howard dean 2004

  1. Oliveia

    All the Way to Washington: Howard Dean and the Fight to Take Back America
    Threadmarks: Title Card & Introduction

    ALL THE WAY TO WASHINGTON: Howard Dean and the Fight to Take Back America On this day, 20 years ago, former Governor Howard Dean of Vermont let out a loud cry in an Iowa concession speech. This is where the story starts and ends for most people. The “I have a scream” speech, it was called at...
  2. JimmyCarter1980

    Who would've Howard Dean picked as his VP, had he won the nomination in 2004?

    Hey folks. I'd really like to write up a Howard Dean scenario, or even make a silly wikibox. But I'm a bit stumped on who he would've picked as his VP. Gephardt seemed the obvious choice at first, but they argued a fair amount during the primaries and sort of attract the same voter. Is Edwards...