high middle ages

  1. Catherine the Average

    Tales of the Iron Crown - Italy without the Feudal Anarchy
    Threadmarks: 894-898: Lambert's early rule

    Few figures left behind a grand or even honourable legacy in that time of troubles known as the feudal anarchy, which engulfed Italy as the Carolingian Empire burst into flames unseen since the fall of the first Rome. Not long after the deposition of Charles III, the man whose idleness had...
  2. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Have the Byzantines Adopt Plate Armor

    The Byzantines were quite famous for using lamellar armor which was a type of armor that used sets of smaller plates fitted together atop a type of padding. What would it take for the Byzantines to adopt Western Style plate armor, or even make their own versions? How would this affect the...
  3. TheWitheredStriker

    WI: King Mindaugas of Lithuania isn't assassinated in 1263?

    Surprisingly, not a single thread about this PoD seems to have existed anywhere on the foum prior to this. Guess there's a first time for everything. Anyway, while Lithuania was mostly ruled by Grand Dukes, there was actually one crowned King of Lithuania, sanctioned by the Pope: Mindaugas...
  4. WI : The Islamic world industrialized in the Middle Ages

    First of all, how could such a thing happen and when exactly? (Most probably occurring in cordoba or Bagdad) Secondly, how would it spread and what sectors would it immediately affect? (Will the spread of industrialization be slow or crazy fast in the Islamic world?) Finally, what would be its...
  5. Simone nel Pozzo

    870 - A Marriage to end the Schism

    What if, contemporarily to the ecumenical council of 870 in Constantinople, Ermengarde of Italy and Constantine of Byzantium formalized their marriage and created a solid bond between the kingdom of Italy and the Eastern Romans? This would pacify the orthodox extremists who claimed Charlemagne...
  6. What if America was founded in the High Middle Ages?

    Exactly what the title says. What do you think would happen if America got discovered by the Europeans in the middle ages? Or if you want a more specific date, around the 11th or 13th Century. Who would find America? How would they react? What happens next? How is history affected going onward?
  7. WI: Philippa of Clarence, Lionel of Antwerp's only child was born male?

    Considering that that she was the daughter and only child of Lionel Plantagenet, Duke of Clarance and that her marriage with Edmund Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March was the catalyst that'll spark the War of the Roses a century later. Not to mentioned that Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York made...
  8. GauchoBadger

    WI: Italy breaks off from the HRE in the early 11th century?

    The medieval Holy Roman Empire was noteworthy for its disputes and feudal strife. Of particular notice was the position of Italy in the empire, which was always tenuous to say the least. In the early decades of the 11th century, the HRE was ridden with succession crises after the childless death...
  9. What if a notation was adopted by, let's say the persians in the 6th century ?

    What would be the effects on the science, if Al-Khawarizmi, instead of writing his Algebra in sentences, used symbols to describe what he demonstrated ? What if the idea of functions and their graph spread in the high middle age ? How would affect science and its history ? P-S : I don't say that...
  10. GauchoBadger

    WI: Charlemagne dies at Roncevaux Pass (778)

    So, basically, assume that not only is the Frankish baggage train massacred and looted at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass in 778 AD, but that the commander of the Franks, King Charles I (never to be known by his epithet ITTL), dies at the hands of the Basques in the ambush. The Song of Roland ends...
  11. AHC: Hundred Years' War between England and Holy Roman Empire

    What changes would be needed for the the Hundred Years' War to be fought between England and the HRE, instead of England and France? Could English kings fight a a hundred year long intermittent war over their claims to the Holy Roman Empire, instead of to the Kingdom of France? For a full...
  12. GauchoBadger

    WI: Carantanians in Italy?

    What if the Carantanians had managed to defeat the Lombards sometime around the 8th century, and occupy Northern Italy? Perhaps all the way to Mantua, to keep it more or less realistic... How would the Carantanian state develop from there on in, in terms of: -Language and culture? -Foreign...
  13. SealTheRealDeal

    WI: Condemnations of 1210-1277 Stick?

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condemnations_of_1210–1277 So what if peripatetic physics was permanently kicked to to the curb in the High Middle Ages? How could that effect the future trajectory of history and science?
  14. GauchoBadger

    PC/WI: a lasting Qarmatian state

    Is it possible for the Qarmatian state in Arabia, which lasted from the late 9th till the late 10th centuries, to linger for a bit longer? From what i can discern of them, they were an apocalyptic, very radical Shia Muslim sect, who were bent on avenging Ali's death no matter the cost. Their...
  15. AHC: Hohenstaufen dynasty rules italy but looses control over Germany

    Could the Hohenstaufens win control over the whole italian peninsula but loose Germany leading to an empire with only Italy as part of it and an independent kingdom of Germany?