rms olympic

  1. PrinceHenry_of_Rheinsberg

    Disaster Averted (Titanic Lives) On Hiatus
    Threadmarks: Night of Near Tragedy (1912)

    April 14, 1912 The weather was becoming more frigid, causing breath to appear as mist as the crew and passengers alike braced themselves for another cold evening as a part of the last couple days on their journey. As the sun descended into the sea and stars took its place, passengers alike made...
  2. WI RMS Olympic sunk in Halifax explosion 1917

    On December 1, 1917 OTL, RMS Olympic departed Halifax and missed the explosion by five days. Let's say a mechanical problem delays her in Halifax for five days and the explosion destroys her + 6000 troops. All three of White Star Line's great but cursed ships are sunk. (Titanic-iceberg...