margaret of anjou

  1. Henry VI of England and Margaret of Anjou have a daughter

    Lets say in 1454, Henry and Margaret have a daughter named Catherine of England, a year after the birth of their first child, Edward of Lancaster. Can Catherine be married off for an alliance to ensure that the Lancaster's remain on the throne of England? (Wild-card for Edward IV who will not...
  2. The Pale and the Purple Rose
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    The pale and the purple rose, That after cost so many blows When English Barons fought, A prize so dearly bought By the fam’d worthies of that shire, Still best by sword and shield defended were. - Thomas D'Urfey @VVD0D95 @isabella @RedKing @eliamartin65 @Dragonboy @The_Most_Happy @Rose’s...
  3. A different Queen Elizabeth of England

    What if Warwick‘s first rebellion failed and so the Readeption of Henry VI never happened? And then Edward IV had bad luck with his sons and so Elizabeth remained her father’s heiress presumptive marrying eventually Edward of Lancaster?
  4. RedKing

    WI: Henry VI had quadruplet daughters?

    Inspired by the Tiny Tudors/Petite Plantagenets trope, the POD here is that in 1453, Margaret of Anjou gives birth to quadruplet daughters. Let’s call them (in order of birth) Katherine, Margaret, Blanche and Elizabeth. Who would they marry? Obviously, Somerset and York are going to compete for...
  5. SunZi

    The Bull and the Roses: TL of a Lancastrian victory at Barnet

    The Bull and the Roses Timeline of a Lancastrian victory at Barnet On 14 April 1471, the Battle of Barnet took place between the Lancastrians, led by the Earl of Warwick against the Yorkists, led by King Edward IV. Resulting in the defeat of the supporters of Henry VI, and the death of...
  6. Disaster at Ponza, half-baked TL

    Sorry everyone-as I'm not good as writer, especially in foreign language, this TL would remain quite dry and not very detailed. It is not the first time I'm touching that PoD, as it has big potential to change course of history, but is rarely used. This TL starts to diverge from our in August...
  7. RedKing

    Triumph of the Red Rose: A Wars of the Roses Timeline
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Wait, I thought you were doing a timeline about Richard III? I was, but a combination of writer's block (an unholy demon, it should be mentioned) and loss of interest has sadly slayed that project. Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to that project, I did have a good few ideas for that...
  8. Alternate Wars of the Roses, in which a Lancastrian still reigns on the throne?

    BEDFORD LANCASTRIANS This branch of the Lancastrians descended from John of Gloucester, 1st Duke of Bedford. A talented military commander and administrator, he also served as Regent of France during the reign of Henry VI. His happy marriage with Anne of Burgundy resulted in only one child...
  9. The last Plantagenet (1445-1595)
    Threadmarks: 1. The Madness of King Henry.

    1. The Madness of King Henry. At an early age Henry had demonstrated a tendency to be easily influenced by 'unsuitable' people and to be wilful. For this reason, in 1432, Richard Beauchamp, 13th Earl of Warwick requested that, "[Since the king] has been distracted by some from his learning...
  10. WI: Edward of Westminster and Edward IV Switched Personalities?

    Just as the title says, this plays around with the idea that the son of Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou, Edward of Westminster (b. 1453), has Edward IV's personality whereas Richard, 3rd Duke of York and Cecily Neville's son, Edward, Earl of March/Edward IV (b. 1442), has Edward of Westminster's...
  11. HRH Cecily

    Lancastrian Victory - Planning Thread

    I have to reread and read more about the major players before I start a timeline but I wanted to solicit some advice and input specifically on how a successful Lancastrian regime in the 1470s would deal with the messy issue of rewarding followers and punishing dissidents. [Even more input...
  12. WI: A Sane Henry VI of England

    Everyone knows that Henry VI's reign saw the rise of the house of York and the start of the Wars of the Roses. Unfortunately, Henry suffered from a tenuous mental equilibrium that he had inherited through his French mother. This meant that periods where the king was "unwell" occasioned the...