irish nationalism

  1. Could the Great Irish Famine be handled better?

    The Great Famine was one of the (if not the) worst catastrophes to ever hit Ireland. The enormity of the death toll and the emigration that followed meant that, even today, the Irish population today (counting both the Republic and NI) is still smaller than what it was before the famine. So...
  2. WI: 1917 Kaiser Wilhelm Executed, Germany breaks into 4 Kingdoms

    I'm currently working on a timeline beginning in 1917 going until World War II. Our point of divergence is March of 1917. After 3 years of the most brutal conflict in the history of man, the German people decided they had enough. Seeing that things were not going their way and that a positive...
  3. Why didn't Britain execute IRA members for treason in the 1970s and 1980s?

    Until 1998, treason was an hanging offense in Britain, and although IRA member were convicted for murder and various violent offense, none was indicted for Treason even though some lawyers might argue they were waging war against the Queen in her realm, as Mssrs Justice Donaldson and Bridge...