies.

3. Kaiser Wilhelm's behavior could itself be a red flag: he was a belligerent nutcase who alienated the rest of Europe to the point of putting Germany in a war on two fronts, was casually antisemitic, at times praised Hitler for "avenging" German pride, had sexist beliefs on the role of women, and didn't care much for democracy. It's not hard to picture him as a proto-Hitler.

4. Austria's history of antisemitism, from Maria's antipathy toward Jews to Karl Lueger's venomous rhetoric to the point of angering the pro-Jewish Franz Josef. The most disturbing thing about Lueger is that his antisemitism may have been a cynical political calculation: he denounced Jews because that kind of rhetoric was popular among Austrians.

5. Bismarck's opportunistic wars to build his coveted united Germany.

6. Even before Hitler appeared on the national scene, the German army itself was happy to perpetuate the stab-in-the-back myth to discredit democracy and the Jewish Germans out of a sheer inability to accept responsibility for their own bad decisions in WW1.

While yes, these things are not necessarily unique to Germans, ITTL historians will cite them as examples of a country that, for all its good sides, was very much a menace to Europe.
On that note, we could have the trauma caused by the Thirty Years War, with how up to a third of the HRE's population was killed in the war, be cited as the reason why Germany ended up the way it did similar to how people have blamed the Tatar-Mongol Yoke for many of the percieved afflictions and differences from Western Europe that Russia possessed in past centuries or currently has.
On that note, we could have the trauma caused by the Thirty Years War, with how up to a third of the HRE's population was killed in the war, be cited as the reason why Germany ended up the way it did similar to how people have blamed the Tatar-Mongol Yoke for many of the percieved afflictions and differences from Western Europe that Russia possessed in past centuries or currently has.

Oh yeah, I could see a Tatar Yoke/"Eastern Institutioins" thing with Germans ittl.
Maybe the idea of Norman Yoke would get totally reversed and seen as having saved England (and rest of A4) from German Institutions, at least in some fringe circles (like Norman Yoke itself).
On that note, we could have the trauma caused by the Thirty Years War, with how up to a third of the HRE's population was killed in the war, be cited as the reason why Germany ended up the way it did similar to how people have blamed the Tatar-Mongol Yoke for many of the percieved afflictions and differences from Western Europe that Russia possessed in past centuries or currently has.

So basically, the historiography of Prussia/Germany would go something like this: Prussia had to build a massive and well-funded army to defend itself against the European powers treating the German states, but that culture of militarism eventually created a culture of hypermasculinity and jingoism that ultimately culminated in a figure like Adolf Hitler.

I think such historians would also focus on the not-nice behavior of a lot of Prussia/German rulers: Frederick William beheading his son's friend/lover in front of him, Frederick the Great's antagonism toward Austria and partition of Poland, and Kaiser Wilhelm's capricious megalomania to make the argument of Germany's "unique" capacity for madness.

Oh yeah, I could see a Tatar Yoke/"Eastern Institutioins" thing with Germans ittl.
Maybe the idea of Norman Yoke would get totally reversed and seen as having saved England (and rest of A4) from German Institutions, at least in some fringe circles (like Norman Yoke itself).

But wouldn't historians also contextualize that many of Hitler's "inspirations" came from the world around him?

Would people make comparisons between France's subjugation of Algeria, America's legal racial caste system, Belgium's violent looting of its African colonies, and the acceptability of eugenics as a mainstream science? Racism TTL has become even more heavily discredited and so wouldn't people probably study the abuses of racial minorities and how it molded the mind of the Nazis?
So basically, the historiography of Prussia/Germany would go something like this: Prussia had to build a massive and well-funded army to defend itself against the European powers treating the German states, but that culture of militarism eventually created a culture of hypermasculinity and jingoism that ultimately culminated in a figure like Adolf Hitler.

I think such historians would also focus on the not-nice behavior of a lot of Prussia/German rulers: Frederick William beheading his son's friend/lover in front of him, Frederick the Great's antagonism toward Austria and partition of Poland, and Kaiser Wilhelm's capricious megalomania to make the argument of Germany's "unique" capacity for madness.

Very true. And don't forgot Von Bismarck's very authotarian regime which attempted to screw worker class and his anti-Catholic Kulturkampf. Furthermore he waged lot of wars on time when Europe was generally quite peaceful. And yet there is genocides in Namibia.

But wouldn't historians also contextualize that many of Hitler's "inspirations" came from the world around him?

They hardly ignore such thing like "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" created by Okhrana but Hitler would be seen as ultimate result of Prussian militarism and German antisemitism. Antisemitism was already rising before rise of Hitler and kaiser Wilhelm II didn't too liked Jews very much altough probably even he would had hated Holocaust. And even before rise of Prussia there was lot of antisemitism in Germany. Yes, it was norm everywhere. But historians would too point several antisemitist pogroms through Middle Ages speciality during epidemics and famines and Martin Luther's own antisemitic views altough I don't know was he particularly more antisemitist than many other people in 16th century.

Would people make comparisons between France's subjugation of Algeria, America's legal racial caste system, Belgium's violent looting of its African colonies, and the acceptability of eugenics as a mainstream science? Racism TTL has become even more heavily discredited and so wouldn't people probably study the abuses of racial minorities and how it molded the mind of the Nazis?

Probably in some degree but not outright pointing finger their crimes. People are pretty good close their eyes from crimes of other nations.
Very true. And don't forgot Von Bismarck's very authotarian regime which attempted to screw worker class and his anti-Catholic Kulturkampf. Furthermore he waged lot of wars on time when Europe was generally quite peaceful. And yet there is genocides in Namibia.

While many people call Bismarck a brilliant chess master, others have pointed out that his wars of expansion were a reckless ideological campaign that could have had disastrous consequences. An example of this is when Bismarck did get his war against Austria, he apparently had to threaten suicide to get the Prussian King, Wilhelm I, not to brutalize the Austrians too much.

And let's not forget he created a political system that he eventually lost control over once Wilhelm II came to power.

While there are lot of nice things you can say about Bismarck, he was not the invincible chessmaster a lot of people make him out to be.

They hardly ignore such thing like "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" created by Okhrana but Hitler would be seen as ultimate result of Prussian militarism and German antisemitism. Antisemitism was already rising before rise of Hitler and kaiser Wilhelm II didn't too liked Jews very much altough probably even he would had hated Holocaust. And even before rise of Prussia there was lot of antisemitism in Germany. Yes, it was norm everywhere. But historians would too point several antisemitist pogroms through Middle Ages speciality during epidemics and famines and Martin Luther's own antisemitic views altough I don't know was he particularly more antisemitist than many other people in 16th century.

The fact that the German man who wanted to be more Christian than the Catholic Church was also a mouth-foaming antisemite will not leave TTL historians with a good impression of Germany. Even Luther, a man with good intentions, still had horrible instincts and should be a reminder that we should never lionize figures of history.

Probably in some degree but not outright pointing finger their crimes. People are pretty good close their eyes from crimes of other nations.

The problem is that for several generations of people, the image of Germany is a bunch of maniacs committing insane crimes against humanity. While horrors like Jim Crow for America and Indian famines for the British are bad, they pale in comparison to Nazis completely leveling entire cultures.
What you would imaginate? Check OTL Nuremburg trials and you can get some hints. Options:

1. Death by hanging
2. Life sentence
3. Long prison sentence
4. Acquitted

I feel that number one is correct answer.
Number 1 with extreme prejudice. In OTL, Heer generals like Manstein and Spiedel were spared because West Germany needed experienced commanders. Here, it's safe to assume that all Nazis or even Heer generals would be executed by hanging or firing squad. There won't be a "Good Heer" myth.
Number 1 with extreme prejudice. In OTL, Heer generals like Manstein and Spiedel were spared because West Germany needed experienced commanders. Here, it's safe to assume that all Nazis or even Heer generals would be executed by hanging or firing squad. There won't be a "Good Heer" myth.

I wonder what TTL historians would think if they looked at OTL history and saw how so many war criminals got away with being labeled "innocent patriots."
Number 1 with extreme prejudice. In OTL, Heer generals like Manstein and Spiedel were spared because West Germany needed experienced commanders. Here, it's safe to assume that all Nazis or even Heer generals would be executed by hanging or firing squad. There won't be a "Good Heer" myth.

Probably bit depends case by case but indeed there is not "good Wehrmacth" myth. Most generals who have commited serious war crimes and participated to genocides are without any doubt hanged. But some could survive with life sentence or very long prisonment as long as they haven't been participated to worst of crimes. IIRC Rommel got life sentence instead death penalty only because he treated slaves bit betterly than many others. A4 whilst pretty harsh them have too some idea about justice.
I wonder what TTL historians would think if they looked at OTL history and saw how so many war criminals got away with being labeled "innocent patriots."
If a portal to OTL and the ANNW exists, they would shake their heads in disgust. Or the fact how the U.S. and the Allies allowed some war criminals some leniency all in the name of the Cold War with the Soviets. It would show that our world (and yes this is a sad reality) would be willing to let war criminals get away in terms of geopolitical benefits.

In this ATL, more Japanese war criminals were persecuted because there is no Cold War, PRC, and North Korea. So I would imagine the likes of Shiro Ishii, Masonabu Tsuji, and Dr. Hisato Yoshimura would have gotten the noose. In OTL, all three Japanese war criminals escapred justice. Ishii and Yoshimura continued to practice medicine in post-war Japan and Tsuji became a CIA-asset (translation: liability) after he would often play both the U.S. bloc and the Asian communists against each other. It became to the point that Tsuji was described as a "man who would no doubt start WWIII should it benefit him". He was imprisoned by the Chinese communists in 1948 but was alleged to have scored a deal with the CCP to undermine the U.S.-Japan post war alliance and relations. He even ran for politics in 1952 before disappearing into Laos in 1961. It was there he was alleged to have joined the Pathet Lao or became an advisor to the North Vietnamese Army. He was declared dead in 1968 after 7 years of no show. Some say the CIA had him liquidated.
Probably bit depends case by case but indeed there is not "good Wehrmacth" myth. Most generals who have commited serious war crimes and participated to genocides are without any doubt hanged. But some could survive with life sentence or very long prisonment as long as they haven't been participated to worst of crimes. IIRC Rommel got life sentence instead death penalty only because he treated slaves bit betterly than many others. A4 whilst pretty harsh them have too some idea about justice.
As for Rommel, there won't be romanticization of him either. Not sure if he'll still be respect post-war though.
As for Rommel, there won't be romanticization of him either. Not sure if he'll still be respect post-war though.

Probably Rommel is not that famous general as in OTL since no North African campaign. But yes, he is not indeed that lionised as in OTL. Not reason for that.
Probably bit depends case by case but indeed there is not "good Wehrmacth" myth. Most generals who have commited serious war crimes and participated to genocides are without any doubt hanged. But some could survive with life sentence or very long prisonment as long as they haven't been participated to worst of crimes. IIRC Rommel got life sentence instead death penalty only because he treated slaves bit betterly than many others. A4 whilst pretty harsh them have too some idea about justice.

If a portal to OTL and the ANNW exists, they would shake their heads in disgust. Or the fact how the U.S. and the Allies allowed some war criminals some leniency all in the name of the Cold War with the Soviets. It would show that our world (and yes this is a sad reality) would be willing to let war criminals get away in terms of geopolitical benefits.

In this ATL, more Japanese war criminals were persecuted because there is no Cold War, PRC, and North Korea. So I would imagine the likes of Shiro Ishii, Masonabu Tsuji, and Dr. Hisato Yoshimura would have gotten the noose. In OTL, all three Japanese war criminals escapred justice. Ishii and Yoshimura continued to practice medicine in post-war Japan and Tsuji became a CIA-asset (translation: liability) after he would often play both the U.S. bloc and the Asian communists against each other. It became to the point that Tsuji was described as a "man who would no doubt start WWIII should it benefit him". He was imprisoned by the Chinese communists in 1948 but was alleged to have scored a deal with the CCP to undermine the U.S.-Japan post war alliance and relations. He even ran for politics in 1952 before disappearing into Laos in 1961. It was there he was alleged to have joined the Pathet Lao or became an advisor to the North Vietnamese Army. He was declared dead in 1968 after 7 years of no show. Some say the CIA had him liquidated.
As for Rommel, there won't be romanticization of him either. Not sure if he'll still be respect post-war though.
Probably Rommel is not that famous general as in OTL since no North African campaign. But yes, he is not indeed that lionised as in OTL. Not reason for that.

The issue with the AANW is this: Nazism was a twelve-year threat that was wiped out with a (relatively) happy ending for some. It was a horror that lasted a generation and left deep scars on the world that will never heal. From little Billy Johnson from Wichita, whose uncle died in combat in 1959, to the millions of Russians who never got to be born, no part of the world was left unscathed.

Perhaps the Wehrmacht's loyalty to the nation and devotion to combat would almost be admirable under far different circumstances. Worthy opponents is quite true to a lot of history.

But the Wehrmacht victory, in this case, had disastrous consequences for humanity, and many of those good generals happily took part in the plunder and massacre of millions of people, took part in jingoistic oppression, took part in slave labor, and took part in keeping the war going for way too long.

The average Wehrmacht's soldier's "bravery" comes across as painfully tragic since the once-beloved traditions of duty and nationalism became tools for PURE EVIL. Even more so than we do, people TTL will wonder how otherwise noble people could be participants in such barbarity.

OTL, the average psychologist who interviews war criminals, was disturbed by how...normal they were. A lot of them didn't help with mental disorders. They were manipulated into just...not caring about anything but their country. TTL, it must be an even more soul-crushing experience to interview a soldier who trashed Paris and see that he's a perfectly normal person who could've had a beer.
The issue with the AANW is this: Nazism was a twelve-year threat that was wiped out with a (relatively) happy ending for some. It was a horror that lasted a generation and left deep scars on the world that will never heal. From little Billy Johnson from Wichita, whose uncle died in combat in 1959, to the millions of Russians who never got to be born, no part of the world was left unscathed.

Perhaps the Wehrmacht's loyalty to the nation and devotion to combat would almost be admirable under far different circumstances. Worthy opponents is quite true to a lot of history.

But the Wehrmacht victory, in this case, had disastrous consequences for humanity, and many of those good generals happily took part in the plunder and massacre of millions of people, took part in jingoistic oppression, took part in slave labor, and took part in keeping the war going for way too long.

The average Wehrmacht's soldier's "bravery" comes across as painfully tragic since the once-beloved traditions of duty and nationalism became tools for PURE EVIL. Even more so than we do, people TTL will wonder how otherwise noble people could be participants in such barbarity.

OTL, the average psychologist who interviews war criminals, was disturbed by how...normal they were. A lot of them didn't help with mental disorders. They were manipulated into just...not caring about anything but their country. TTL, it must be an even more soul-crushing experience to interview a soldier who trashed Paris and see that he's a perfectly normal person who could've had a beer.
This makes me wonder how many surviving Heer and Wehrmacht regretted their actions?

I mean there were soldiers and officers who were loyal to Germany rather than the cause of Nazism, but the line between the two is very blurred.

I'm sure there were soldiers who did not want to raze Paris to the ground, seeing the city as a cultural icon of western liberalism and intellect.
This makes me wonder how many surviving Heer and Wehrmacht regretted their actions?

I mean there were soldiers and officers who were loyal to Germany rather than the cause of Nazism, but the line between the two is very blurred.

I'm sure there were soldiers who did not want to raze Paris to the ground, seeing the city as a cultural icon of western liberalism and intellect.

The sad truth about history was said by ol' Uncle Addie himself: if you win, you don't have to explain, and if you lose, you're not there to explain.

The simple fact is that if the Nazis had achieved a victory in World War 2, almost all the German soldiers would've bought the propaganda. If your country manages to fight off all of Europe and crush the largest contiguous landmass in the world, you might think there is something to this Nazi ideology.

I'm sure the German soldier might have regrets, but if he gets to live on a massive estate in the city formerly known as Warsaw with hundreds of Slavic serfs to his farming, his regrets won't be that strong.

Most Germans OTL weren't upset about the atrocities, but more that they lost for the second time and while the postwar German prosperity mitigated those hard feelings, it wasn't until the 1960s and 1970s that Germans showed genuine regret.

TTL Germans, even when their government did objectively idiotic things like punch America unprovoked, still went along with their government. Yes, there was more than a bit of coercion, but even when their standards of living collapsed, there wasn't some mass revolution to topple the Nazis. The Allies had to give up a ton of blood to get rid of them.

I'm guessing older people who remembered a time before Hitler, like Adenauer and Von Papen, might have some regrets about what went down.

And "loyalty to country and not party" is, and should be seen, as a really shitty excuse for atrocities. Lee justified joining the Confederacy along those lines as did Reginald Dyer when he massacred those poor Indian protestors. As harsh as the occupation and division of Germany may seem to us, the fact is that the German people did little to resist the Nazis, and so the A4 will conclude that there is something deeply broken within Germans.

And again, the Nazis are an example of how poisonous the concepts of nationalism and loyalty to state can be: it turns your country into a cult and where there is no other purpose than serving the cult leader.

As one person said, the worst slaveowners are the kindest ones, and so a "nice" German officer who tolerates his fellow soldiers' crimes is the worst one of all.
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This makes me wonder how many surviving Heer and Wehrmacht regretted their actions?

I mean there were soldiers and officers who were loyal to Germany rather than the cause of Nazism, but the line between the two is very blurred.

I'm sure there were soldiers who did not want to raze Paris to the ground, seeing the city as a cultural icon of western liberalism and intellect.

Probably not many. Keep in mind that lot of heer remember only just Hitler and nazi propaganda and even older officers remembered only vaguely Kaiser and very well failed and doomed Weimar democracy. It just was good ground to get propaganda through. Furthermore nazis ITTL were really succesful so they were certain that nazi propaganda was true. Many officers too got lot of personal benefit like nice mansion with tens or hundreds of slaves in occupied East and were like pre-ACW Southern white elite. And taking how badly Germany was damaged and yet destroyed as nation after WW2 surviving veterans probably saw that they were fighting for "right cause".

Yes, surely some veterans on their elder days begun to think otherwise and see some actions of nazis were wrong and did mistakes but generally even they probably saw lot of "good things" were happening.
Yeah. People have nto indeed any good saying from Germany. Just wondering how people are seeing German/Austrian classical composers like Beethoven, Bach or Mozart.

And another thing what I have wondered would people change names on things where is some German name like would German shepherd (dog breed) or hamburger (food) change their names.

I feel like Austrian/Hapsburg Germany would be elevated by some as the better/ cleaner alternative, with its more pluralistic, decentralized minority friendly system (Yes I know its not that clean)
Probably not many. Keep in mind that lot of heer remember only just Hitler and nazi propaganda and even older officers remembered only vaguely Kaiser and very well failed and doomed Weimar democracy. It just was good ground to get propaganda through. Furthermore nazis ITTL were really succesful so they were certain that nazi propaganda was true. Many officers too got lot of personal benefit like nice mansion with tens or hundreds of slaves in occupied East and were like pre-ACW Southern white elite. And taking how badly Germany was damaged and yet destroyed as nation after WW2 surviving veterans probably saw that they were fighting for "right cause".

Yes, surely some veterans on their elder days begun to think otherwise and see some actions of nazis were wrong and did mistakes but generally even they probably saw lot of "good things" were happening.
I feel like Austrian/Hapsburg Germany would be elevated by some as the better/ cleaner alternative, with its more pluralistic, decentralized minority friendly system (Yes I know its not that clean)

I think the age old question of "why the Germans supported such evil" will remain a puzzle for centuries to come.
I feel like Austrian/Hapsburg Germany would be elevated by some as the better/ cleaner alternative, with its more pluralistic, decentralized minority friendly system (Yes I know its not that clean)

Habsburgs could are indeed seen as good alternative for Prussianism. Historically Prussia and Austria have been long-timed enemies who fought each others many times in 18th and 19th centuries. And generally at least since mid-19th century Habsburgs were generally more tolerant than Prussians. Furthermore Habsburgs were too pretty anti-nazi in OTL. The dynasty of course wasn't flawless but probably even ITTL they are seen better than Prussians. But I don't know how for Austria is seen ITTL. Would it be seen as victim of nazis like in OTL or just deeply German nation who has same status as other German statelets?

Other option would be Wittelsbach. They too were pretty anti-nazi.

I think the age old question of "why the Germans supported such evil" will remain a puzzle for centuries to come.

It will be similar eternal topic of discussion as OTL discussion about reasons for Russian tends towards authotarianism and militarism.
Habsburgs could are indeed seen as good alternative for Prussianism. Historically Prussia and Austria have been long-timed enemies who fought each others many times in 18th and 19th centuries. And generally at least since mid-19th century Habsburgs were generally more tolerant than Prussians. Furthermore Habsburgs were too pretty anti-nazi in OTL. The dynasty of course wasn't flawless but probably even ITTL they are seen better than Prussians. But I don't know how for Austria is seen ITTL. Would it be seen as victim of nazis like in OTL or just deeply German nation who has same status as other German statelets?

Other option would be Wittelsbach. They too were pretty anti-nazi.

One definite positive of the Hapsburgs was their eventual acceptance of Jews as equal citizens. I know that Franz Joseph was repulsed by anti-semitism and despite his Catholic zeal, was appalled at the Pope for abducting Edgardo Montarra. I wonder if AH stories where the Hapsburgs survived would be common since this would be a Central European Empire that wasn't batshit bloodthirsty.

Will Austrians, in a bid to separate themselves from their past support of Pan-Germanism, adopt a Hapsburg identity? Would Austrians go so far as to put the Hapsburg back on the throne, or is that too pie in the sky?
Will Austrians, in a bid to separate themselves from their past support of Pan-Germanism, adopt a Hapsburg identity? Would Austrians go so far as to put the Hapsburg back on the throne, or is that too pie in the sky?

I doubt that anyone would go that far. Such thing would need support of Americans and historically they have been always very republican. And by 2024 monarchist movement is probably too weak to getting restoration forward.

But Hungary might be another thing but even that seems really unlikely.